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A Tribute to My Best Friend- Dos Equis de Montanas (Ickis)

Memorable times with my friend:

NEWS FLASH! Ickis now has a new page with his Long lost BROTHER, Xumi!

My beastie hard at work:-)
Ickis is my best friend. When I first saw him, he was kinda ratty looking. He was a lot darker than he is now, and he needed a shoeing but he was so friendly- he just seemed to click with me right away. The Livingstons of Sweetwater Paso Finos had been caring for him, and they were wonderful people. Their trainers even saddled my new beast up and took me on a ride! I couldn't be more thrilled with shelling out my college fund for a horse:-) They had Ickis's sire, Impetuoso del Ocho at the time, so I could see a resemblance between my new son, and Impetuoso. Ickis was basically just like him, only smaller. He was the sweetest animal in the world to me, so we brought him home to Illinois, all the way from Dallas, Texas. Now that he has gotten quite a grass belly, has pretty good hooves, his vaccinations, and his coat brushed daily, he knows that he is ABSOLUTELY SPOILED ROTTEN! He simply has to cock an ear sideways, and the discussion is over, his wish granted. He's also proven to be multi-talented, much to everyone's (but not my) surprise. His past owners had only shown him as a fino horse (aka very expensive, very useless for any real riding), but he loves saddleseat, dressage, and even jumping and trail! He's all I ever wanted in a horse, and I'm very thankful our paths crossed. He's been my shoulder to cry on, a study partner (knows more algebra than I do), and a partner in crime!

Download Ickis over fences here!
I love to share stories about man's REAL best friend, So that means I'd love to hear stories about your horses, too! Please check out Ickis's papers too, and sign my guestbook!

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Must see links for the horse lover

My Horse Photo Showcase (always under construction, always updating)
THE Ickis-exclusive Photo Album
Whose page is better? My boyfriend's or mine?
My other Ickis shrine
My Bio
What is a Paso Fino?
Coming soon- a Paso Megasite:-)
Something or other. Heck, had to fill this last space:-)
