Witches... Yay. They're fun stuff. I used to think I was one. But I wasn't. I didn't really believe in what I was doing, so I had to stop. I think that if you're gonna do stuff, you have to believe it. Witchcraft is fun, and I don't think you have to believe anything to do it, but I could be wrong. I did wicca for a while. Wicca was... different. I highly recommend it if you're one of those environmental hippies that don't believe in anything really traditional. I can give you the jist of it right now if you like. Basically there is a Godess and a God (mother earth, father sky, stuff like that). There are Sabbats (full moons, new moons) and Esbats (Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, and Mabon). There aren't any 10 commandments, or hell if you break them, but there is the Wiccan (or witches) Rede, which says "Do what thou wilt, lest it harm none" (or something like that). There is also the Rule of 3, which is kind of like karma to the third power. But that's for your magick spells. Yes, what witch would be complete without his or her magic spells? And where better to put them in the Book of Shadows, a place where every witch keeps thier personal ritual, correspondencies, and spells. But don't touch it if it's not yours. I know I put a protection spell on mine (which I think I seriously botched up) and I'm sure many more have put spells on thiers, too. So I supose that's the really basic basics of the wiccan religeon. I know I have a lot of links already for that stuff, but a few more can't hurt. Contrary to popular folk lore beliefs, witches are not ugly old hags with green skin and warts on thier noses. Why would anybody want to be like that? Thats the image conjured up by the Churches to prevent young people from switching over to the "Path of the devil" (or that's my belief of it anyway). Witches are not evil people, they are not ugly people (well, every person is different, but I'm sure none of us are ugly in the eyes of the Goddess and the God). Accually, the one picture I have up there of the half naked lady with the red all over the place is a vampire and not a witch, but I couldn't find a better picture to put there, and it went with the steriotype (which, although I do not endorse, has become a symbol of witches). The one with the rose pedals is a more accurate vision of a witch: a normal person, mabey using those rose pedals in a spell or ritual.

Celtic Crow.com
Another Wicca Page
An extensive wicca page. Looks good.
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Email: jazzgod1@yahoo.com