"You thought he was dead; you thought he was in Heaven, but NO! Jesus Christ, our savior, is here on earth, walking among us, Friday AND Saturday at the New Port Auto-Mall! Bring the kids, bring the neighboors, and see JESUS CHRIST live and in person on his first visit back from the promised land! You loved him in the Bible, now see him for yourself! Friday AND Saturday ONLY at the New-Port auto-mall! From 2pm to 9pm only, so hurry on down now! The New-Port Auto-Mall, where you can find anything from a Saturn to a Savior!"

As you may or may not have guessed, I am an atheist. But not believing isn't enough for me. No, I feel it my duty to make fun of most all religeons in general. I don't care what god you believe in, you're an idiot for doing so. If you're offended at this point, leave now, cause it will only get worse. I'll give you 5 seconds. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... If you're not gone by now, than you should be, but since you're not, let's continue on our path of pissing off the christians, shall we?

As of yet, there hasn't been much going on here. I've been up on this page for 15 minutes now, but I hope to get some fun stuff soon. I will have links below for you to follow to see other fun Christ/God hating stuff, but that will come later. As for now, you'll ave to deal with my cheap-ass commercial. I'll find some more images and randomly scatter them about the page. Like this:


My Own Blaspheming:


The Blasphemy of Others:

Another's Page of Blasphemous Thoughts and Images.


To My Occult Page
