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Erin's Cool Web Page

Hey! My name is Erin Campbell and I'm a 19 from the small town of Mt. Vernon, IL. I'll say hi to my friends, Emily, Michelle, Alaina, Sarah, Micah, Ashley, Christy, Josh C., Justin, Kellen, Josh N, Blake, Andrew, Jonny, Stephanie, Kaelin, and everyone else in MTV! Anyway, If you don't know me, then I play tennis, and I LOVE to snow ski. My favorite music groups are Dave Matthews, Stroke 9, Counting Crows, 2Pac, Sarah McLachlan, and a lot more. If you have ICQ my # is 5281354. I'm on there a lot! Before you leave be sure to sign my guestbook! Thanks!

Page idea ©1999 Josh C. & Erin C.  Design implemented by Erin C.. Josh C..   Graphics ©1999 Josh C. and Erin C.
Best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.x or higher at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.

Me and some of my friends
Spring Break 99

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My Favorite Web Sites

Josh's page

Kacie's Page

Lacey's Page

Sarah's Page

Absolut Page

Tyler Heck's Page
