My 2nd No Cerveza, NoTrabajo Movie Encounter

One time I was spending the night at 2 of my friend's house and I brought No Cerveza, No Trabajo with me for them to watch. Well, we were getting ready to watch it and one of my friends told her mom like, "We're gonna watch the Sugar Ray movie!" So her mom came in there and wanted to watch it too! So I was like, "Shite!" So I turned it on and like most moms, she just didn't like the music. So then, when Stan's profile came up you should've seen the look on her face! When the part with the blow-up doll came up she made me turn it off. I don't think her daughters even knew what a blow-up doll was and we were 13! That was too weird. I think she let me fast forward it to the "Fly," "Every Morning," and "Someday" videos...I don't really remember.

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