Grace's Rants and Raves


Grace is short for Graciela. I was born and raised in Chicago, IL. I'm 18 (19 on Nov 8) I'm a sophomore at Roosevelt University I live on campus. I work at my school filing records. But that doesn't pay the bills! Right now I'm looking for a new job. I have a boyfriend and his name is Ricky Martin! His a singer you may have heard of him! While he's on tour though I see a guy named Julian.

Maria is ranting and raving


Well I was at a Super Crown that was right by my school. Their was this fine guy by the young adult stuff. So I walked over he picked up a book and he was heading for the check out I grabbed the closest book to me so I could stand behind him. Anyway it turned out to be SVHSY and I was hooked!

Someone asks "Uh Grace What is ranting and raving?"
Glad you asked. They are my shouts and sometimes screams at some of the goofy happenings in Sweet Valley.
I rant I rave I move on....

So anyway on with the rants
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Tia is a BackStabber
Have I mentioned how annoyed & angry i am that Tia is going to have feelings for Conner! What is wrong with her first she cheats on Angel with Trent. Than she says she doesn't even want to think of guys. Has Tia lost her mind? I swear if Tia & conner end up together I will stop reading Senior Year. (okay i'll read it but I won't like it!)

Jessica is giving me a headache!
Is anyone else annoyed with Jessica! I'm sick of her flip flopping already! in On My Own she was ridiculous. She had feelings for Jeremy when she was with him. she was still in denial about Will & when she was with Evan she tried to force herself into feeling something for him.
Personally i'm glad she's taking a break from guys. it's give me.... I mean her a chance to catch her breath...
Okay let's be realistic in As If I Care she probably going to want Will, Jeremy, or Evan!

The ride is getting me sick...
Conner's moodiness is getting really old really fast as he would say.
It's starting to get on my nerves already. Why can't he just open up to Liz? No instead he acts all clingy. Conner is like a rollar coster & frankly the ups and downs are getting me sick.

Another One bites the Dust
So Trent is gone now. Just like that. I guess we won't see him again. So now Jeremy, Eillen, Todd, Enid Winston etc are all MIA. *sigh* are they going to keep doing this. Will everyone just last a few books than just disappear?

Carol & mike Brady they ain't!
Okay, I'm sorry but parents in Sweet Valley are dysfunctional let's review shall we...
Ken's dad ignores him for some woman. Maria's parents ignore her for her sister. Angel;s dad is unforgiving. Liz and Jessica's parents are confused. I am still waiting for Liz to be punished for her rebel days. Megahn's dad cares more about his gf than her. conner mom is an alcoholic. Andy's parents let him have parties, invite guys to use his pool at all hours and don't care about his grades? Melissa's mom treats her like crap.
I mean these parents should all get counselling may be than there kids won't do dumb things. Apparently the only ones with normal parents are Tia & Will... & look how they turned out!
One is a Jerk & One is a Back Stabber!

Andy needs to buy a clue
Andy is headed for trouble. I could almost hear the ominous music playing in the background. I mean he doesn't feel the same way about Six than she does about him. If he hurts her I wonder what her big manly brother will do to him?

Melissa buys Will's clothes
Will , Will , Will... It seems that with every book I read I am more convinced of his stupidity. Jessica said Melissa dressed Will in pastels.
(LOL) Oh Mylanta! What kinda guy let's himself be dressed by Melissa? So Will isn't only a jerk & stupid 7 whipped but he also can't dress himself. As Hank Hill would say "That boy ain't right!"

And Before I say Good bye!
Sorry about being late on my updates guys but my search for a job continues! At the rate I'm going I'm going to be saying "Do you want fries with that?" very soon! *sigh*


Spoilers(these are totally made up by me. If they happen I'll be shocked!)

The parents in Sweet Valley form a support group to try to help there kids out.

Disney buys the rights from Andy on the Dracula movie. Starring Cynthia & Brittany daniel as the voices of Tibby & Fibby.

Elizabeth & Conner go out but Liz has to go to work. Liz asks him if he wants her to stay with him he tells her to just go. When he picks her up he asks "Why did you leave" Liz sighs & says "Make up your mind already!"

Melissa lays out Will's clothes for the week & puts special tags on them that say Monday, Tuesday... Will looks at the clothes & is so confused that he has to call melissa so she can explain

Till next time or next book I'm Grace! Don't take me to seriously I never do!

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