Last Update: 8/13/99

You are the person to come here since we reopened our site on 7/14/99

Welcome to the PlayStation Knights!! The wildest and zaniest (is zany the word I wanna use?) team of heroes in the universe!! The PlayStation Knights fight for anime, manga, and RPGs!! In their way is the diabolical transvestite Hermie, his evil clone girls, Vesta, Jade, and Snake Woman!!

If you have any questions, you can post at our message board or you can e-mail me. If you want to join, then go and fill out the application.

First, lemme tell you a little bit about our history. We originally opened on October 24, 1998 as the Final Fantasy VII Sim Club (actually, the club was founded before then, but that's a whole other story). The club is run by me, the VP, and the High Council. We became the PlayStation Knights when a lot of the members wanted sims OTHER than FF7. So I thought about it, we had a poll, and everyone agreed that PlayStation Knights should be our new name. However, before our one year anniversary, all our sims fell through, so we decided to just be an insane RPG club. Okay, I'm done rambling now. SO GET OUTTA HERE!!!

-Thor, Founder and President
-Gen, Vice-President
-StacIE, Queen (or so she thinks...)

The Important People

The following is a list of the most important people in the club. While everyone is important to us, these are the guys who stand out the most.

Thor: The Founder and President. Without him, there would be no Knights!!
Quote: "Kiss my grits, bitch!!"

Gen: The Vice-President. His split personality is Hermie. He has a weakness for cupcakes.
Quote: "GAH!!"

StacIE: Member of the High Council who is the MOST insane person in the club!! In fact, we were all pretty normal before she came along. She also has a wide range of personalities.
Quote: "Death to all who oppose!!"

Sam: Or Sam the Man as he wants to be called (sorry Sam, it'll never happen). He's a member of the High Council, and he's like the Barry White of the Knights (or so he thinks).
Quote: "DAMN THE MAN!!"

Cloud: Joe's lackey.
Quote: "Anyone not here?"

Strider: The former VP who didn't do anything (hey. it's the truth).
Quote: "......."

Shvolden: Besides StacIE, she's the only female in the club who takes an active role. However, unlike StacIE, she's sane (or so she claims). After seeing what we're really like, she attempted to bury herself alive, but got bored and ate a sandwhich.
Quote: "What? Oh."

Joe: Former member of the High Council (and of the club). He also had a whole shitload of crappy ideas. He's a wrestling freak, and Hermie's father!!
Quote: "Damn, Zack rules."

Hermie: A simple newbie joke on Gen spawned a being we never dreamt of--HERMIE!! Now, Hermie constantly tries to overthrow the Knights from his Tower of Doom, but has been foiled time and time again.
Quote: "HAG!!"

StacEY, StacI, & StacY: The Stac** clones who work for Hermie!! StacEY is the redheaded leader of the group, who is loud and bossy. StacI is the black haired quiet one who's more classy and realistic. And StacY is the blonde, perverted clone.
StacEY: "HEY!! I'm the leader here!"
StacI: "This is SOOOOOO stupid!!"
StacY: "Gen... I want your body..."

Mr. Spanky: Thor's trusty, sleek, black cane. He used it when he was injured, now uses it as a weapon.

Bessie: Thor's trusty shotgun which fires elephant tranquilizers used to keep StacIE in line.

Mega-Bessie: The ULTIMATE weapon!! Mega-Bessie can fire nukes as well as tranquilizers and just plain bullets.

Lara Croft & Sara Pezzini: Gen's women. He frequently calls them up in chat rooms and they cuddle him.
Quote: "Oh Gen, you're SOOOOO cute!!"

Alley Baggett: Thor's woman. Hey, the VP gets to have TWO, so I think I'm entitled to one.
Quote: "Oh Thor, you're SOOOOO cute!!"

Snake Woman: Another of StacIE's personalities. Snake Woman appears in StacIE's dreams. Snake Woman can't die for some odd reason.
Quote: "Gyahahahaha!!!"

Cait: One of Gen's many characters, Cait is the only one in the club more annoying than the StacIE clones. EVERYONE hates him.
Quote: "Cupcakes anyone?"

Yuffie: One of StacIE's many personalities, Yuffie somehow gained sentience and occasionally posseses StacIE or attacks her. Everyone but Cait hates her.

Orgy: Since Thor has Alley, and Gen has Sara & Lara, then StacIE has all of Orgy as her guys!! Gen especially hates Jay Gordon.
Jay: "I'm not a rock star, I'm a rock bright light!"
Ryan: "You're not allowed to look like a normal person in Orgy."
Amir: "Girls trip out over all the shit [makeup] we have."
Paige: "People are people man. If they're into us, we're into them."
Bobby: "They're called boxer briefs."

Jay & Silent Bob: The two refugees from Kevin Smith's movies and comic books have broken into the Knights!! They sometimes show up to kill someone, smoke a bowel, or just to bust a move.
Jay: "Snootchie bootchies!!"
Silent Bob: "......."

Jade: Shvolden's evil side, she wears leather and has little tiny Asian men with spears. She's very torturous!!
Quote: "Torture indeed!!"

Haunaka: A member of Shvolden's club who is like a clone of Joe. His only purpose is to run in, shout "SUCK IT!!" then get killed by something.
Quote: "SUCK IT!!"

Supcake: In a chat room, Gen mispelled cupcake and we made fun of his bad spelling. Now, the Supcake has come back with a vengence!!
Quote: "Sup?"

N'Sync: They appear sometimes in the chat and are usually killed off.

Cait Sith V: The future version of Cait Sith created for the Mega-Time sim. He appears and kills N'Sync.
Quote: "Mmmm.....blood...."

Vesta: Hermie's mother who had a brief fling with Joe. She tried to take over Hermie's operations after escaping from the home Hermie put her in, but she failed.

MB: Our old message board which we've been neglecting for our Yahoo! board.
Quote: "You SHOULD be sorry!!"

Evil Band Frontmen: The Evil Band Frontmen are evil clones of band frontmen. They're led by Evil Shirley Manson and Evil Jay Gordon.

Lackey B: Hermie's lackey.
Quote: "Shoot me."

Transvesto-Comp 3000: Hermie's computer.

Doom: Doom is a diabolical villian who talks in the third person, and blames Reed Richards for everything.
Quote: "This is Richards' fault!! RICHARDS!!"

Sephiroth & Vincent: These two try to ruin the Furthur Adventures of Cait Sith and Yuffie.
Sephiroth: This should be OUR show!!
Vincent: .....

Todd McFarlene & Spawn: Todd McFarlene appears occasionally with his most-famous creation, Spawn. Everyone hates them. Except for StacIE, because McFarlene worked with KoRn.
Todd McFarlene: "I rule."
Spawn: "Spawn is my slave name."

Team Schmuck: Jessie and Biggs from Final Fantasy VII comprise this team of losers know as Team Schmuck. Their weapons consist of pencils.
Jessie: Biggs! They are immune to our power! We must flee!
Biggs: It hurts...

Team Psycho: Gen and StacIE make up Team Psycho!!


These are various quotes said by our members in chat rooms. You'll notice that most of them are of me, Gen, and StacIE. Ahh well.

The Quotes

And don't forget my


Here are the many adventures of the Knights as they continue to battle Hermie, Snake Woman, Joe, Vesta and Jade.

Thor's Paranoia: Thor stumbles upon some codes and tells StacIE about it, but he'll be even more surprised whem he heard her reaction.
Hermie's First Plot: Hermie attempts his first plot by trying to destroy *gasp* Japan!!
The Chicken Ray: Hermie uses a Chicken Ray to make the Knights think that StacIE is a chicken and try and roast her for the next Thanksgiving!!
The Alley Bot: Alley Baggett is revealed to be a Fembot created by Hermie!!
Gen's Birthday: It's Gen's birthday, but no one knows. Now, he's sitting in front of the building in the snow, singing to himself. *sniff*
Jade's Torture: Shvolden is dragged away by tiny Asian men and Jade appears to torture the Knights!!
StacIE, It's A Wonderful Life!: When StacIE hears she's replaceable, she attempts to jump off a bridge, but Snake Woman appears and shows her what would happen if she was never born.
Hermie Impersonates Gen: With Gen returning from Michigan, Hermie attempts to impersonate him (and badly)in order to gain control of the Knights!!
A Birthday Gift From Hermie: After countless failed plots, Hermie lets the Stac** clones take a shot at overthrowing the Knights by combining their powers and possesing StacIE!! And on Thor's birthday no less!!

Well, those are all the RPGs for now. Check back often for more adventures of the Knights!!

Also, make sure to vote for us in the Square Top 100 site!!

This PlayStation Knights site owned by Dino Pollard.

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This club is the property of Thor Productions. If you try to steal this club's name, then my lawyers will come over to your house and kick your ass. Seriously. They're very mean lawyers. In fact, I hear that Satan kicked them out of Hell because they were so mean.