... this image from Trevor Brown...

this is the 'Handbook' the States Atty n Domestic Violence Court
give u in the state of Illinois. It basically says:
'you are phucked, and we can't help you but
we will pretend to.'

<~~~~this is the book
they should give u:
"Rose Madder, by Stephen King"...
altho supposedly a fictional story~
it makes u wonder if King was,
in a past life, a victim of domestic violence himself.
this is my version of the bookcover. (some idiot sent me a headless naked pic of himself-- so i essentially gave him a head)

this is you, once again, when you get home...
because you tried to save your own life...

There's no reason you have to live this way, no matter what you think. I am living proof.
There're ways to escape this life, but you gotta do it on your own. Battered womens' shelters may be temp help...but in the end, it's YOU that has to take the first giant step. And I DO know that it's way hard.
Don't be discouraged by those women at shelters who've never suffered physical, mental or any type of abuse or domestic violence in any way. They may work there n supposedly for YOU - but they dont know jack... not really. You'll see right thru 'em. Their "knowledge" comes from books- not from EXPERIENCE.
That's why I've volunteered at battered womens' shelters, but I've seen too many women return to that so-called "life"...
(yeah... even i did a few times...)
You don't have to.
You may not think so, but there ARE ways to make it on your own...
If you WANT to help yourself, you may email me and I'll send info. I can't print addresses or phone #s here for the safety of women presently living in the shelters.
Help yourself... and if u have them - do it for your kids if nothing else. Otherwise - it'll just go on til the day they bury you.

History repeats itself...
i didn't learn, i wouldn't listen~
i couldn't see the books were on the shelf
for my concern and never missed 'em...
i do not WANT, i do not FEEL
i wont find anything that's real -

"Even if the marriage wasn't magic, the divorce can be"- from Marie Laveau's House ºf Voodoo

Next: Iron Horses- the ChromeZone

(if u need it, my email addy is on other pgs in this site)