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The Extras for Men and Boys
The Extras For Men and Boys

Here’s the fun part: the underwears. Actually it’s really not that fun, but it is pretty important, so please read this. You’re going to have some decisions to make on this. I’m gonna recommend a lot of stuff to you, but it’s up to you to make the decision. A lot of this stuff might not be terribly important if you’re just making this costume for fun and don’t want to spend very much money, but please read anyway.

First of all, you’re probably going to want to buy you’re underwear flesh-colored. That way, if it does show through, people won’t know that they’re looking at your underwear. Second of all, you may want to use a body liner. But this is not terribly necessary.

As for the underwear, you may want to go with a thong. That’s what the professional performers wear, and for good reason. If you wear regular underwear and you do a lot of moving, like perhaps you’re dancing in your costume, you’re bound to get your knickers in a twist. (in other words, a wedgie) That’s not good. You’ll go around trying to pick your underwear out of your bum, which doesn’t exactly make you look great. Second of all, if your underwear gets bunched up, it’s bound to show through. With thong underwear, once you get used to it, you’re going to give up on picking your bum, because you can’t pull the thong out. But of course, it takes some getting used to. I recommend the thong underwear, but it’s up to you.

Then there’s the family jewels that need protection, if you know what I mean. You also don’t want great detail to show down there. That’s why I recommend the dance belt, which is basically the dancer’s jock strap. It smoothes out the area and provides some protection, just in case some unfortunate accident should occur. This will also take some getting used to, at least as far as I know. Being female, I don’t need to worry too much about that, but you guys do, so you might want to consider it. But again, the decision’s all yours.

Well, I think that’s all. Please keep this stuff in mind, because you may need some of this stuff. It may give you a better costume, and provide greater comfort. But remember, these are just suggestions and recommendations. The decision’s up to you.