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Rhino Dave's Cool Homepage

Taken down the family photo for now....But you can E-mail me on my new e-mail

Hi I'm Rhino Dave and this is my cool homepage! Hopefully I will get some cool things up here like cars and motorcycles... new pics of the kids etc... Its been a long time coming but needed to be totally redone...

Test Page>

If you are looking to chat sometime you can yahoo IM me @ rhinodave8

If you would like your page linked to here just let me know!

Dave's Bowling Career has really taken off well. Average is about 204 this year with a high game of 267 for the 2004-05 season. I did finally Bowl my 300 game on 3-17-01 it was awesome!!!!!! lots of 299/298's and I really wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. Hopefully another one is in order soon. Hi series is still 778 so there is still more goals on the horizion.

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