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This Official Smash Mouth Webring site is owned by Frogboy.

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If you want to chat with me, you will find me at the Gamepro Chat Room, I'm logged in as Frogboy, or you can find me in my own Chat Room that I made.


I have discovered a hidden message in the song Why can't we be Friends. If you play it backwards it says Can there be a way out? Listen to it!
Here's Smash Mouth

That's Steve
Steve Harwell: Vocals

That's Greg

Gregory Camp: guitar & vocals

That's Paul

Paul DeLisle: bass & vocals

That's a picture of SATAN!

Kevin Coleman: drums

The Smash Mouth chat rooms are great!!!!! :-)

Smash Mouth Chat Room

Songs by Smash Mouth
    2.Beer Goggles
    3.Walkin' on the Sun
    4.Let's Rock
    6.The Fonz
    7.Pet Names
    9.Nervous in the Alley
    10.Disconnect the Dots
    12.Why Can't We Be Friends

Some "Groovy" Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The official Smash Mouth Website
Gamepro - the worlds largest multi-platform gaming magizine Website
Men In Black Website
The official Southpark Website

Here is a sample of The Fonz. wav file

Here is Nervous in the Alley.wav file (925k)

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