
This site is based on the reality that is/was my life; shown through my art, music, writing, etc.. Topics include streetlife, prison life, drug addiction, domestic abuse and other miscellaneous items. I've taken my experiences, looked at 'em from all vantage points, learned a lesson from all~ hence I have no regrets, am stronger and wiser for it ...

If you aren't prepared to stomach what follows or cannot view this site with an open mind, I suggest you return to your sheltered world - NOW ... this site is NOT for YOU.

lol~ "you can't handle the TRUTH ..."

~ and don't let your browser crash on the way out.

Also, regarding this site...

85% of the content of this site
is made up of my own artwork; including backgrounds,
unless otherwise specified.
Copyright kb.© or ReignInHell©, some things: 1994-whenever...
n may not be used without written consent from
artist/author/s (some music co-written).

Only a handful of people'll be able to see into my Void, as opposed to just viewing ÐÅRKNESS...

Email me for any copyright info...thanx

If u see something on this site that belongs to YOU, n have not received props due u, kindly inform me so I can give credit where credit is due.


¤Thanx to the following for things that helped me create this site:
ASCAP, I. Anderson, Black Sabbath, M. Bonnell, T. Brown, R. Flores (Krome), V. Furnier, Harley-Davidson, Heffernan, J. Hetfield, G. LaRose, Life ºf Agony, J. Luke (miss u much), Moonspell, R. "Rott" Moore, J. Napolitano (much inspiration), M. Ness, V. Parker, S. Perry, G. Revell, Stabbing Westward, I.A. Solano (NIN), D. Sparks, H.Thompson (TTV), Tha Reaper

David, (Skull Heaven) for being so cool 'n giving me a major help here.
Lady Betty, ( Betty's Horror Domain) for tremendous help and patience with me (hehe) in the making of this site.
Amber, ( AcidLines) for help - and tolerating me in my efforts to finally get this site to where it is - after/during the making of many, many previous sites -lol.
Thanx, all three of you!

linx to the sites also on my ßannerLinx pg ... visit them - they're worth it!

(follow Route666 to view site pg by pg or use the "ßack" button on each pg to choose pgs randomly)

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