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MrSands Place <center><table border bgcolor="505050" width="400"><tdbgcolor="black" absheight="30" align=center><font color="magenta"><blackface><limittext value="BUG ALERT(RELOAD PAGE)"></font></TD></TABLE></CENTER>

"I started with nothing and still have most of it left"

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Please reload this page cause i'm always changing it....heck reload all my pages LOL...i just can't leave things alone for a minute.LOL

Hi and welcome to my page
Wipe your feet off and stay awhile

If you need to know me better than go Here

My Page Credits

Please make some time to go and visit this site.
And maybe you could help find a missing child.

A Tribute to a great man

My Dad

Please don't go to the Love Shack

~(HTML? What the heck is that?)~ ~(The Love Shack)~

~(OMG ALIENS)~ ~(Robot match maker)~

~(Lots Of Sex)~ ~(Worm Care)~

~(Insult Yourself)~ ~(Me and My Rat)~

~(Me and My Rat with Tweety)~ ~(Want to Jog?)~

~(For my Friends)~ ~(Inside MrSand)~

~(MrChat)~ ~(Halloween Story)~

~(MMMMM Turkey)~ ~(Christmas Story)~

~(WARNING)~ ~(Web Bug Help)~

~(Y2K Help)~ ~(Happy New Year)~

~(OMG IT's OVER!!)~ ~(Treasure Hunt)~

Here's some gossip that i've been eager to share...but don't tell anyone...."shhhhh"


This is about a woman that does robot and statue imitations and i think its neat.

The living doll

Meet my Pikachu "Slappy"
And as you can see he can't dance.

Click HERE to get your own Pikachu!

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

If the first book gives you a problem
Try book #2
And if this book messes up mail me
And i'll put on the guest book butt kicking bunny slippers

Sign My GuestbookGuestb
ook by GuestWorldView My Guestbook

Strange Breed's weekly cartoon


As of 12/28/99
I've made my personal page with multi languages.
Just scroll down and click on ( About Me )
Page 2 of ( About me ) has some work pics of me taken about a month or two ago.
Have fun and enjoy your stay here.

Home My Old Home My Wifes Home My Photo Album
My Friends Home Angel's IRC MrSands IRC Banner Exchange
Webrings Award Form My Search Page My Awards
Tools Page 1 Graphics Tools Page 2 Tools Page 3 Tools Page 4
Tools Page 5 Tools Page 6 Tools Page 7 My Webtv Help Links
About Me MrSands Book Store EMPTY EMPTY

