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About This Book
Jessica's jealous. Why would Jeremy spend so much time with Jade?
And he's walking around like he's in love with her. He's supposed to love Jessica. Did he forget that?

About This Book
Conner's not happy. His friends are freaked out about the way he handles his life and are trying to help him. But Conner's not interested in what his friends have to say. He can handle things, just like he always has.
About This Book
Melissa can't believe this is happening. She and Will had plans. They had a future. They had everything. And now it's gone forever.
About This Book
What Ken had before: Maria.

What Ken has now: The starting quarterback position; girls falling all over him; athletic glory; girls begging to dance with him at parties; scholarship offers for schools three thousand miles away; girls throwing their phone numbers at him. Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls . . . Oh, and Maria.

Is she the only one who sees a problem?

About This Book
Jade never wanted a boyfriend. She's all about freedom, excitement, the unknown.

She's definitely not about getting hurt.

But she's messed all that up. Big time. She's fallen for Jeremy Aames. Hard. And now the not-getting-hurt thing is out the window.

About This Book
Once again Elizabeth's life is a mess.

It's like everyone around her has gone crazy. Deranged. Totally insane. There's only one stable thing in her life right now.

And his name is Evan Plummer.

About This Book
Jeremy's never been one for drama.

But that's all his life has been about lately.

Jessica, Jade, Jade, Jessica, neither, both, neither. . . . It's time for him to make a choice.

Unfortunately, when he does, the REAL drama is going to start.