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H a c k e y S a c k

Well one little game I like to partake in is Hackey Sack. The basic point of the game is to keep the hack, typiclly a small sack filled with beans, in the air with out using your hands. It can be played solo or with a group. In a group you stand in a circle and keep passing the sack, when going solo you want to keep your kicks as close to you as posible to make the next kick easier. Below are some picitures of a few basic hack kicks. Another move possible is the stall. A stall is executed by catching or stalling the hacks descent. I will get pictures of that next.

Out Side Kick Toe Snap Starting Outside Kick Jester Standard Kick

(Click on thumb nails for larger image)

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Thursday, 12 March, 1998 | 02:20:23 PM