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*****Wildcherry's Homepage*****

**My Favorite Sites**

**A ROSE **
**Forever Love **
*Under The Moonlight Is Where I'll Be**
** always and forever **
** Keeeper of the Stars **
** Make Love To You**
** HEARTS **
** My_Angels & Friends **

This page was dedicated to a very special man in my life.We are no longer together ...but I did not have it within my heart to delete something that was such a joy I keep it and all the beautiful memories that go with it...And I hope that whoever views this page will find someone who will mean as much to them as this man did to me and be able to feel the passion and love I felt for so many years .... He made me smile..laugh..and cry..but most of all he made me the happiest woman on this earth..for such a very long time.Times together weren't always good ...but I can look back and remember now the ones that were . It isn't often in one's life, that they find a person that inspires them as he did me. He was the stars within my eyes, dancing in the moonlight. The sun in my sky as I awoke from sleep. The smile on my face as I started my day. To me..he was the "light of my life"... My best friend...My Lover...My Life...All I can say now is... Thank You...for always being there for me. Thank You ...for guiding me to being all that I could be... May we have many years of friendship and sharing parts of our lives together... and may our hearts always beat as one....I ask that God guide you in all that you do...Keep you safe and strong in Faith and Love...and always shower you with his blessings everyday!!!!! May you find Happiness..Love ..and Contentment ..But most of all strength within yourself...Keep smiling as if you had no cares in the world ...GO Forward with love in your heart ..And Remember all The good times in your life ..Make each day a better tomorrow and never stop dreaming !!!!!I know within my heart the Love I feel for you will always be there.Sometimes to find out how much you Love a person...they have to be taken away from you as you have.Then you realize it's too late and the pain becomes a knife digging into your heart.We wish ..we hope we..try to fight for that love again...Knowing we will never get it back...yet wanting to make it more than it was and better ....Someday maybe those paths will open up for us again.Maybe we both will see the light and follow it's brightness.Time heals and we never know.But today I can honestly say .I LOVE YOU and will till the end of time..

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