Tiff's Homepage

Tiff's Page Is Under Construction! (And probably will be until the end of time...)

Hi! Welcome to my homepage! Geez, how long had it been since I updated this thing? I thought I was all cool and important when I first coded it...but that was almost seven years ago. How time flies. Now the whole planet has a webpage...

Some stuff about me, in case you are curious...well, I grew up in Downers Grove, which is a suburb of Chicago. (And for those of five or six of you who have actually read that idiotic book called "Downers Grove" by Michael Hornberg, please know the town is nothing like the way he portrayed it!) When my dad sold our house last October, I bought a condo one town over in Woodridge. I'm currently 22. In '99 I graduated from Downers Grove South High School. Yay Mustangs! I then got a degree in Finance (with a minor in accounting) from DePaul University in Chicago. And what did I decide to do with this fine degree you ask? Well, much to my parents shagrin, I continue to work the same job I've had since this page's creation. I'm a shipping girl. From September '97 to January '02 I worked at the local Mail Boxes Etc, until my boss really aggrevated me and I quit. For six and a half months I did the unemployed thing - sleeping til noon, eating cereal in my pj's while watching crap daytime talk shows, which was grand. Then the boredom kicked in. That, coupled with dwindling funds, made me seize the local paper one morning in late July, declaring, "I will find a job today!" Scanning the ads, I found one that described exactly what I was looking for. And I just about fell over whrn I realized that said ad was for another MBE. Prior experience got me in the door more or less overnight, and two years and a name change later (the parent company, UPS, gave franchisees the option of a name change and 95% of MBE's are now known as The UPS Store) I'm the manager, a position which suits me just fine. The store I'm at is at 1163 East Ogden Avenue in Naperville, if you are curious...

Other stuff:
I'm a die-hard fan of the Chicago Cubs. (Mark my words - this is the year!)
I collect stuffed penguins.
I like the outdoors.
Thunderstorms are awesome.
I hate Chicago winters.
I used to hate Valentine's Day...that opinion is currently being reevaluted.
Coffee is good.
Alcohol is better.
Coffee with alcohol in it..woo!
I went on a cruise once. I'm now addicted.
My living room looks like an ad for Homemakers furniture.
My kitchen looks like I never eat.
My bedroom looks like a thirteen year old lives in it.
My bathroom is themed with dolphins.
I'm really shy until you get to know me. Then I don't shut up!

Coming Soon: Pictures!

Ah, he had to show me up. Want to see a real webpage? Check out my older brother's. He even went so far as to purchase the domain name. Jump to: Ron Barthelt.com

This Page Was Initially Created On March 15, 1997.

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Last Updated: February 29, 2004 at 7:20 PM CST