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Berry's Patch/Wicked's World


Please Be Patient With Me It's Still Under Construction Slowly, Because my life keeps falling in around my ears!!!

I go by Berry in the chats cuz I'm shaped like one, and I love everything about them. For those that know me as WickedWomyn, it's because I am just that. Not quite evil..only wicked...LOL I am 33, have 2 children Johno 10, and Jazzy 7. I had another daughter Jessie, she was 5 weeks old when she died of SIDS. She is and was my sweet angel that touched my heart for such a short time. My kids are the sunshine of my life. Even when they run in muddy and all just to give me hugs and kisses, I still can't get enough of them! I thank God for them, each of them. Without my kids, my world would be empty. We live in Corn Fields, USA aka Effingham, Illinois. Nothing to do here but watch the corn grow, paint dry and meet new people. Once in a while we have cow-tipping contests. For those who never have done that, you don't know what you're missing..we do...*L* All that know me, know I chat too much, flirt too much, and watch too many kids. That doesn't include the cyber-kids in the zone or the other chats I go to.

I have met many people on earth that touch my life for one reason or another. Sometimes it's only for a short time but teach me a lesson and move on. Some are in my life for a long time and I slowly learn life's lessons from them. Then there are a few people that I want in my life forever and always. Those people are the ones that I have the hardest time telling them that I want them to STAY in my life. Even if it is only to be my friend or I to be a support person to them. Life is too short !!!!!! Starting today, December 13, 2000 I am vowing to take the time and tell the special people in my life just how special they are to me.

I've met many people in chat and I don't even want to try to keep them all straight or unstraight. LOL But each person I chat with brings a smile to my life..usually. LOL

There are several people that I would like to thank for making me what I am today..which to some of you, who knows what that is...I would like to thank Bev for teaching me many lessons in love and life..I would like to thank my best friend DI for always being there even when I didn't think I needed anyone around to hold my head above water...Karen, Jason, Jason, and Lisa for being true friends eventually..LOL..and I would like to thank my GRAN..If she never would have believed in me, I wouldn't still be walking this earth today..but I am thanks to her and the love I had from her. Thanks Memaw for EVERYTHING!!!.....Thanks goes out IVY..without her being a friend, I wouldn't have been here for the rest of the year..thanks friend, for saving my life! *HUGS*

I have met many people that come through the chatroom doors, many people that go right back through them. I take hold of a very few of them and hold onto them even after the net is long gone. These few will be my friends with or without a phoneline attaching us. I will be there in a pinch for them as I know they would be there (and have been) for me. If you ever see Tazzy, Iyzdup, Sarivett, MrsMedic, or my buddy Donnie...let them know you've seen their name in print and they deserve extra *HUGS* :) Love ya!!!! You're very sweet and honest people and deserve the best, no matter what the world thinks!!! :)

Dede and Sanny..are ya happy??? I linked it and even the same day you asked..*L*..You owe me girls! I owe you two alot..but most of all I owe you thanks for letting me be me even if it's making mistakes. I know that love conquers all and truth will triumph over everything. *HUGS* to you both! :)

All my friends, old and new..*HUGS* to ya and try to behave. As if you really could! Don't forget to sign the book! Or I will haunt you forever! LMAO

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