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Linda Tubbs Bell and her Husband: The Captain!

Linda & Two of the Tennessee Five! Katie & Heather!

Linda & Specialscots Endless Love(Jade)!

Linda & Ch. Specialscots Boldest Moment(Ridge)!

Ranger Pup!

LBell's Satin n Cinder,CD,CDX,CGC!

Specialscots Story

"A faithful friend is a source of strength, and he who has found such has truly found a treasure."

I don't even know who said it, but it has been my motto for four-footed and two-footed friends for over fifteen years. I bought my first Scottish Terrier in 1989 upon the death of our thirteen year old Dachshund. I've always loved the breed and "LBell's Satin n Cinder,CD,CDX.CGC" or Cinder has been the love of my life everysince--She's done everything I've ever asked of her--and was the TOP Scottie in Obedience in the U.S. for two years!!! Retired from the showring now, she is still actively entertaining in school assembly programs, Church and Bible schools, and she has helped with badges for both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts! She'll be twelve on February 29th, and I pray she lives to be 100! I've been an employment counselor for the State of Tennessee for 28 years, and I'm very active in showing (conformation), and in church functions. As advertising and publicity chairman for the Scottish Terrier Club of America, I have met a lot of fanciers of the breed and have made lots of friends. I am presently vice president of the Jackson Tennessee Dog Fanciers Association, and I have been married to Larry (in law enforcement) for over 25 years. He loves the dogs like I do, and he is the best kennel worker I've ever had! He's very supportive of all my doggie endeavors--even the recent fostering of the Tennessee Five (more on that on Dougals Fund Web page). He even helped to whelp the singleton pup born within three hours of the girls arrival! This rescue and fostering have been quite an experience, but I have to say that it has indeed been worth all the work, tears, etc. As a breeder of Scottish Terriers, I am very aware of my responcibilities as to the betterment of the breed, but as a lover of al canines, I know that I must do my part to make life better for the ones that I can help--even if it is one at a time.

Linda Tubbs Bell, Specialscots Kennels

"A faithful friend is a source of strength, and he who has found such has found a treasure."

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