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Pictures in My Work Uniforms

DuPage county, Illinois

I usually tried to get a picture taken either at the work places or in my work clothes. Got most of them, with the exception of some short summer jobs, and Burger King (when I was in high school). So here's a few of those. Note: the bow tie was only rarely worn; usually I wore the ordinary ones.

This one is obviously from when I worked at Woolco. The banner sign above the entrance reads "store closing sale." Bummer. Venture had an arrangement with F.W. Woolworth company to take us if we applied, so that's where I ended up next.

This is one was taken when I worked at Venture; it's the only one I think I have (taken in the early 1990s while I was a holiday seasonal employee), even though I worked at the Oakbrook Terrace store (before Jewel) long before this was taken.

Here's one from when I worked at Jewel Foods. This was shortly before I went into the Army, and my sister snapped this shot of me coming in the door one day.

This one was from a summer job at North American Phillips electric. They wanted me to stay, even, but I was in college (UIC) at the time and had to turn down the offer. I liked that I could wear old clothes here. The sweater, in fact, was originally my grandfather's.

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