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H onda E nthusiasts A gainst R icer T rash

I am in no way shape or form responsable for falling off cahirs, shortness of breath due to laughter, or any other injury related in any way to the material which you are about to see.

Anything on this page that is submitted by someone other
than me, I list it under there name,
unless otherwise stated. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Here we have Ricer #1 .... talk about an identity crisis Geo Prizm, yes, that's right... Prizm.

RICER #1 --- Geo Prizm
These pictures were taken behind a bowling alley in the Western suburbs of Chicago. The car you see is a 90's Geo Prizm that is advertised as being a Corolla. I had seen this car many times before, and so this time I brought N2oInferno and a camera. The kid that owns this car is a dumb ass. These pictures were actually taken somewhere between 2 and 3 years ago. The last I heard about this car, was that it blew a cylinder or something similar to that, so I just laughed. NOW, on with the story. As far as I remember, it was Saturday morning in the fall, (because I was in the fall bowling league at this bowling alley.) After I had finished bowling, we went to leave, and saw that the car was there. So I got out the camera and made N2oInferno take the pictures. I made him take the pictures, because I am cursed, and any kinds of pictures that I take usually come out looking like crap. Long story and 2 crappy rolls of film from the Chicago Auto Show the year before this. So after we had taken the pictures and put the camera away, this kid pulls up in an ugly ass red MR2. There were even more stickers on the MR2 than on the Corolla. We started talking to the kid and he said that they were on some sort of Team or Crew or some bullshit like that. He also said that the kid with the Prizm, "did good for the money that he had." At this point, I was trying so hard not to laugh I thought I was gonna piss in my pants. The kid with the MR2 was telling us how he was going to sell the MR2 to his girlfriend, and buy a Subaru Impreza WRX in a few months. This was 2 or 3 years ago, so it wasn't even out yet for another year, and also, still to this day, I see that kid driving around in the MR2, but no WRX. HAHA. Well, the kid with the Prizm came out of the bowling alley, and around to the parking lot (Parking lot is behind the alley.) while they were standing by their cars talking we got into N2O's Mustang, (shown in the picture) and he did a HUGE ASS burnout. It was funny as hell.

The next Rice here is a product that I found in the June 2002 issue of Sport Compact Car.

RICE #2 --- Aluminum Vader Style Wing
Now, is this really necessary, a triple fucking wing? Well, in the RICE world, this wing adds between 125 HP & 150 HP. I am more than willing to bet that no one reading this right now even needs more than the factory spoiler for downforce, unless your car is a race car. And for looks, this doesn't even LOOK good, yet it will still be purchased. I am thinking that a lot of ricers are going to have this wing by the time next New Years rolls around. This wing would be fine for a race car, not for street, but for a damn F1 car. (DID YOU KNOW?! F1 cars generate enough downforce at top-speed to drive upside down? TRUE!) Why do these companies even come out with this shit?

Ricer #3 was submitted by Hypnosisracing.

RICER #3 --- Mitsubishi Eclipse
The words of Hypnosis himself explain it better than I can....

"I have no clue what the fuck this is all about, i can
only imagine its some sort of gang, but to be honest,
its ricey as fuck :)

Friend took the pic, early evening a couple of weeks
back, why oh why would you do this to a perfectly good
import :P"

Ricer #4 was submitted by NJCivic2000.

RICER #4 --- Dodge Neon
Don't let the the fact that this is a domestic car fool you. One of the few domestic cars, that is still actually assembled IN America. It is still up to par with any steriotypical RICE car.

More Ricers to come.... check back later

You can e-mail me at
if you have any feedback, or if you wish to submit any stories and pics..
put HEART as the subject line or the message may be deleted.

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Last updated 11/14/02 10:15AM