The following are images used as illustrations for the "ßloodlust" series of stories by Amber Justice©, website, "Acidlines."
All illustrations are depictions of characters and scenes from and evoked by these stories.
These are modern day vampire stories along the lines of "ßlade", and are quite good reading. You can link to the stories via the images below.

This is Eve, the half vampire - who the Bloodlust series is based on.


Her mask lies in a fatal dawn
Closed were the eyes of the Sun ~ he sleeps
and in the name of her Father
She will Kill...
My Child Kills.
~ Moonspell

My depiction of Lorelei from "First Blood", the first in "The ßloodlust Series"...


Meet Eric - from "Bloodlust", second in the Bloodlust Series wont forget him.

This is Brian; read about him in "Bitter Blood" ~ click on his pic. He is from the third story in the series.

My rendition of Alex, who is mentioned in "First Blood", but who comes to realization in "Blood and Orchids"~ which this image will link you to. This is the fourth story in the series...

More renderings to come ...

Email: re: drawings re: stories Subject line should read "ßloodlust"

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