Welcome to My House

To see the most awesome thing ever made by anyone ever, get off your computer and look out the window.
To see my weblog, click here.

"These are a few of my favorite things. Lalala la, lalala la, lalala lala..."
  1. Check out SwoopShirts, my new online apparel store!!
  2. My "Dis-the-French" page
  3. Off-Color Jokes
  4. The soon-to-be-gone cars page.....
  5. Rockstars
  6. Links to other, better sites
  7. TheFiles
  8. Go deep into the forest...
  9. My Talent Page!
  10. My Quizzes!

All pictures are assumed copyrighted and subsequently stolen. If the owner(s) and/or operator(s) of a site containing these pictures have a problem with this, let me know at my email address.