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Israel starts an offensive! by Leonid Shifman

      It was a great day for Israel! Valery Geltser took the first place, Ilya Shifman was tied for 2-5 places! And all five active Israeli players came to play and became the largest delegation. But it must be said: Mike Handel, Kenta Tominaga, Kevin Wong and Toru Yamada started after the first round... But anyway the first place of Valery is the first place!

      To look games of winners click here:  

1998 Internet Grand Prix Round 3   

Standings after round 7.
  Rank  Login     Name                 Games   BQ   Discs
  ----  -----     ----                 -----  ----  -----
    1   valery    Valery Geltser         6     501   259
    2   Ragnil    Daniel Rignell         5     454   230
    3   MidnigHt  Michael Handel         5     433   237
    4   dawg0zoy  Ilya Shifman           5     428   246
    5   Yamada    Toru Yamada            5     365   228
    6   froggy    George Ortiz           4.5   497   241
    7   matreyek  Ryan Matreyek          4     541   258
    8   queen     Shira Yaziv            4     473   240
    9   hksheep   Kevin Wong             4     414   232
   10   kenta     Kenta Tominaga         4     310   224
   11   kryten    Geoff Hubbard          3.5   418   231
   12   Raphael   Raphael J. Schreiber   3     507   233
   13   johan     Johan Berner           3     465   191
   14   cruel     Sohei Sasaki           3     417   216
   15   Impulse   Daniel Mathias         3     405   195
   16   liz       Elisabetta Vecchi      3     341   186
   17   sum       Eva                    3     290   162
   18   karmy     Benyamin Shifman       2.5   464   231
   19   raanani   Leonid Shifman         2.5   442   232
   20   olidan    Daniel Olivares        2.5   386   199
   21   Dragon    David Tan              2     352   174
   22   ant       dumb computer          2     188   102
   23   yip       Fowler                 2     173   119
   24   zapbot    Tim Powell             1.5   337   187
   25   marco     Marco Ferrando         1     366   188
   26   Xris      Stephen Swolley        1     362   170
   27   bansidhe  Judy Cameron           0     111    29

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