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The Happy Nomad's Art Page

The Happy Nomad's campouts

Inn of the Drunken Temple Knight
The Happy Nomad's Final Fantasy Tactics Art
About the Goddess of Ivalice
How to Win an award from The Goddess of Ivalice and Terry Bogard, her boyfriend... ^_~
Who is the Beautiful Nomad anyway?
The most feared man in Ivalice... Fair warning, he is in the Inn of the Drunken Temple Knight
The Beautiful Nomad's second lover, Fox Reynard
The God of Aestheticism's many forms vote
Hellcop/Wanderlust crossover. Not yaoi but still kicks ass. A lot of references.
The Highway, links to other great pages
Virgo #13
Too Much Time in Our Hands Productions Webring Logos
Bishonen-Girl's Little Piece of the Web- a partner in crime's site

This in the home to many people and ideas. I am the Beautiful Nomad, or the God of Aestheticism
I, myself am not the leader of it all. talk to the goddess of Ivalice. There's new faces added to the list including a Kitsune male I have been bonded with by fate. His name is Fox Reynard, he kills for the sake of survival of the Kitsune.
Then there's Angus the Red. I can calm his storm, give me time.

Be forewarned, the wanderlust must not be taken for granted for the consequences of theft can be devastating
Disclaimer: Delanthis, the beautiful nomad is a trademark of Too Much Time on My Hands Productions, if you want to use the idea, e-mail Diane, the webmistress. Beowulf Kadmus is a Squaresoft character, not mine. Charlie Nash is a trademark of Capcom. Angus the Red is the Property of Dreamsmith Studios and Kurtis Stryker, Midway property.

This The Bishounen Underground Webring is owned by The Beautiful Nomad.
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This Singh Long Assassin Ring is owned by The Beautiful Nomad
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This Boy's Heaven Yaoi Webring is owned by The Beautiful Nomad
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This The Kitsune Lover's Webring site is owned by The Beautiful Nomad
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This I LOVE YOU, WULFIE-BOY! Lovers of Beowulf Kadmus webring site owned by The Beautiful Nomad.
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