Vampires. Un-holy craetures of the night. I could go on and on about my love of vampires forever. Lately I have been reading a lot of Anne Rice novels. I like her version of the telling of the origin of the vampires better than I like the old folk legend, Bram Stokers, Stephen King's Salems Lot kind of vampires. Hers are more romantic, and elegant than the miserable snoveling little creatures in the old european folk lore (although, she has a few of them in her books too). Tales of little bats that fly around and suck the blood of sleeping villans and random people and then turn into a man wearing a big black cape do not intrigue me as much as Lestat and his charisma, and style. Mabey it's just me. I don't know. Tell me what you think. The following theory on the origin of vampires is from a page I have a link to at the bottom of this page. I do not take credit for this idea, but I like the thoughts involved:

So where do Vampires originate from...The answer to this question has puzzled vampirologists for it true that they all descended from Vlad Tsepes or was he merely a convieneint scape goat... Players of Vampire the Masquerade will be familiar with the idea that vampires are all descendents of Caine and this could be a possible source but one theory which has intruged me for years was developed by a friend of mine.. What if...and beleieve me i thought this was ludicrous myself at first....Jesus was a vampire... Here are the basic reasons my friend had for thinking this...

1, The Communion....
Jesus told his disciples "...this is my blood of the new covenant, do this as of as ye shal drink it in remeberance of me" in the instructions at the last supper which wuld provide all the faithfull followers with eternal life.

2, The crucifiction.
Why was Jesus the only person to be nailed to the cross he was cruciferd when the other two had commited worse crimes? Could it be following ancient law which procliaimed that vampires were to be nailed to their coffins as once dead this would prevent them from escaping from that place... jesus was intended to die on the cross and so this would have been viewed as a kind of prevention.

3, The piercing of his side with the spear
This again is an ancient act that was used in the preperation of a vampire for burial the side was peared, relesaing the blood fro the vapire, draining him so that he would be weak...the bible gives an account of how a river of blood flowed from the side of Jesus afetr he had been stabbed, could this not be an explanation...

4, the resurection.
what if the stone was not rolled away by angel, but, after two days in complete darkness jesus was sufficeintly healded to escape from the tomb ...

This and many other arguements my friend gave to me that night..and it worried me that there was no way i could disprove his theory..for the evidence he gave was in the bible... Surely, if jesus was a vampire then millions of people are worshiping him without it possible that these people have never once though about how vampiric it is to be commanded eat my body and drink my blood and you will have etrenal life...?

The Vampire Junction. Go there. I cannot stress this enough.
The Vampire Page where I got the Jesus thing.
A nice enough page about Vampire origins. Nothing much else, though.
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