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Me! Me! Me!

Hey.. that'z me! I think I look cute in that pic!

Well, well, well.. you wanna know more about me. Oki.. let*s see, where to start??

Oki, well my name is Raychel Ann Lucchesi (pronounced LooKaySee) and I*m CURRENTLY living in a town about 25 minutes north of Chicago, called Vernon Hillz. This town sux, don*t ever move here. I*m 18 yearz old, and I*m going on about 4 or 5. Hehe. I go to Libertville HS, and I'm a senior. I*m graduating early cuz I pimp all my teacherz out n shit. (They totally wanna be like me) ...

First off, I was born in Park Ridge, Illinois, at Luthern General Hospital on August 30th, 1981. Yeah, that was a GREAT day for all, so don*t go and deny it. From there, I moved about 500 times, and ended up where I am today. Kool, huh?

Uhm.. well.. that*s about it for my background history.. I mean, I live with my mom, dad, dog and cat. We're a really dysfunctional family.

Anyway, I guess you wanna know about my interests or sumthin? Welp.. read on.

Well, I*m a little raver gurl. I*ve been going to parties for about 2 yearz now. To me, partiez are a whole different thing then they are to some of you. I know what they're all about cuz I*ve been going for a long time. I won*t get into it in this section tho, I*ll put a link up if you really give a shit on how I feel, which you must likely don*t so I*ll just shutup about that.

It's true.. I think sk8r boyz are adorable! Hehe.

I listen to most kindz of muzik. My favorite TYPES of music is Drum n Bass and Hardcore. My favorite DJ's are Phantom 45, Snuggles, Casper, Rob Gee, Danny the Wildchild, 3D, Huggie, Freaky Flow, Odie, Delta 9, and Lenny Dee.

This is me in the olden dayz, heh.. 2 years ago. All the pix I have are hella old. I've grown up a lot since these 2 pix.. I just wanted to give you SOMEWHAT of an idea of what I look like so yer not TOTALLY left in the dark.