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Criteria to Join:

  • Sites do not have to be animal-related, but they should be "family-safe". Sites depicting any type of hate, abuse, or pornography are not admitted.

  • Sites that promote declawing or are against spay/neuter are not admitted.

  • Sites created by breeders or sites which promote breeding are not admitted.

  • Sites which promote the selling of animals, puppy mills or catteries are not admitted.

  • WebMistress has the right to deny anyone at any time for any reason!!

Think You're Ready to Join?
  • Save graphic below to your hard drive
    Do not link to my server, if you do you'll be deleted from the ring!

  • Fill out the application form, the html code will then be sent to you, make sure you insert your site id #
  • If you have frames, please let me know this, so I do not search and search for your ring.
  • The code has to be placed on your site within 7 days!
  • After you have the code on your website email me at

      Application Form
      Make sure that you add the url to where the ring fragment will be!!

      Here is what your ring fragment should look like on your page:

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      The Nuzzled Network