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Joe Maccarone (& Cheese) Page

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Updated May 15th, 2000---
The editors of The Corner would like to commend Joe for not signing the Lead Referendum (the Sequel). This action alone shows signs of improvement in his thinking. Hopefully with a few more positive actions like the current one and he might get off our bad side.

Updated December 20th, 1999---
This space STILL intentionally left blank as Joe has not done ONE thing good worth reporting yet.
Anyone surprised? Didn't think so!

Update June 22nd, 1999---
The editors of The Corner would like to thank the nice people of BOS for showing us the error of our ways, Joe Macarone (& Cheese) is not an AGC, he is a V.P. at Large as was first reported here. According to the May 1999 edition of The Messenger, Maccarone (& Cheese) participated in pension plan discussions just prior to our new "agreement". He then assisted with negotiations from there on. Did The Corner miss something? What the hell was he participating in? We have no pension!!! What the hell did he contribute other than 200 votes from BOS? We have no idea! But a little math shows that he is currently receiving $298.86 per vote annually for those 200 people in BOS. We think it was good business sense on his part.

The editors of The Corner would like to congratulate Joe Maccarone on his new position within the Union. Joe will receive approximately $59,772 for delivering the votes from Fleet Service in BOS. That begs the question.... Will any FSA in BOS get their moneys worth from Joe? The Corner will keep an eyes on this situation and will advise of any further developements.