Hannibal Ten Codes 10-1 - Unable to copy 10-2 - Signal good 10-3 - Affirmative, granted 10-4 - Message received 10-5 - Relay J1 - Personnel J2 - Property, papers, etc. J3 - Prisoner 10-6 - Busy, standby 10-7 - Out of service 10-8 - In service 10-9 - Repeat 10-10 - Minor detail, available for call 10-11 - Remain in service 10-12 - Visitor / Official present 10-13 - Weather / Road conditions 10-14 - Correct time 10-15 - Have in possession J1 - Personnel J2 - Property, papers, etc. J3 - Prisoner 10-16 - Give Ride To / Ride-A-Long 10-17 - Urgent - Rush present detail 10-18 - Anything for me? 10-19 - Nothing for you, negative 10-20 - Location 10-21 - Call by phone 10-22 - Report in person to J1 - At once J2 - At your convenience 10-23 - Arrived on the scene 10-24 - Finished with last assignment 10-25 - Disregard last traffic 10-28 - DOR Inquiry J1 - Vehicle J2 - Driver 10-29 - Warrant Check 10-30 - Does not conform to the rules 10-33 - Emergency traffic 10-39 - Go to for the purpose of... J3 - Foot Patrol 10-40 - Car-to-Car Traffic 10-41 - Beginning tour of duty 10-42 - Ending tour of duty 10-46 - Stranded motorist 10-50 - Vehicle accident J1 - Minor (no injuries) J2 - Serious (injuries) J3 - Road blocked J4 - Fatality 10-55 - Driving while intoxicated 10-56 - Intoxicated person 10-57 - Mental 10-59 - Escort 10-60 - Status of Call 10-63 - Traffic Stop 10-65 - Special Detail - Watch commander aware 10-68 - All Units Information 10-70 - Fire 10-76 - En route 10-82 - Dinner Break 10-87 - Fuel Information 10-88 - Vehicle Maintenance 10-95 - Alarm Sounding 10-96 - Open Garage Door 10-97 - Criminal History J1 - Felony Conviction J2 - Known to be armed or physically violent J3 - Known to assualt officers 10-99 - Warrant J1 - Misdemeanor J2 - Felony