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Singh Long-the Legacy of the Assassin

The Temple is open

Art of the Tiger (sniper)
Sister Tiger's Art Page (Mustadio-chan)
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About Mageninja Hiroshi, a home manga
About the Tiger Assassin

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I am Singh Long!!!!

Hear me out... I am of the cursed Zoanthrope blood! I am the tiger!

I am the assassin from Bloody Roar. Mustadio-chan is my sister! She helped me. Here's her pages... Mustadio-chan's Beowulf Kadmus and Cid Highwind Shrine and The Happy Nomad's Art Page

In real life, I am Billy Dean Carlile and I'm going to go into the military to train as a sniper. I am choosing to be a sniper because papa took us hunting in Texas when we were younger. My weapons of Choice- Shotgun and Desert Eagle. I gladly admit I got a good sight percentage but I am sorry to say the the incident at Calibine High isn't to be glamorized. I know, guns are wrong... kids filled with hate are wrong... kids filled with hate with BFG's are wrong.

I give my best sympathy to those who lost children in Calibine High... Lest not it happen ever again...

*Disclaimer: This site is not meant to hurt feelings or provoke violence... please don't be offended by the contents...

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