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Postcardz from the VoiD

...from partz of tha city u wont see unless u live here... he woke up, from where he was lyin still, n said
i gotta do somethin...bout where i'm goin~
step on a train...get outta this pourin rain...
n run from the ÐÅRKNESS -

to stand STiLL.

desire or will?
inspiration bound from an elegant seed.

i can offer u a hand to help u hold the Dagger
...a perfect Jewel for our perfect End is a contradiction;
thrive on manipulation~
fight just to hold on to what i believe.

i know the tears u cry at nite alone
i've cried those tears a million times
those shallow empty songz bout suicide r patronizing
u gotta learn to face your ph33rz...

i'm caught in a Ðream~
mannnn... u dunno what i'm goin thru...
i'm stuck in between...
so i'll jus' play along wit u

"..smell THIS, ba-baaaay..."

..cuffed in the room with the 2-way glass,
narcs in my face, cold doggin my ass
"your date of birth?" "your real name?"
stick to your alias, u know the Game...
u know it by heart, dude, you're too clever
"U ever been arrested before?"
n u answer: "nope, never..."

\'meth-e-,dðn\: a synthetic addictive narcotic drug C21H27NO used the form of its hydrochloride for the relief ºf PAIN and as a substitute narcotic in the treatment of heroin addiction__called also amidone...

to next pg:
next: "the Tor†ure Never S†øps"
