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I have now gotten permission for all this! Episode 1 - "Pokémon, I choose you!" This is the very first episode of Pokémon. Ash Ketchum is watching a Pokémon battle on TV at bedtime when Ash's mother tells him to go to sleep. When he refused, his mother decided to prepare Ash for training by watching a Pokémon video. Ash then vowed to become the greatest Pokémon trainer ever. He gets a dream of Pokémons. The next morning, he oversleeps and arrives late so he rushes to Professor Oak. Ash comes across Professor Oak's grandson, Gary, who claims that he picked the best Pokémon of the litter. When Ash arrives to Professor Oak, in search of a Pokémon, all the starter Pokémons are taken so he settles for Pikachu, a disobedient, electrical rodent doesn't like his new trainer and dislikes going into the Pokéball. Professor Oak gives Ash a Pokéball and a Pokédex, a small computer which gives important information about Pokémons. After, Ash begins his journey to the next town when he comes across a Pidgey. He tries to get Pikachu to fight the Pidgey but Pikachu just climbs up a tree instead and watches Ash trying to catch the Pidgey. A while later, Ash finds a Spearow, a even better Pokémon than a Pidgey. Ash throws a rock at it and started to make it mad. The Spearow then swooped down towards Ash and but misses then it heads towards Pikachu instead. Pikachu fights back with his electric bolt and takes him down. Then the Spearow started calling some his other species and they all chase them. Ash and Pikachu jump into a river and comes across Misty, who was fishing. Ash steals her bike to get away from the Spearows. As the flock of Spearows were closing in on them, Pikachu lets out a huge bolt of electricity at them. Pikachu had lost all his energy to take down the flock so Ash then put him in his arms and started running to the Pokémon Centre in Viridian City. *Will Pikachu ever be saved...??* Episode 2 - "Pokémon Emergency!" Ash heads into Viridian city with his injured Pokémon, a public announcement was made that there were Pokémon poachers in the area. Ash is stopped by a policewoman who thinks that Ash might of stolen Pikachu. After saying that he didn't steal it, the policewoman asks Ash for some I.D. Not knowing that the Pokédex was some form of I.D. Ash continues to plead that he didn't steal Pikachu. Suddenly, the policewoman takes out Dexter from Ash and confirms that he was a trainer. She then takes Ash and Pikachu directly to the Pokémon Centre (it's like a Pokémon hospital). When they arrive at the Pokémon Centre, Ash gives Pikachu to the nurse where she lays Pikachu on a stretcher and take him to the emergency room. Ash is stuck waiting in the waiting room where he decides to call his mom and then receives a call from Professor Oak. Out of nowhere, Misty shows up with her badly, broken bike and starts insulting Ash. Then, Pikachu is brought out and the nurse tells Ash that Pikachu would be alright. Without a warning, Team Rocket (the villains who steal Pokémons), shows up at the Centre with their two strong Pokémons, Ekans and Koffing. Ash, Misty and the nurse head to the Pokémon Transformation Centre where Team Rocket finds them and start a battle between Koffing, Ekans, Rattata, Pidgey and Goldeen. To save the other Pokémons, the nurse starts transporting all the Pokéballs to the Pewter City Pokémon Centre. In the middle of it all, Ash turns to run away to get Pikachu. As Ash was running with Pikachu still on the stretcher, Team Rocket's monsters follow. The stretcher hits a wire and Pikachu wakes up and calls his other Pikachu friends to help take care of the monsters with a gigantic electric surge which destroys the Pokémon Centre. The explosion forces Team Rocket to run away as they vow to steal Pikachu, knowing that Pikachu was was not just an ordinary Pokémon. Ash, Misty and Pikachu start heading to Pewter City. They walk into a forest and Misty discovers a Caterpie (a bug Pokémon that looks like a huge caterpillar). Then, Ash threw a Pokéball at it.... *read the next episode to see if Ash caught the Caterpie* Episode 3 - "Ash Catches a Pokémon" Ash throws a Pokéball at the Caterpie and manages to catch it. This is Ash's first time to catch a Pokémon. He lets the Caterpie out and Pikachu gives it a warm welcome then the Caterpie goes over to Misty. She becomes disgusted with it and admits hating carrots, bell peppers and bugs. The Caterpie seems to like Misty and starts crying when she rejected him. She wants to be Pikachu's friend instead and suggested Ash to be Caterpie's friend. Mad and jealous, Ash threatens that he'll abandon Misty in the forest so Pikachu jumps out of Misty's arms and quickly follows him. Misty starts to follow Ash so Ash has no choice but to take her along. When night came long, Pikachu and Caterpie were having a little conversation. The next morning, Caterpie is found sleeping next to Misty. Ash finds a Pidgeotto, an evolved form of Pidgey. It chases Caterpie until Ash him in a Pokéball. Then, Ash sent for Pikachu to capture Pidgeotto. Not long after, Team Rocket shows up and demands that Ash give up Pikachu. Ash refuses their demand so Team Rocket releases their Pokémons. Pidgeotto fights but the battle was going nowhere. Ash calls upon Caterpie, who was injured from Pidgeotto earlier. Caterpie uses his String attack on Ekans and Koffing. He then wraps Meowth in the string and Team Rocket flees again. After the battle, Misty agrees to become Caterpie's friend. As she was going to pet him, Caterpie mummifies himself in string and becomes Metapod. The Pokédex said that Caterpie evolved into Metapod quicker than the others. Misty wants to leave the forest but Ash insists on staying and catching more Pokémons. *And that's the end of the episode....* Episode 4 - "Challenge of the Samurai" Well, Ash, Misty and Pikachu are wandering around forest in search of more Pokémons. Misty REALLY wants to get out of there and on to Pewter City when she discovers another bug Pokémon called a Weedle (a caterpillar with a poisonous stinger) She screams and Ash tries calling upon Pikachu to catch it but he's napping so he sent Pidgeotto instead to try to catch it. In the middle of the battle, Misty runs away and meet a Samurai Pokémon trainer, Ososhru. He tells her not to scream or else she'll attract attention of some Beedrills (a Weedle's the third-stage of evolution) Then, Ososhru asked Misty if she knows of any Pokémon trainers from Pallet Town. Immediately, she thinks that he's talking about Ash. As the battle between Pidgeotto and the Weedle was still going on, and Ash was about to catch the Weedle, he is interrupted by the Samurai, who declares a battle. The Weedle manages to run away and Ash agrees to the battle. Ash calls upon the weaken Pidgeotto to fight against the Samurai's Pincer. In no time, Pidgeotto loses to Pincer so Ash calls upon Metapod. Metapod's shell hardens and Pincer is unable to penetrate it. Ososhru calls his Pincer back and brings out his Metapod. His Metapod also hardens. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is lurking somewhere in the forest and is trying to avoid the Beedrills. Back at the battle, Ososhru and Ash still urges their Metapods on when some Beedrills interrupt them. The samurai takes his Metapod back but the Beedrills gets a hold of Ash's Metapod. Ash, the samurai and the others run to the samurai's cabin as the Beedrills come after them. In the cabin, the samurai tells his story of how he's lost to three trainers from Pallet Town and vowed to defeat one. The next morning, Ash finds Metapod near a bunch of Kakunas. Suddenly, Team Rocket shows up and demands for Pikachu again. This awakes the Beedrills and they start chasing everyone. Ash escapes but Team Rocket didn't. A Beedrill swoops down towards Ash but Metapod saves him by jumping in front of him. They beat the Beedrills and Metapod miraculously evolves to Butterfree. The samurai doesn't see Ash as a novice anymore and shows them the way to Pewter City. Episode 5 - "Showdown in Pewter City" Team Rocket tries to set up a trap for Ash and the others but lost the site of the trap and fall in it themselves. Meanwhile, Ash, Misty and Pikachu are relieved to get out of the forest. They meet this rock-seller who said that they were standing on his merchandise. The seller notices Ash's worn out Pokémon so he takes them to the Pewter City Pokémon Centre. Ash enters the centre and gives another Nurse Joy (all the nurses are identical in every Pokémon Centre) his Pokémon. The nurse shows Ash a poster about the Pokémon League's National Championship Tournament, but Ash needs to get a badge from the Pewter City Gym. Ash and Misty eat at a restaurant until Ash leaves Misty with the bill since he didn't want her to help him defeat the gym leader. Ash runs to the Pokémon Centre to get his Pokémon back and turns to go towards the gym. There, Ash challenges Brock, the leader of the Pewter City gym. Brock tells Ash the tournament qualification matches and then the battle begins. Ash sends Pikachu to go against Brock's Onix (a rock Pokémon) Pikachu loses the battle and Ash leaves the gym. The rock-seller shows Ash that Brock is the guardian of 10 brothers and sisters. This makes Ash a little sad, but he is still determined to beat Brock. The rock-seller offers to help Ash out and make Pikachu stronger. Ash goes back to the gym and tries to beat Brock again. Ash loses again with Pikachu in Onix's grip. Brock calls his Onix to stop because he didn't want to see Pikachu hurt anymore. The fire from Pikachu's blast starts the water sprinkling system to go on which weakens Onix. Ash decides to take advantage of the situation and calls Pikachu to strike at Onix. Suddenly, Brock's brothers and sisters holds back Ash. Ash remembers what Brock has to go through so he called back Pikachu. Ash and Pikachu leave the gym when Brock catches up with them. He gives Ash a badge for caring about other people and other Pokémons. Brock tells Ash that he can't go with him because he still has to take care of his siblings. Suddenly, the rock-seller appears and says that he is actually Brock's father. His father suggests Brock to go with Ash and he will take care of his children. After, Brock is all ready to go and joins Ash on his quest. As they're running to the next city, they trample over Team Rocket's heads. Episode 6 - "Clefairy and the Moonstone" Misty, Ash, Brock and Pikachu head towards Cerulean City where they reach Mt. Moon. Legend has it that a meteor known as the Moonstone smashed into the mountain during prehistoric times. On Mt. Moon, they meet a scientist named Seymour, who was swarmed from a flock of some Zubats (a bat Pokémon). Pikachu saves him with his famous electrical blast. After giving his thanks, Seymour tells them that a moon rock is very special and helps increases a Pokémon's power and that some troublemakers looking for the Moonstone had put up lights in the cave that are confusing the Pokémon. Inside the cave, a Clefairy (pink powder puff) carrying a Moonstone fragment passes them. Ash wants to catch it but Seymour says not to. After the Clefairy disappears within the caves, it screams and Ash, along with the others, come rushing to its rescue. Then, they find Team Rocket and Meowth. They let loose Koffing and Ekans to capture the Clefairy. Ash tells Misty to help Clefairy and Seymour escape as he and Brock stall Team Rocket with Butterfree and a Zubat that Brock captured outside the cave. Misty, Clefairy and Seymour escape as Zubat uses his super-sonic attack to confuse Ekans and Koffing into attacking each other, then Butterfree whirlwinds Team Rocket outside the cave. Outside, the Clefairy is attacked by Meowth again. Misty calls upon her Staryu (a starfish-looking Pokémon), who lets loose its star-attack and then beat Meowth out as Staryu fills him up with water Meowth blows up like a balloon and then blast away away as the water rushes out of his mouth. Later on, they all sit down and eat some of Brock's special Pokémon food. Clefairy and Pikachu are having a conversation and then lead the group to a cave that contains the Moonstone. Clefairy takes out his rock fragment that he has been holding the whole time and puts it near the Moonstone. Suddenly, more Clefairy appear and dance around it. Pikachu, tries to communicate with Ash and he finally gets it-- the Clefairy pray to the Moonstone. Again, Team Rocket shows up and challenges Ash and Brock to a another battle. They start battling but it's not long when Koffing's smoke fills the air. Pidgeotto whirls away the smoke, they discover that the Moonstone is stolen by Team Rocket. Onix chases them them underground. Onix jumps out of the ground and they collide, which sends Team Rocket airborne. Meanwhile, Seymour explains to the Clefairy why they must help return the Moonstone. The clefairies appear and use an attack called Metronome. It blasts everyone into the air and blows up the Moonstone as well. As fragments Moonstone fall from the sky, several Clefairies evolve into Clefables (they're bigger and have bigger wings). The Clefairies and Clefables gather around a pile of Moonstone fragments, Seymour tells the gang that he'll be staying with the Clefairies and do some more research. Soon, the group head for Cerulean City. On the way, Ash rinds a message scribbled on the sign that reads, "Gary was here! Ash is a loser!" The mad Ash runs down the road with Brock and Misty following after him. Back to the Episodes Page Episode 7 - "The Water Flowers of Cerulean City" The gang are heading down the path to Cerulean City. Ash is getting excited to get another badge as Misty starts getting uneasy that they are nearing Cerulean City. She said that there are lots of scary ghost Pokémons there, and suggests that they go to Vermilion City instead. But, still, Ash and Brock go down the path into Cerulean City. Meanwhile, in a Cerulean store, Team Rocket sneaks in and steals a vacuum and a giant hose. Ash and Brock wander around and discover that they lose Misty. Soon, they across a crime scene. A person says there are burglars, and a policewoman who looks a lot like the one from Viridian City, says she is the twin sister-in-law of the policewomen in the previous episodes. The policewoman starts getting suspicious, but Ash proves her wrong with his Pokédex. The policewoman tells Ash and Brock about the theft, but they don't know who did it yet. They sit down group of sisters performing on a long pool, doing dives and synchronized swimming. Ash leaves the main room, and he sees that the gym is like built like an aquarium. He soon runs into the three, beautiful sisters, and he discovers they are called the "Sensational Sisters," and he challenges them, but they are all worn out by fighting other people. They didn't feel like fighting so one of the sisters offers to just give Ash a cascade badge (badge that you get after winning a battle) and skip the hassle of battling. Ash says he rather earn it, then suddenly, Misty enters, and challenges Ash to a battle. Misty admits that she is a sensational sister also, but her older sister says she is a runt. Her sisters start insulting her and say Ash is her boyfriend. Misty denies it and they start to battle. Ash calls on Pikachu, but Pikachu doesn't want to fight a Misty, his friend. So Ash calls upon Butterfree instead.. Misty calls upon her Staryu. Butterfree uses a tackle, but Staryu uses a counter attack and blocks it. The battle goes on for a while, as Butterfree definitely has an advantage. Staryu washes it off, but Butterfree uses its sleeping powder, and Misty's Staryu uses some more tackles. Now Ash calls Pidgeotto, so Misty calls Starmie. They go at it for a while, and Pidgeotto blasts Misty into the wall. Without a warning, there's a rumbling noise, and Team Rocket appears with this machine with a large hose to suck up all the Pokémon from the pool. They were actually the ones who stole the stuff from the store earlier. Team Rocket suck up Seel, but Pikachu uses a thunderbolt and electrocute Team Rocket, but Pikachu is also being sucked up too. Ash climbs up on the giant hose and turns the switch. Pikachu gets out safe and sound. Team Rocket blasts off again. After that, Ash gets the badge for his heroic deed while Misty argues that she should of had it instead. Brock catches up with them while Misty and Ash begin to fight again. They go on their path to get more badges. *What lies ahead on their path, they'll soon find out* Episode 8 - "The Path to the Pokémon League" Proud Ash is on the path to Vermilion City, with two Gym badges, he is determined to beat the trainer at the next gym. Along the way, Ash uses his Pokémon, Pidgeotto, to defeat a trainer, and he compliments him about his skills. After Ash gets his tenth victory, the trainer tells Ash to challenge A.J.. Ash finds the gym, A.J.'s Gym, which is unofficial by the Pokémon League. Ash meets up with A.J., and Ash finds out that he has 98 wins so far. Confidently, Ash challenges A.J.. to a battle. A.J. takes out his whip, and Ash shows off his badges. A.J. calls the badges are from loser gyms which makes Misty and Brock angry and tells Ash to pulverize this guy. A.J. calls upon Sandshrew (an armadillo-looking Pokémon), as Ash takes out Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto is suppose to have an advantage over Sandshrew (a ground-type Pokémon), but the Sandshrew has had some good training and knocks Pidgeotto from the air. Ash calls Pidgeotto after being defeated, and takes out Butterfree. After using another attack from Sandshrew, Butterfree is knocked down too. Ash loses the match when Pikachu didn't want to fight. Team Rocket is close by, and they think the Sandshrew is tempting. James hits Meowth down, and Meowth falls down somewhere. But Ash, in the ring, cries and asks for a rematch, but A.J. doesn't want one. Then, Ash suspects foul play. The group finds out how A.J. trains his Pokémons, but it looks like he's torturing the Pokémons. Sandshrew dives in the water, but Ash pushes A.J. into the water. A.J. tells his story to the gang that Sandshrew was the first Pokémon he ever caught, and they promised to be the best there ever was. Team Rocket lurks nearby, in the tent. The bell rings in the gym tent, and A.J. gives the Pokémons a short break. Team Rocket disguise themselves and mistake Sandshrew Pikachu and kidnap him! A.J. is devastated when he discovers Sandshrew is missing. A.J. calls for him, but there was not response. Ash suggested that Sandshrew might of ran away due to A.J.'s harsh training methods. Elsewhere, Sandshrew jumps out of the bag and Meowth is knocked out. Sandshrew manages to escape underground with Meowth's mouth latched on its tail. Soon Sandshrew and Meowth are found in the tent. Ash, Misty, and Brock discover that A.J. really does care about his Pokémon after an emotional moment, as Pikachu points out Meowth is on the floor. Team Rocket suddenly appear out of nowhere. . Jesse and James come to Meowth's and insult A.J.'s Pokémon and the gym. A.J. challenges them for his 100th win and, as usual, Jesse chooses Ekans while James calls out Koffing. Bringing the match to a close, Sandshrew leaps into the air, smashing into the ground hard enough to split it in half. The monsters freak out and run away, as A.J gets his 100th win. A.J decides leaves on his own, in search for some badges. In the end, Ash decides A.J. isn't as bad as he thought, and promises he'll beat him next time as the world' greatest Pokémon trainer. Episode 9- "THE SISTERS OF CERULEAN CITY!" Ash wants to go to Cerulean City but Misty doesn't want to for some reason. Ash and Brock are on a bench, and Ash wants some info on the Cerulean City Gym, but Brock won't tell him anything. After, Brock says he needs to do some "stuff" and leaves Ash by himself. Finally, Ash finds the gym, and enters it, ready to fight. He's really surprised and finds a diving show instead. Pikachu and Ash wander around and run into the divers they saw early. Ash asks them "Who is the gym leader here?" They tell him that they are and Ash challenges them. The only pokemon they have left is a Goldeen and they offer to give him a free badge. He refuses saying to wants to earn his badges. Misty breaks through the doors and says she is also a sensational sister. Ash and Misty battle and are interuppted by team rocket with a big suck em' up vaccum. They suck up Seel and Pikachu almost gets sucked but he uses an electric attack and everything is fine the badge is given to Ash. Misty and Ash start arguing about who should get the badge. Episode 10 - "Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village" Ash, Misty, and Brock are traveling in the forest, lost. Misty and Ash start fighting again and Brock tries to break the fight up. While resting near a pond, Ash spots an Oddish (a blue radish with feet) taking a drink. Misty wants to catch it. She starts with her Staryu and the battle begins. Just before she was about to throw the Pokéball at the weakened Oddish, another Pokémon called Bulbasaur, intercepts it and knocks away Staryu. Ash wants to catch the Bulbasaur and calls upon Butterfree to do it. Butterfree tries to wear Bulbasaur down with a a sleep attack but Bulbasaur just blows it back at Butterfree and makes Butterfree sleepy instead. In all the confusion, Bulbasaur and Oddish run away to the bushes. Eventually, Ash forgets about it and the gang tries to cross a suspension bridge that isn't on their map. Suddenly, the ropes break. They cling on for a while until Brock couldn't hold it any longer and falls into the river below. Ash and Misty are able to climb back up. Ash, Misty and Pikachu start running to look for Brock. Suddenly, Misty falls into a big hole but manages to get out. She manages to get out the group starts running to look for Brock again. This time, they get caught in a net. Unable to move Ash, Misty and Pikachu are left hanging up on a tree in a net. Bulbasaur comes along but just leaves them hanging there. Suddenly, Brock appears and cut them down. Brock tells them that a beautiful girl, Melanie, saved him from being washed away in the river. Soon Brock brings them to a small house, which is suppose to be like a Pokémon Centre. When the arrive there and meet Melanie, Misty starts teasing Brock because he had a crush on her. Later on, Misty sees Oddish there and apologizes that she tried to catch him earlier. The little house is protected by Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur wants to fight because he doesn't like Pokémon trainers, and wants Ash, Misty, and Brock to leave. Melanie tries to tell him that they mean no harm. Then, as usual, Team Rocket appear to ruin things up. They ride on top of a floating on a stadium roof that is suspended by balloons. The huge roof lands and a giant vacuum tube pops out and begins to suck everything up, including the Pokémons. Melanie urges everyone to go into the house for safety. Bulbasaur bursts out the front door and attacks the vacuum to save them. Soon, Team Rocket wants to suck all the monsters in inside the house. When Team Rocket tries various attempts, Ash comes out and foils their plans. Bulbasaur uses his vine attack to knock away the huge hose. Ash calls upon his Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto uses his gust attack and blows away Team Rocket but caused a huge tornado after the gust met the vacuum suction. Team Rocket blasts off again at the speed of light. Finally, it's over. Melanie asks Ash to take Bulbasaur along. Ash agrees, but Bulbasaur wants a battle first so Ash calls Pikachu to fight. After a good match, Pikachu manages to weaken Bulbasaur down with one his electric bolts. Then, Ash throws a Pokéball at Bulbasaur and catches it. Now it's time to bid farewell to Melanie. Brock offers to stay and help out, but she doesn't want to keep him away from his adventures. The gang walk away, leaving the little house behind. Once again, they set off for their quest. Episode 11 - "Charmander, the Stray Pokémon" Once again, Ash, Misty and Brock are lost. The only Pokémon that's available in the area are Spearows. Ash points out that Route 24 would lead them straight to Vermilion City. The gang is about to leave on their way when they come across a HUGE Pokémon. It's actually a large rock with a Charmander on it (a lizard-looking Pokémon with a flame on its tail). The Charmander seems weak because the flame on its tail is almost out. Legend says that when the Charmander's flame goes out, it'll die. Brock suggests that it seems injured so Ash is about to catch it with his Pokéball when Charmander flicks the Pokéball away. With Pikachu's help, the gang finds out that Charmander is actually waiting for his trainer to come back. Since they can't get Charmander to go with them, Brock suggests to leave Charmander there and let him wait for his trainer. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu leave and head towards the Pokémon Centre. The weather is horrible with lots of rain and lightning. In the Centre, the gang warm up with a bowl of soup as Brock is getting more worried about Charmander. Then, in the Centre, the gang hear some people talking. Ash and Brock hear a boy, Damien, bragging about his collection of Pokémons. They hear him talk about abandoning his Charmander on the rock. After hearing this, Ash, Misty and Brock get very angry. Knowing that Charmander's flame might go out, Brock threatens Damien to get his Charmander back, but Damien doesn't really care what might happen to his Charmander. After a heated fight between Ash and Damien, they decide to battle but Nurse Joy breaks it up. After a while, Ash, Misty and Brock decide to go out in the rain and rescue Charmander from the storm. When they reach the rock where Charmander was, they see a flock of Spearows attacking it. Pikachu rescues Charmander from the Spearows by sending a electric bolt at them, as well as Ash's gang. Quickly, they take Charmander back to the Centre as his flame is almost out. At the Centre, Nurse Joy takes Charmander and puts him in the Emergency Room. The next morning, the find out that Charmander is missing. In panic, Ash, Misty and Brock head back to the huge rock to find Charmander waiting for Damien again. Nurse Joy had said that Charmander would stay on the rock until he's convinced that Damien won't come back. The group finally accepts that Charmander won't go with them, so they go on Route 24 to Vermilion City. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is making another huge trap. Using their super-duper high-speed whatchamacallit, they drill a huge hole and cover it up. The trap is done and Team Rocket hide behind the trees. Pikachu steps right over the disguised pit but doesn't fall in at all. When Ash, Brock and Misty step on it, they fall into the pit, leaving Pikachu at the surface. Team Rocket, thanks to their rubber super-duper anti-Pikachu suits, capture Pikachu with a red balloon-shooting super-duper anti-Pikachu bazooka. They manage to capture Pikachu in a huge balloon. Ash hears Pikachu calling him but Ash couldn't get up from the pit. Suddenly, Charmander comes along and warns Team Rocket to let go of Pikachu. Charmander gets angry and lets out a huge ball of fire at them. Quickly, Team Rocket drops Pikachu and runs away. Not long after, Damien shows up and says that he wants Charmander back. Charmander refuses to go with him. Then, Damien gets torched and electrocuted by Charmander and Pikachu. Brock suggests that Ash should take Charmander so Ash calls him into the Pokéball. Now, Charmander is happy with his new friends. Episode 12 - "Here comes the Squirtle Squad" Ash is really excited about his new Pokémon, Charmander. As the gang were walking towards Vermilion City, they stumble into another pit. Looking up, they see a group of Squirtles (blue turtles with red shells), who had made the pit as a joke. Angry at the Squirtles, Ash tells Pikachu to electrocute them and Pikachu manages to send a electrical bolt on one of them. Pikachu and the leader of the Squirtle squad have a short conversation (the leader is the one with the huge, pointy sunglasses). Suddenly, Officer Jenny (this is a different Jenny from the other episodes...she's one of the identical cousins named Jenny) comes by with her police siren, which scares away the Squirtles. The officers tells Ash, Misty and Brock about the Squirtle Squad. The Squirtles are part of a Pokémon gang and they play practical jokes on the townspeople. The Squirtle Squad was formed after their trainers abandoned them. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are hungry and decide to have a picnic, but, lurking nearby were the hungry Squirtles. The Squirtles demand for their food and Team Rocket fall into a hole as they were trying to call for their Pokémons. Happily, the Squirtles eat Team Rocket's food as they were tied up a tree. Jesse had tried to compromise with the Squirtles but the Squirtles didn't trust humans. Meowth manages to convince the Squirtles to let him go by telling them that Jesse and James were his pets. Later on, Misty is fishing when she thought she caught something. It was actually a Squirtle. Pikachu uses his electric surge to shock the Squirtle but shocks Ash, Misty and Brock instead. Suddenly, the Squirtle flings Pikachu into the river. As Pikachu was trying to get back to shore, a Goldeen (a horned fish) had used its needle attack and weakened Pikachu. Without warning, some Squirtles threw some ropes at Pikachu and roped him up. Then, they rope up Ash, Misty and Brock also. Inside the cave, the group finds out that Meowth is behind it all. Pikachu is found inside a cage, all injured and weak. Ash knows that Pikachu needs some Super Potion and manages to compromise with the Squirtles to let him get some for Pikachu. Meowth threatens to dye Misty's hair purple if he's not back by noon tomorrow. Quickly, Ash runs to the nearest town to get some medicine. He almost makes it to the door of the shop when Gary opens it, accidentally smacking Ash in the face. Ash finally gets back some consciousness to find that Team Rocket had robbed the store. He is nearly shot by the shop keepers when he runs in to get the super potion but manages to get the medicine. Officer Jenny escorts Ash to the cave. Ash goes in by himself with Charmander lighting the way. Ash gives Misty the potion and she sprays it on Pikachu. They're interrupted with Team Rocket throwing down bombs. The gang run for cover but there is one Squirtle who was upside down on its shell and couldn't get up. Ash risks his life and covers the Squirtle to protect it. As more bombs drop, Squirtle grabs Ash and runs into the cave. A huge fire had started and all the Squirtles team up to hose the fire down. Afterwards, the Squirtles get an award for being so brave and are appointed the town's firefighters. As Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are on their way, they find Squirtle, the leader of the squad, following behind them. He wants to join Ash's team and takes off his sunglasses to reveal a cute Pokémon. Squirtle runs to Ash to receive a warm welcome from Ash and Pikachu. Episode 13 - "Mystery at the Lighthouse" No big surprise....our heroes are lost. Brock and Misty lack faith in Ash's Pokémon-catching abilities and Misty gets Ash angry. Ash suddenly runs off to a beach, where he finds a Krabby (a crab Pokémon). Using only a stick and a Pokéball, Ash manages to catch Krabby. Being proud of his catch, Ash holds the Pokéball in his hand when it disappears. Ash gets worried about it and Brock explains that in the Pokémon League you're only allowed to carry six Pokémon at a time and the rest are all teleported to where you got your Pokédex, which means that Krabby is with Professor Oak. Brock also tells Ash that he can change his Pokémon by pressing the white button on his Pokédex. Ash doesn't want to exchange any of his Pokémons but gets worried and wants to know if his Krabby is okay. Ash wants to call Professor Oak but a phone is nowhere to be found. Then, Pikachu points out a lighthouse in the distance. The group walk up the path and reach the lighthouse. They ring the doorbell and ask to come inside. The voice agrees to let them in and the door opens automatically. Ash asks for a phone and the voice tells him where it is. Then, Ash calls Professor Oak, who was just cooking dinner. Ash gets upset and wonders if Professor Oak was eating his Krabby but Oak assured him that he was just cooking Tofu. Then, Professor Oak explained that Gary had already caught 45 Pokémons! That had made Ash surprised. Professor Oak has to leave and asks, Bill, the Pokémon researcher (the voice) if he could give the group a crash course about Pokémons. The group step forward towards Bill and the light reveals a Kabudo (an extinct, prehistoric Pokémon) instead! Brock points out that Kabudos are instinct and they find out that Bill is just stuck in a costume. They help Bill out of the costume and then Bill explains the research he's doing on rare Pokémons. He explains to Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu about all the different kinds of Pokémons that once existed. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is climbing up the cliff to get to the lighthouse without being seen. Back inside the lighthouse, Bill says that he is looking for one specific Pokémon which he describes as a huge Loch Ness monster. He says that the huge Pokémon wants to find friends and Bill said that he wants to be friends with it also. Bill doesn't want to capture it, he just wants to study it. Bill and the group go outside to the top of lighthouse, where they hear a strange, beautiful music coming from the ocean. Team Rocket hear the music also from the cliff side. A huge Pokémon shows up near the lighthouse and Team Rocket tries to capture it with bazooka-looking weapons. The huge dragon-like Pokémon attacks Team Rocket and leaves back to the ocean afterwards. Bill calls for it to come back but the huge Pokémon disappears into the fog. The next day, Bill forgets about the huge Pokémons and wishes Ash and the group good luck on their journey. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu continue down their way to become the greatest Pokémon trainers in the world. Episode 14 - "Electric Shock Showdown" Like a dream, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu finally reach Vermilion City! Pikachu is feeling hungry so Ash takes him to the Vermilion City Pokémon Centre to feed him. At the Pokécentre, Ash and Pikachu see a kid bringing in a Rattata who seem to be very weak. Nurse Joy (a different Nurse Joy) says that the gym leader of the Vermilion City Gym had done this, just like all the other injured Pokémons in the Pokécentre. Ash finds out the name of the gym leader, Lt. Surge, and Misty knows that Ash is not an experienced enough trainer to battle against him. Finally, Pikachu is healed and Ash and Misty find him eating happily at some snacks. Ash warns Pikachu to get ready and battle Lt. Surge, but when another injured Pokémon passed by, Pikachu cries out and didn't want to go anymore. Ash is confident that Pikachu will win and they enter the Gym. At the gym, Lt. Surge was a huge man who had a Raichu (a evolved form of Pikachu). After seeing Raichu, Pikachu is very determined to beat him. The battle is cruel and Pikachu had lost pretty badly. Later on, Pikachu is taken to the Pokémon Centre, where he was laid in a bed to heal. Pikachu wakes up and refuses to talk to anyone. Brock and Misty says that it's almost impossible for Pikachu to win against Raichu. Overhearing their conversation, Nurse Joy shows Ash and Pikachu a Thunder stone, which will make Pikachu evolve into a Raichu. Ash isn't sure whether to make Pikachu evolve so he asks Pikachu if he wants to. After a long pause, Pikachu whacks the stone away and tells Ash that he wants to fight Raichu just the way he is. Outside the window, Team Rocket is spying on them while Meowth is translating what Pikachu is saying. Brock gives Ash a strategy against Raichu. AS Ash and Pikachu head towards the gym, they are stopped by Team Rocket who disguise themselves. Team Rocket gives Ash and Pikachu a cheer to them. Misty says good bye, knowing that they were Team Rocket. At the gym, Ash and Pikachu are ready. After a few slams, Pikachu used his agility and speed to fight against Raichu. Pikachus and Raichus learn their agility and speed when they are in their Pikachu stage but Brock found out that Lt. Surge's Raichu had evolved too quickly to learn agility. Near the end of the battle, Raichu sends out a gigantic electric bolt that destroys the windows. Lt. Surge and Raichu are thinking the battle is over until they find Pikachu standing on top of his tail. Raichu can't use anymore of his attacks and Pikachu finishes him off. At the end, Ash is awarded the Thunder badge. Raichu congratulates Pikachu. Ash gives Pikachu a warm hug. Afterwards, Team Rocket had just realized that they've devoted the entire episode cheering on the good guys. Episode 15 - "Battle Aboard the St. Anne" Now, Ash continues his way with 3 badges pinned to his jacket. The gang sees a huge ship looming on the dock. They begin to have dreams about going on a cruise on the ship. Disguised as cheesy teenage girls, Jesse and James of Team Rocket fool every Pokémon trainer, including Ash and his friends, into accepting free tickets for a cruise aboard the St. Anne. After that, Jesse and James go to their lighthouse hideout where they communicate via video phone with their boss. Jesse and James' boss describes his evil plan to get as many Pokémon trainers as possible on to the St. Anne and steal their Pokémon once they're all on board! On the St. Anne, it seemed like being on a floating Pokémon convention. Trainers from all over the place are either buying, selling, trading or battling Pokémon. Later on, Ash comes across a Pokémon trainer who's dressed like a magician. To show off his skills, Ash challenges the man into a battle. Ash calls upon his Butterfree against the man's Raticate (a huge rat with a bad hair day) Ash is close to winning when the man decides to call it a draw. A while after, the man approaches Ash, hoping to trade his Raticate for Ash's Butterfree. After some convincing, Ash reluctantly agrees to trade. Meanwhile, James uses an advance on his and Jesse's paycheck (without her permission) to buy a Magikarp (a fish) which the previous owner described as "a gold mine." Falling for it, James buys the Magikarp. Finally, it was time for Team Rocket's plan to go into action. The boat suddenly stops and the exits are all sealed as an army of Team Rocket terrorists armed with vacuum-powered back-packs burst out of their hiding places and demand for all the Pokémon. Ash rallies the trainers to fight back and Team Rocket finds themselves being attacked by Pokémons. In the midst of battle, Ash's new Raticate makes him realize how much he misses Butterfree, which is the first Pokémon he captured and raised, and after the battle he sets out to find the man that was dressed like a magician. Suddenly, the St. Anne began to sink in the midst of a wild storm. Jesse and Meowth find James as he tries to search for the guy who sold him the Magikarp. Brock and Misty find Ash trading the Raticate for his Butterfree back. The ship suddenly lurches and both James and Ash drop their Pokéballs and chase after them. The boat overturn, knocking out Team Rocket, Ash and company. All the passengers manage to get out safely and on board the lifeboats but our heroes and Team Rocket are still unconscious in the boat as it sinks into the ocean. Episode 16 - "Pokémon Shipwreck" Our heroes, including Team Rocket are still stuck under the sea, while Officer Jenny performs a memorial service on the surface for the main characters (including Team Rocket). The upside-down cruise ship is balancing on a precipice in a canyon as Jesse and James awaken to find themselves underneath a blazing stove. Brock and Misty urges Ash to wake up. Ash does, as Misty tells him to look outside window. There are fish out there. Anyway, back to Jesse and James. They find themselves under some intense heat from the the stove. Then, suddenly, Jesse has an idea. She has Ekans blast open a hole in the floor (or ceiling). Of course, it just causes the ship to fill with water. Team Rocket nearly drown but are saved when Misty's Goldeen, trying to find a way out, finds them and brings them to the surface and set them near Ash, Brock and Misty. Being harsh enemies, they start to fight, but the extra weight of all their Pokémons cause the ship to tip. Quickly, they all put their Pokémons back into the Pokéballs and decide to call it a truce temporarily. Misty, who's built a model of the St. Anne before, knew exactly how to get out. It included crossing over an inferno-filled room. To get across the fire, Ash has Bulbasaur to extend his vines across the room, and allow the gang to walk across the vines like tight-rope walkers. Ash gets Charmander to burn a hole in the ceiling. The hole is burned through and everyone ties themselves up to a water Pokémon. Everyone grabs hold of a water Pokémon except for Team Rocket. In desperation, James calls out his Magikarp, but Magikarp can't swim, and the ship topples into the enormous abyss. Back on the surface, Ash and his friends are standing on top of a floating object and have absolutely no idea where land is. Brock tells Ash about the story of Noah and how Noah used a bird to find land. After hearing this, Ash sends Pidgeotto to fly out and bring something back. Pidgeotto brings back Team Rocket and a floundering Magikarp. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are about to give them a funeral when they suddenly wake up. Hours later, they're all hungry and Magikarp is not fit to feed five people with. James is very angry at Magikarp's uselessness and kicks him into the water. Suddenly, Magikarp evolves into a Garadoys (a huge Sea serpent) Misty calls upon her water Pokémons to tow the raft while everyone rows to escape from the chasing serpent. Eventually, the Garadoys stops its pursuit and everyone thinks they're safe, except for Misty. Misty says that the Garadoys might be using its most powerful attack, the Dragon Rage. Summoning more of his species, Garadoys and his friends spin in a circle to create a water-filled tornado. The tornado manages to suck everyone in. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are holding hands, but can't hold on for much longer. Will our heroes get away safe and sound? Episode 17 - "Island of the Giant Pokémon" (This Episode is odd because there is captioning when the pokemon talk so you can uderstand wht they are saying) In the last episode, Team Rocket and Ash and his friends joined forces to protect each other...but only temporarily, however, they couldn't shield themselves from the ultimate attack from Garadoys Dragon Rage. With this attack, everyone was washed up in the hurricane and they were all stranded somewhere. Ash wakes up, wondering how he got there, and he wakes up Misty and Brock. Ash can't seem to find Pikachu, and finds out that he only has two Pokémons with him. Elsewhere on the beach, Team Rocket is stuck on the dirt when a Krabby pinches both of them, and they wake up. They begin to think they're invincible. But soon they don't hear any annoying sounds...Meowth is gone somewhere, so are Jesse and James' Ekans and Koffing. They find a phone booth, (weird to have it in the middle of nowhere) but then they find that they have no change. In another area of the beach, Pikachu wakes up, and finds 3 Pokéballs on the ground. He calls them out, and asks if they're ok. They are, and Squirtle wonders where they are. Bulbasaur asks if they are lost and Charmander asks where are they. Pikachu doesn't have the answers. They look around, and see a Slowbro, a Pokémon, resting on a rock. Pikachu asks him where they are, but he doesn't reply. So they just leave him alone after he puts his tail into the water. Later that day, the Pokémons are searching for their masters, courtesy of Charmander's fire, which lights up the place. Somewhere nearby, Meowth is spying on them. He challenges the Pokémons to a match. He begins the Team Rocket motto, but it doesn't even make Ash's Pokémons scared at all. He asks for help by Koffing and Ekans, but they refuse because he's not their master. Later on, both groups of Pokémon--Ash's Pokémons and Team Rocket's Pokémons join forces to try and find their masters. They have traveled a long way, so they are all obviously hungry. They stop, make a fire and begin munching, and having a little chat. Very soon, there's a huge thumping sound coming from near them. They all look up and see that it's a huge Pokémon! Of course they run away, and Pikachu must untie Meowth from the tree. Somewhere on the island, Ash and his friends are also running away from the huge monsters. Team Rocket is also somewhere in the island, and they are also running away from the huge monsters (what a coincidence) Team Rocket hit a sign, and thank it for saving them. The lost Pokémon are now resting with a pal, Slowbro. Some of them are crying, while others are fighting or calming each other down. The next morning, Ash and his group are resting in a cave, and decide they should go out and look for their Pokémons. Team Rocket wakes up and runs for the phone booth, planning to make a call. They call the boss, and he hangs up after Team Rocket say their motto. So, then they have another plan instead, they decide to follow the phone cable, planning it would lead them to the phone company. Soon, they see a huge Pikachu. They think it's a mirage, but its not, and the Pikachu makes an attempt to squish them. Elsewhere, Ash and his friends make an attempt to escape the fire of a huge Charizard, an evolved Charmander. The Pokémon see it, and then they see a Blastoise, an evolved Squirtle, and Pikachu tells him to ask for directions. Squirtle does, but when he asks the huge turtle, it shoots out water at the Pokémon. So then they see a Venusaur, the evolved form of Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur refuses to talk to it, and Squirtle calls him a coward. Back with Team Rocket, they are running away from the huge monsters (again). They find a rail road car, and hop in, but they go backwards instead so they decide to hit the brakes. Unfortunately for them, it breaks off, and they keep going. Ash and his friends are on a land bridge, and they see a huge Pikachu. Then they see a rail road car coming closer. It collides with the bridge, and the bridge collapses. Everyone falls into the cart. Then they look behind them, and their real Pokémon are running behind the cart. Then Misty points out a loop up ahead. After they go around the loop, the Pokémon jump onto the cart. Then, Meowth appears, and the rest of the Team Rocket group celebrates. Suddenly, a huge mechanical bird crashes into the giant Pokémon pile and the rail car crashes into the water. Just then a tour boat floats by that belongs to a theme park called "Pokémon Land," where you get to see mechanical reproductions real Pokémon only many times their real size! Then Team Rocket's boss gets a call that his million-dollar theme park has just been trashed, while Ash and his friends find their way to the beautiful town of Porta Vista. Episode 18 - "Tentacool and Tentacruel" Ash, Brock and Misty are in the town of Porta Vista without enough money to ride the ferry off the island. They're waiting at the dock for another ferry to pass by when a battered Horsea (a blue seahorse Pokémon) tries to warn them of some danger, but they don't understand what it's trying to say. Suddenly, a boat on the ocean explodes which sends some sailors flying into the air. Misty sends out Starmie, Staryu and Goldeen to help rescue them while Ash and Brock get a boat. Misty's water Pokémons get the sailors on the boat and find the sailors are paralyzed. The sailors ask to see their boss. The sailors boss is Nestina, a short, ugly woman with a mean temper. Nestina is trying to build a resort on the reef off-shore, but the Tentacools (jellyfish-looking Pokémon) keeps interfering with her plans. She wants Ash and friends to exterminate the Tentacool and offers them lots fabulous prizes if they're successful. Ash and Brock are all for it, but Misty gets mad and storms off because she thinks Tentacools are cute. Misty loves water-type Pokémon, she's a lot nicer when she's with them but she especially loves the Tentacool and thinks they're beautiful (Ash and Brock think otherwise) Suddenly, Ash then realizes that Horsea was trying to warn them about the Tentacools and the picture it made by blasting ink on the water looked like Tentacools. Just then, Nestina makes a public announcement saying that she's offering a generous reward to anyone who can exterminate the Tentacools. After the announcement, a riot forms to get rid of the Tentacools. Nestina arrives in a tank to calm everyone down and a suction-dart rose hits the tank's barrel. It's Team Rocket (James threw the rose). Team Rocket accepts the challenge of getting rid of the Tentacools and rides a boat to the construction site of the resort. Their plan was to dump stun sauce on the Tentacool, get the reward money and then sell the Tentacool for profit! When they arrive at the site, Jesse realizes that there's not enough stun sauce to have any affect on all those Tentacools. All the Tentacools team up and blast the boat to bits, sending Team Rocket flying and the barrel of stun sauce hits one of the Tentacools, turning it into a gigantic Tentacruel! (Tentacruel are only supposed to be up to seven feet in length) The Tentacruel grabs Team Rocket, destroys the construction site, and plans to take down Porta Vista also. Everyone turn to flee as the giant jellyfish's approach causes a tidal wave. Jesse and James wind up on pole and Meowth finds himself the unwitting victim of a Tentacruel. Using Meowth as a speaker, the Tentacruel announces that he and all the Tentacool will destroy the human's home like they've destroyed the Tentacool's home (the ocean). Ash tries to let down the Tentacruel by sending out Pikachu, Bulbasaur and Squirtle out riding on Pidgeotto, Butterfree and Brock's Zubat and Misty unleashes the forces of Starmie, Staryu and Goldeen. Misty's Pokémon and Zubat herd the Tentacool back into the ocean while the flying Pikachu and Bulbasaur attack the massive Tentacruel. The Tentacruel smacks Butterfree and Bulbasaur. Then, Horsea and Pikachu try to reason with it. Finally, Misty convinces Tentacruel to stop the damage. She says that the people would stop doing that they were doing. The Tentacruel believes her, tosses Meowth away, and heads back out to the ocean. Then Nestina tries to attack the Tentacruel with machine guns and bazookas, but doesn't seem to do any harm on the Tentacruel as it smacks her off the island and all the way to her twin cousin's house. In the end, Misty gets Horsea as her new Pokémon. Team Rocket gets dragged behind a ferry in a barrel. (what a way to travel) Read the next episode to find out what happens... Episode 19 - "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak" Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are riding on the ferry while Team Rocket are riding in a barrel tied to the ferry. Brock is heart-broken because the summer is almost over and he hasn't found a girl yet. The gang manage to get to Maiden's Peak just in time for the festival. Our heroes get off the ferry and Brock sees a beautiful girl in the distance. Team Rocket get off from the barrel and James sees the beautiful girl also. Suddenly, Brock comes across an old woman who prophesizes that a beautiful girl will be the cause of something bad happening to Brock. Later on, Team Rocket and Ash's gang head into the festival. All day, Brock can't stop thinking about the girl, while Jesse and James search the ground for any loose change. James find a penny as and old woman appears out of nowhere and tells James the same thing she told Brock. Later the day at the festival, lots of people attend to the unveiling of a painting that the shrine had kept for so long. The pictures shows the girl that Brock and James had saw earlier. The host says that the painting shows the picture of a girl who had once lived over 2000 years ago as she waited for her warrior who had never come back. The story goes that the girl waited so long that she turned into stone. Brock and James immediately fall in love with the girl. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu head over to Maiden's Peak to get a closer look at it. Ash, Misty and Pikachu turn to head to the Pokémon Centre since it was near curfew time. Brock decides to stay a little longer and says he'll be back but he doesn't. Ash and Misty go back to the shrine to find Brock, but instead find Jesse and Meowth who are looking for James at the same time. As they met, Jesse starts her Team Rocket motto but is interrupted when James and Brock fall out through the shrine's doors, gibbering madly about being in love with the girl. The old woman appears again, saying it's girl's ghost who lures lonely men away and drains them of their life. Pikachu electrifies James and Brock to get them thinking normally. James starts getting freaked out, but Brock doesn't seem to change much. The old woman told them that the only way to keep the girl's ghost from getting anywhere near them is to cover Brock, James and the shrine with anti-ghost stickers, which she happens to sell. Ash and the other start sticking the stickers everywhere. They wait inside the sticker-covered shrine to see what happens. At night, a strong wind blows the stickers off the shrine, opens the doors and blows the stickers off Brock. The ghostly girl appears and takes Brock and James out of the shrine. James manages to hang on to a bar to keep himself from flying away but he loses his grip. The ghost begins to take Brock and James off the cliff. Ash and Misty pull Brock behind the handrail, even though Brock tried to protest, while Jesse blasts the girl with a bazooka. This causes James to fall into the ocean. He climbs back up the cliff and the girl's ghost summons a swarm of ghostly skulls. The skulls don't register on the Pokédex, but a chance flinch causes the Pokédex to identify the ghostly girl as Gastly, an orb-shaped ghost Pokémon with hypnotic powers. Ghastly's cover is blown. Gastly reveals that he not only disguise himself as the maiden, but also as the old woman as well. Ash sends in Pikachu to attack Gastly, but ghost's hypnotic powers make him think he's being chased by a giant mouse trap! Meowth goes for it, but is hypnotized into believing he's playing with a kitty-ball. Jesse binds Gastly with Ekans, but the snake is scared off by a giant mongoose. James shakily calls upon Koffing's poison gas attack, but is instead stomped by a mongoose wearing a gas mask. Ash tries his luck with Bulbasaur and Squirtle, teamed-up, but the ghost frightens them with a Venustoise (the combination of a Venusaur and a Blastoise...yikes!) Misty thinks she has the answer of getting rid of Gastly, as she holds out a holy cross, garlic, and wooden stakes. She's obviously confused Gastly with a vampire. As dawn nears, the sun comes up and Gastly disappears, screeching from the light. That night, everyone puts on Japanese robes and dances to the beat of huge drums playing by Team Rocket, who looks like they're enjoying themselves. Ash and Misty start dancing as Pikachu sang. Also, the REAL maiden's ghost thanks Gastly for his help, and Gastly was glad to help out ('cause he got paid for selling the stickers) Episode 20 - "Bye, Bye Butterfree" ( The saddest episode before pikachu's goodbye ) Along the way to Saffron City, Ash and friends come to a cliff at the ocean. There they find flocks of Butterfree during their love season. This is the time of year when the Butterfree find mates and leave across the ocean to lay eggs. Ash and pals rent a hot-air balloon to see the Butterfree up close and release Ash's Butterfree so it too can find a mate. Butterfree is pretty much rejected by every female he meets (poor Butterfree). Other Butterfree trainers also hope into their hot air balloons to release their Butterfrees and Brock sees a pretty female trainer in another balloon. He tries to hook up Butterfree with the girl's Butterfree (so he could meet the trainer, of course), but Misty whacks him upside the head, saying that he shouldn't tell which Pokémon Butterfree should go for. It was not long after when Butterfree then falls for a pretty pink Butterfree. Butterfree tries his courtship dance to get her interested, but the pink Butterfree just rejects him. Heartbroken, Butterfree heads down into the forest with Ash and the gang following him down. They find Butterfree behind a tree and tell him to not give up. Misty suggests showing off his attack moves. Brock thinks a new look might help, so he ties a bandana around Butterfree's neck (it looked really cute). Butterfree and his friends go back up to the sky once more. Butterfree shows the pink Butterfree his flying tackle, his stun spore shower, and his whirlwind attack, but she still ignores him anyway. Like always, Team Rocket shows up in a black helicopter and starts stealing all the Butterfrees in the sky with a giant butterfly net. All of the Butterfrees, except Ash's, are caught in the net. Butterfree's attacks against the helicopter are useless, so Butterfree follows the chopper and leads Ash and the bunch in the balloon to Team Rocket's secret bunker down in some valley. Team Rocket is pretty proud and relieved that their plan had actually worked but then Ash and his friends show up with their own version of the Team Rocket motto. While Misty's Starmie keeps Team Rocket busy, Butterfree manages releases his fluttery friends. Jesse bashes Starmie with a sledgehammer and Team Rocket chases the Butterfrees down in the helicopter again. Butterfree takes Pikachu to Team Rocket's chopper and Pikachu blasts them out of the sky. In the end, Ash and Butterfree say goodbye with an emotion moment, thinking of all the wonderful times they've had together. Butterfree and the pink Butterfree flutter into the sunset as Ash and his friends look from far behind.... pisode 21 - "Abra and the Psychic Showdown" Ash and friends get lost on the way to Saffron City, as usual. Along their way find a girl in the woods who runs off when asked they for directions. Ash decides to run after her, but nearly falls off a cliff instead, when Bulbasaur uses his vine-whip. The cliff over-looks Saffron City, which looks more like a city than the other cities in the previous episodes. As Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu enter the city entrance, they're greeted by some Hawaiian girls (who are actually Team Rocket) and are told that they're the one-millionth visitor to the city. Their prize isn't't so glamorous, Pikachu gets snatched away from them and while being shoved onto a warp tile that takes them to a windowless and doorless room. Team Rocket mocks Ash and company through TV when the signal suddenly cuts out. In the control room, the girl from the forest appears, and paralyzes James and Jesse. The girl then teleports with Pikachu to the windowless room and then teleports everyone back outside. Ash and his friends manage to find their way to the gum. Out of nowhere, a jogger warns Ash to forget about challenging Sabrina, the Gym Leader because it is too dangerous. Still determined to beat the Gym leader, Ash enters the temple-looking gym where they find many people praticing some of their psychic powers. A man in a surgical mask tells them that psychokinetic powers are necessary to control psychic Pokémon, and starts to bend a spoon with the powers of his mind. After, he tells Ash he is not worthy of challenging Sabrina since Ash lacked any psychic powers. Ash bends the spoon with his hands and demands to see Sabrina immediately. When Ash and the gang reach the arena, they see through a see-through curtain to see the girl from the forest. She will only accept Ash's challenge under one condition: If Ash loses, he and his friends must be her friends and play with her. Thinking this is just a mere little girl's request, Ash accepts and discovers the girl is actually a doll controlled by the psychic powers of Sabrina, the teenaged gym leader. And so, Ash calls upon Pikachu to battle. Sabrina summons Abra (a psychic pokémon that sleeps a lot), which just snoozes while Pikachu hops around, taunting it. Pikachu attempts to open with the Thundershock attack, but Abra's psychic powers cause the electricity to go back on Pikachu, shocking Pikachu. Pikachu attempts a quick attack, but Abra teleports behind him and Sabrina evolves it into the spoon-wielding Kadabra. Ash commands Pikachu to fill the arena with lightning, but Kadabra manages to make the lightning turn at Pikachu. Pikachu takes the hit pretty badly, but it gets worse as Kadabra's psychokinetic powers kept slamming Pikachu against the ceiling and floor. Not long after, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are shrunk down to doll size and teleported into a town made of dollhouses. It takes Ash a while to figure out that he's actually a doll and Ash's gang find themselves chased down the street by Sabrina's dolly. The street is block by a picture in a frames and the doll rolls a gigantic ball to them that would surely crush them if something doesn't save them. Something in the form of the mysterious jogger saves them, as he teleports into the doll town, teleports everyone out and back to normal size outside the gym. The jogger tells Ash not to challenge Sabrina again because he won't be able to save them next time and no one without psychic powers could beat her. Ash says that all they need to do is attack faster and the jogger uses his psychic powers to cause Ash's pants to fall down and make him do a little dance. Seeing the jogger's point, Ash asks him to teach him psychic powers. The jogger says that usually only people born with the powers can learn them. I forget why, but for some reason Ash tries to get near the jogger, but he's blasted back with psychokinetic force. It'll take more than guts to defeat Sabrina explains Jogger, but Ash crawls his way to Jogger's foot. Jogger thinks he just might have what it takes "to save Sabrina" (whatever that meant...) and tells Ash the only Pokémon capable of beating a psychic is a ghost Pokémon that can be found in Lavender Town. Ash and friends then head straight for Lavender Town, while Jesse and James are still paralyzed and Meowth drags them along Episode 22 - "Tower of Terror" Taking the advice of the mysterious jogger, Ash and friends head for Lavender Town. Along the fog-shrouded way, Ash scares Brock and Misty with a mask. Ash thinks that they need to overcome fear if they're to catch a ghost Pokémon and beat Sabrina, but Brock and Misty are less than appreciative. They eventually get to Lavender Town and the haunted Pokémon Tower, but no one is willing to go inside. Meanwhile, inside the tower, Team Rocket awaits with a plan to catch Pikachu. James falls through the floor and is followed by Meowth when he slashes Jesse's face trying to defend himself from a Ghastly surrounding her head. Jesse doesn't see it until she looks in a mirror, panics, and falls through the hole in floor. Team Rocket then falls through a few more floors into the basement. Ash and company finally muster up enough courage to enter the tower. The door closes behind them, sending them into complete darkness. Charmander lights a candle (and Brock, who was holding it) and the five of them eventually find themselves in the dining room. Ash pulls a rope labeled "Pull me" and they get showered with confetti and big sign that reads "Welcome". Dinnerware and chairs fly all over the place and Team Ash beats a hasty retreat outside. Ash bravely (or stupidly) marches back inside while Brock and Misty wait outside. Hearing sounds coming through a hole in the floor, Ash has Pikachu send down a lightning blast and Charmander let loose with a fire blast. He tosses down a Pokéball which hits a toasted Jesse in the face. Jesse swears revenge and Meowth points out that her hair is on fire. As Ash just stared down at what seemed like a twirling fireball, Haunter (Ghastly's second stage of evolution) sneaks up behind Ash and startles him. Ash has Charmander leer at Haunter and the two get into a staring match. Charmander makes a face, Haunter bursts out laughing and licks Charmander, which really freaks him out. Ash puts the lizard back into its ball and Gengar (third-stage Ghastly) appears, whaps Ash with a huge paper fan, and procedes to whap Haunter vigorously. After a while, Ash realizes that they're trying to be funny. He tells the ghosts they aren't and they sink into the floor. Then a chandalier falls on Ash and Pikachu, knocking them out cold. Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar check to see if they're OK, then Haunter separates Ash and Pikachu's spirits from there bodies. Ash and Pikachu panic, then the three ghost Pokémon take them on a trip through the sky. Ash sees Misty and Brock and decides to have some fun with them. Misty thinks she heard something, then Ash lifts her up into the air and drops her. Brock catches her then the two of them go inside to check on Ash. The ghostly trio take Ash and Pikachu into an enormous play room and Ash figures out that the ghosts just want to have fun, not scare people. Ash explains he has to now and, after a good cry, the ghosts put Ash and Pikachu back into their bodies. Misty and Brock are glad to see their friends are OK, and the four of them leave the tower. Ash explains he could never catch the ghost Pokémon, then Haunter appears and scares off Brock and Misty, and Ash finds himself with a new friend with Haunter. Episode 23 - "Haunter vs. Kadabra" With Haunter at his side, Ash, Brock and Misty return to Saffron City. Before entering the gym, Ash releases Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander and entire group storms their way into the arena. Sabrina calls out her Kadabra but when Ash calls for Haunter, he's gone missing. Panicing like crazy, Ash calls it quits and everyone makes a break for it. The exits are sealed, but the mysterious jogger rescues everyone except Brock and Misty who got turned into dolls. Outside the gym, the jogger tells Ash about Sabrina's past. As a little girl all Sabrina wanted to do was practice her pyschic powers. She didn't even want to make friends. Her parents tried to curb her powers, but Sabrina used her psychic powers to turn them away. Eventually, her powers split her into two people: the emotionless pokémon trainer who'll stop at nothing to win, and the doll who tries her hardest to make friends. Seeing that the jogger has the same picture as the one blocking the street in episode 20, Ash makes a connection. Most people would make the connection that the jogger was Sabrina's dad, but Ash thinks he's a photographer (he's wrong, of course). But that doesn't matter, as Ash must find Haunter again if he's ever to defeat Sabrina. Not known to Ash as he walks about town, Team Rocket is waiting on a window-cleaning platform above him. Their apparently most ingenious plan ever: to catch Pikachu in a fish net! (hehe) Haunter appears and starts freaking them out, as they topple off the platform. Jesse hangs to the platform on for dear life (while James hangs on her and Meowth hangs on him) as Haunter goofs off in front of her. Finally, she can't hold her laughter in much longer. She bursts out laughing and they leave Team Rocket-shaped holes in the sidewalk. Ash realizes Haunter just saved Pikachu then makes him promise not to dissapear like that again until he defeats Sabrina's Kadabra. Ash, Pikachu, and Haunter head back to the Gym to challenge Sabrina. The stakes: If Ash wins, Sabrina turns Brock and Misty back into humans. If he loses, Ash and all his Pokémon get turned into dolls! Sabrina sends in Kadabra, but Haunter has disappeared again! Pikachu bravely dives into the fray with several thundershock attacks, each of which is dodged by a timely teleport! Kadabra lets loose with a psychic assault that sends Pikachu reeling! Pikachu's thunderbolt attack fries Kadabra, but he recovers! Suddenly Haunter appears out of nowhere next to Sabrina and starts to goof off. Sabrina's doll objects, but the jogger points out that Haunter isn't fighting, so he stays. Haunter does a great many entertaining tricks, ending with a cartoon bomb that covers Sabrina, the doll and the ghost with ash. Finally Sabrina can't hold back anymore and bursts out laughing and doll fades off into the background. Ash doesn't understand, and the jogger points out that Kadabra, whose psychically linked to Sabrina, is rolling around on the arena floor laughing his head off. Since Kadabra can no longer battle, the jogger declares the match over with Ash as the victor! The jogger remarks that it's the happiest he's seen Sabrina in her entire life, then Ash finally makes the connection! He also took her baby pictures! (Geez! How dense can you get, huh?) Not that it matters, because Brock and Misty are back to normal, Sabrina has a new friend, Ash has the Marshbadge, and Team Rocket is covered with cement after they escaped from the hole they made. Episode 24 - "Primeape Goes Bananas" Ash decides to show off to Professor Oak about the four badges that he's won so far. Oak tells him that the other trainers from Pallet Town, including Gary, already have five badges and has passed through Celadon City. Also, Gary has over 30 Pokémon now, and Ash hasn't caught any since Krabby was transported to Oak's house. The two of them have been getting along quite well, enjoying tea and writing poetry. Not good poetry, but poetry none the less. According to Professor Oak, poets and trainers have a lot in common. You can't be a good poet without rhyming and you can't be a good trainer without catching loads of Pokémon. With that, the conversation ends and Ash walks back to where Misty, Brock and Pikachu are eating Brock's homemade doughnuts (with no artificial ingredients, might I add). Brock says it's a day's walk to Celadon City, or less if they hurry. A Mankey (a pig-nosed little monkey thing) appears and Brock gives it a doughnut. Ash tries to catch it by throwing a Pokéball at it, but catches a half-eaten doughnut instead. Mankey is upset and thrashes Ash, steals his official Pokémon League hat (which he won by sending in about a million postcards), and climbs into a tree. Ash shakes his fist at Mankey and demands his hat back, but Mankey shakes his fist right back at him and makes monkey-like hooting sounds. Ash climbs up the tree only to be thrashed again. Since this is a bad time, Team Rocket shows up and demands Pikachu. Mankey hops out of the tree to inspect Team Rocket and James kicks it over a rock. Brock warns them not to make the Mankey angry, and Team Rocket turns to see Mankey evolve into Primeape (NEVER look a Primeape in the eyes). Deciding to ignore the pig-monkey-thing, Jesse and James sends in Ekans and Koffing to capture Pikachu and Primeape sends Jesse face-first into a boulder. Enraged, Jesse commands Ekans and Koffing to attack the white, fluffy monkey thing and the entirety of Team Rocket dog piles on Primeape. Ash and friends make a break for it, but wait! Ash forgot his hat! Pikachu goes back for it, but his path is block by the Primeape who just beat up Team Rocket. Despite his best efforts, Pikachu looks Primeape in the eyes and is forced to Thundershock him. Primeape (whose wearing Ash's hat now) throws fit and Brock thinks he just wants some attention. Brock gets thrown over the horizon like a rag doll and Primeape rampages after Ash, Pikachu and Misty! Team Rocket decides to cut them off at the pass. Misty, Ash and Pikachu split up to try to lose Primeape, but he's rapidly gaining on Ash! Brock, who just caught up, thinks he and Misty should catch up with them. Meanwhile, further down the road, Team Rocket dig themsleves into a hole. Jesse peers out of the pit just long enough to see Ash fall on her. Koffing belches a cloud of noxious gas, and climbs out of the hole to see the eyes of Primeape. Remembering what Oak said about poetry and Pokémon training (not that it applies to poetry), Ash sends in Squirtle to attack Primeape. The blue squirrel-turtle's clear geyser makes the white pig-monkey see red, so Ash recalls him and sends in Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur's razor-leaf attack is none to effective, so he trades places with Charmander. Charmander seems to be getting pulverized by Primeape, but Dexter the Pokédex reports on Charmander's Rage attack, which gets stronger as Charmander gets damaged. The rage attack sends Primeape down for the count and Ash catches him in a Pokéball. He then uses Primeape to uppercut Team Rocket, Pokémon and all, into the upper stratasphere. Ash welcomes Primeape to his team, and Primeape welcomes Ash to a black eye. The chase brought them all the way to Celadon City. In the end, Ash gets his hat back, a new Pokémon, and Team Rocket lands in the middle of Primeape nest. Hee hee hee. Silly monkey-pig things. Episode 25 - "Pokémon Scent-sation" In Celadon City, Ash and friends follow there noses to a perfume shop. Ash doesn't like perfume because he thinks it smells bad and turns men into zombies, much like Brock was at this time. He gets thrown out of the shop and goes to the Gym, but they won't let him in because he doesn't like perfume (which just happens to be manufactured in this very gym) and stamps a big, red "X" on his face. While Ash gripes Team Rocket climbs in thru the window to steal the perfume's secret ingredients and make a bundle selling them. Inside, James finds and awakens a napping Gloom (Oddish's second stage of evolution). James's Koffing poison gases the Gloom, but the plant Pokémon just inhales it and lets off a malodious odor of its own. The stink is excrutiating, even to Meowth (who wasn't drawn with a nose), leaving Team Rocket open to being wacked with mallets, having big, red X's stamped on their faces, and being strung up in a tree. Jesse offers Ash a plan to get in the gym if he gets them down. They dress Ash up like a girl and disguise themsleves as "Ashley's" parents and enroll him, uh, her, in the gym. While one of the trainers shows "Ashley" around, Team Rocket removes their disguises as the search the gym and has Meowth plant a bomb. "Ashley" asks to see Erica, the Gym Leader, who turns out to be the manager of the perfume shop! She's reading a story to a group of trainers, including Misty and Brock. He hopes the don't regonize him, which they don't, but Pikachu does! While "Ashley" tries to do his best to dupe his friends, Pikachu walks up and hugs his leg. He tries to kick him off, but Pikachu shocks him and the wig burns off. Ash admits to dressing up as a girl to challenge Erica, and Erica decides to accept the challenge. First up is Tangela (a mess of vines with feet), and Ash sends in Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur grabs Tangela with the vine whip, but Tangela reels him in and sprays him with stun spore. Erica offers to give Ash some Paralyz heal potion later, and Ash chooses Primeape, remembers the black eye he got from it, and releases Charmander. Erica's Weepinbell's razor leaf attack is useless against Charmander's full-force flame thrower, so she sends in Gloom. Erica tells Ash he can't be good trainer unless he has empathy with Pokémon, and Ash can't figure which Pokémon would hold up best against Gloom's rampant reek (which, in the wild, it only uses when threatened). Pikachu is up to the task, but Team Rocket cuts the match short when they leap in, blow themsleves to kingdom come, and escapes with the secret formula! The explosion sets the gym on fire and all the Pokémon and trainers except Gloom escapes safely. Ash runs into the gym to save it. Ash finds Gloom in the arena, where it's been spewing its evil fumes for while. Ash holds his breath and rushes in. He tells Gloom he's here to save him, but Ash can't hold his breath any longer and falls to the ground. To his surprise, the odor's gone and he remembers that Erica said earlier that it won't produce a stench if it feels safe. Ash runs out with Gloom and, once the fire has been put out, is rewarded with the Rainbow Badge. And what about Team Rocket stealing the secret formula? It turns out they only stole one ingredient without knowing what it was: essence of Gloom! Episode 26 - "Hypno's Naptime" Ash and friends leave Celadon city and find themselves in a city apparently called "Hop-hop-hop City". A strange woman mistakes Ash for her son Arnold and hugs him. It turns out that Arnold has been missing for three days and, according to Officer Jenny (Maiden Peak's Jenny's cousin's cousin), so have a lot of other kids. Brock, who beleives this is the most beautiful Officer Jenny he's ever seen (they all look alike), and Ash, who thinks Arnold's mom looks a little like his own, decide to help out. Jenny, Ash, Brock and Misty head to the Pokémon Center to ask around and discover another mystery. All the Pokémon Center's Pokémon, including a Cubone, an Oddish, a Magikarp, a Charmander, and a Psyduck (a huge duck whose powers come from a mysterious force), have all gone to sleep and haven't woken up in three days! There has to be a connection. Pikachu falls asleep and Jenny's detector starts picking up sleep waves (a psychic wavelength that induces sleep). Our brave detectives leave to check out the source. Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, Team Rocket has figured out that the source of the sleep waves is coming from Hop-hop-hop City. Their dastardly plan: To find the source, steal it, put their boss to sleep and take a much needed vacation. They may be the bad guys, but even they need a little R&R. Jenny, Ash, Brock and Misty trace the source to mansion located on the top of a giant building. Inside the mansion they find the elegantly dressed Pokémon Fan Club celebrating their loss of insomnia due to the fact that one of their Drowzees (a tapir-descended Pokémon with psycho-hypnotic powers) evolved into a Hypno three days ago. Hypno's been trained to put humans to sleep, which Brock pointed out might have a side effect thats affecting the Pokémon in the Center. Ash (I think) suggests that it might also affect children who are sensitive to Hypno's effects. Misty looks into Hypno's pendulum, falls into a trance, starts clapping her hands and saying "Seel, Seel. Seel, Seel", and runs out the door. (A Seel is a white-colored Pokémon not unlike a seal or walrus) Ash, Brock and Jenny follow Misty to a lake in the park where other kids are acting like Pokémon. Jenny tries to wake them from their trance but to no avail. The Fan Club's Drowzee or Hypno may be able to bring them back to normal, so they bring Misty back to the mansion where Drowzee awakens Misty and Pikachu. The Fan Club lends them Drowzee and our heroes are about to make their way to the elevator when Team Rocket swoops down in hang-glider packs and challenges Hypno to hypnotize himself in a mirror. Ash breaks the mirror, so Jesse and James just snags Hypno and Drowzee with bullwhips. (They would've done that first, but they had to fill up half an hour) Misty's Staryu snaps the whips and Ash's Pidgeotto blows away Team Rocket (who were still wearing their hang-glider packs). Ash and friends take Drowzee to the park and cures the afflicted children. Arnold (who kinda looks like Ash) is reunited with his mother and Drowzee is taken to the Pokémon Center. The Pokémon return to normal, but Nurse Joy is worried about Psyduck, who still has his hands on his head. Brock offers to cure him. They walk down the street, followed by Psyduck, arguing over who gets Psyduck. No one wants it. Brock thinks Misty should get him, since she's fond of water Pokémon, but she objects, especially after Dexter the Pokédex says that Psyducks always have headaches. Walking backwards, Misty trips and one of her Pokéballs rolls toward Psyduck. To Misty's dismay, the cerebrally inflamed duck opens the ball and gets sucked inside. Looks like she's stuck with it now. Episode 26 - "Pokémon Fashion Flash" Ash, Misty and Brock take a walk down Scissor Street, also known as "Breeder's Lane," trying to find a salon that Brock is looking for. Along the way, they pass "Salon Rocké," a beauty parlor that puts Pokémon in outrageously bad yet trendy fasions. They find the place Brock's looking for, a salon run by world-champion Pokémon breeder Susan. An incredibly tense Brock shocks everyone by asking Susan if he could be her student, but Susan doesn't take students. Also in the salon is Susan's pet Vulpix (a fire-breathing fox with six tails) which doesn't like to be touched by strangers, as Misty found out the hard way. They decide to have lunch (it's a slow day) and talk about Salon Rocké. Susan is surprised to see Vulpix eat some of Brock's home-made Pokémon food, since she only eats food that Susan has prepared for her. Returning to the main plot, Susan tells Ash and friends that Salon Rocké has started a fad. Trainers should care about what Pokémon is like on the inside, but lately trainers has been flocking to Salon Rocké for the latest fashion. Ash agrees its whats on the inside that counts, a Pokémon's personality and abilities, but Misty thinks whats on the outside is important too. They get into an arguement and Ash suggests that if Misty's so sure, she should take Psyduck (who's definately no fashion model) down to Salon Rocké. Misty releases Psyduck and swears to return as the cutest things Ash has ever seen. Susan says that these days trainers are going for looks instead of substance. Brock has a plan: give customers beauty and substance. Pretty soon, people are flocking to Susan's salon to see Susan's seminar on Pokémon health and beauty. If a Pokémon feels good on the inside, it'll look good on the outside. Meanwhile, Misty finds that the line outside Salon Rocké has gotten surprisingly short surprisingly fast. After getting a fashion make-over, Misty discovers that Salon Rocké is a front for Team Rocket (kinda obvious with the name and a large picture of Ekans and Koffing out front)! She gets tied up and commands Psyduck to attack, but the migrane-surplused duck has already made his way to Susan's salon, where she's having Ash demonstrate how to massage a Pikachu, and tells Pikachu who tells Ash that Misty's in trouble. Ash and Brock storm into Salon Rocké to find Misty looking absolutely ridiculous (actually, she likes her new look) and being held captive by Team Rocket. Ash refuses a ransom of Pikachu, and James introduces Ash and Brock to Salon Rocké's combat platform/fashion runway. After saying Salon Rocké's fashion-inspired and Team Rocket parodied motto (Jesse and James are reeeally into fashion), Jesse and James unleashes a tutu-wearing Koffing and an Ekans that looks like a christmas tree. Ash and Brock defend with Pikachu and Geodude and the fight is underway. Pikachu gets knocked for a loop and retaliates with a devastating Thundershock and Geodude give Ekans the ol' seismic toss! Balerina Koffing gives the heroic Pokémon a sludge-attack make-over, effectively blinding them! Ekans and Koffing move in for the kill, but trip on their ridiculous outfits and fall on their faces. A sports jacket clad Meowth rallies his Pokémon compadres and Susan enters the fray with Vulpix. The cute little Vulpix dishes out a fire-tornado of justice and Team Rocket blasts off again. Susan has realized that she still has much to learn, so she still can't accept Brock as her pupil. They become friendly rivals and Susan gives Brock Vulpix. Ash, Brock and Misty stride off into the sunset and Team Rocket gets chased by rabid, refund-hungry and generally unsatisfied customers. Episode 28 - "The Punchy Pokémon" (Who is Hitmonchan) Our heroes go on their way as they stumble upon a wild Hitmonchan (a weird-looking Pokémon with boxer gloves). Ash decides to capture it so he teaches Pikachu his special punch to beat it. Pikachu jumps into the attack with a flurry of punches that don't land as Hitmonchan literally keeps him at arm's length. Ash commands Pikachu to use the special punch and with a blaze of pyrotechnic effects, Pikachu blasts off with the rocket punch! The punch lands but has little or no effect. Hitmonchan's trainer appears and tells him he let his gaurd down. The trainer's daughter, Rebecca, comes out from behind a tree and begs her father to give up his foolish dreams of Pokémon training and spend some time with his family. Her father ignores her and goes to his gym to take on challengers. Rebecca's worried and Brock offers to help in any way possible. Rebecca's father wants to win the P-1 Grand Prix, and Rebecca wants Ash and Brock to enter the tournement and defeat Hitmonchan to bring her father to his senses. The P-1 Grand Prix is a tournement for fighting Pokémon and Team Rocket has their sights set on the championship belt and the prize money. Unfortunately, neither Jesse nor James has a fighting Pokémon (or many other Pokémon), so the tie up a trainer and steal his clothes and Hitmonlee (a humanoid creature with no head, also known as the kicking fiend). Disguised as Hitmonlee's trainer, Jesse (sitting on James's shoulders under a trenchcoat) enters the grand prix. The first match begins as Ash's Primeape faces off against Machop (a grey lizard-like thing with hands). A flurry of kicks and a seismic toss sends Primeape flying and Ash leaps to catch him as he flies out of the ring. Ash attempts to bring Primeape's spirits up before putting him back in the ring. Misty (in the audience next to Rebecca) notes that this is the first time Primeape has done as Ash asked, as he usually does what he feels like. Apparently, trying to save Primeape has made him trust Ash. Primeape thrashes, bashes, and scratches and wins the match. Next up, Brock's Geodude takes on Team Rocket's Hitmonlee. Geodude gets kicked like a soccer ball into the back of Brock's Rebecca-gazing head but gets back in the ring. Hitmonlee's kicks wear down Geodude and Rebecca's father convinces Brock to throw in the towel. Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Primeape battle their way to the final rounds. The match between Hitmons lee and chan is sabatoged as Meowth, from beneath the ring, glues Hitmonchan's feet to the floor. The only thing standing in the way of Team Rocket and the championship belt is Ash's Primeape, and Meowth has another trick up his kitty sleeve. Pikachu spies on Team Rocket as Meowth explains that when Hitmonlee jumps, they'll press a remote button and the device planted under the ring will electrocute Primeape and explode! Pikachu tries to warn Ash, but he's to busy directing Primeape. Hitmonlee jumps, but the device doesn't do anything. Hitmonlee now has to play fair and he and Primeape leap into battle. Once on the ground, Hitmonlee's flurry of kicks keeps Primeape at bay. Rebecca's dad says he can't beat Hitmonlee unless he gets on the inside of the kicks. Primeape ducks Hitmonlee's kick and gives him an uppercut that sends him flying! Primeape leaps up after him and slams Hitmonlee onto the mat with a seismic toss. Primeape and Ash won the P-1 Grand Prix! Rebecca's dad is impressed and offers to train Primeape to be a real P-1 championn. Meowth can't figure out what went wrong. Pikachu crawls out from under the ring, hands Meowth the device and walks off. Meowth inspects the device which then electrocutes Team Rocket and explodes, throwing them from the stadium. In the end Rebecca's dad promises to train Primeape well and Rebecca promises to get her dad to spend more time with his family. Episode 29 - "Sparks Fly for Magnemite" Gringy City. Factories, pollution, and little life. That's the location of this episode as Ash and friends enter the grimy little burg. Pikachu doesn't look so well, so they rush him to the Pokémon Center. A somewhat indifferent Nurse Joy says that Pikachu just has a cold and he'll be better after a nights rest. Meanwhile, Team Rocket begins their dastardly plan. They try to sneak into the center by sewer, but a city-wide blackout shuts off the oxygen pump to their suits and they're forced to surface. This is bad news not only for Jesse and James stuck under a river of smelly sewer slime, but for the Pokémon in intensive care at the Pokémon Centre as well. Officer Jenny points Ash and company in the way of the electric plant. Although ill, Pikachu insists on tagging along. Once there, an unseen presence chills Misty to the bone and Brock soon sees it too. Ash challenges it to step forward so they can it, unless it's a monster or a ghost, in which case it could stay where it is. The presence is a Magnemite (a metallic orby-thingy with screws and magnets stuck to it) that is obviously quite attracted to Pikachu as it floats around, following him. (This Magnemite has been stalking Pikachu since he entered the city) Pikachu isn't too pleased to have a creepy metal ball float behind him and Ash tells it to buzz off. Magnemite zooms off, but most likely from the stench of the Grimers (living piles of smelly sludge) that drop down from the air ducts a moment later. Misty loudly expresses how bad they smell, and a Muk (a bigger pile of sludge, second-stage Grimer) whose apparently the leader orders an attack. Ash and pals get chased down the hallways of the electric plant and run into the guys who run the place. They all run to the control room and lock the door. The plant technicians explain that the Grimers have blocked the pipes that lead to the generators, and without that water they can't run the plant. The Grimers knock down the door and Pikachu's thunder shock is practically useless (because he's ill). All hope seems lost, but it's Magnemite to the rescue! It brought along some Magnetons (three Magnemites stuck together, second-stage Magnemite) that electrocute the attacking Grimers and the herd the Grimers out the pipes. All that remains is an attacking Muck, which is weakened by a combined electric attack from Pikachu and Magnemite. Ash catches it in a Pokéball, but it still smells terrible. The next morning, Pikachu feels alot better. When an electric Pokémon, like Pikachu, gets sick, it stores up a lot of energy and becomes magnetized. It could explain why Magnemite was "attracted", so to speak, to Pikachu, and why it's ignoring him now. Now Pikachu really feels better. Just then, Team Rocket splashes out of the bay with huge magnet on a submarine. Thinking Pikachu is still sick, they turn on the magnet and attract a ton of Magnetons. The weight of the Magnetons cause the submarine to sink, dragging them under water. Also, Professor Oak isn't too pleased when Ash sends him his new Muk. Episode 30 - "Dig those Digletts!" Like most of the time, our heroes, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are lost in the forest. Fumbling over his map, Brock tries to figure out where they are until he realizes that they're surrounded by mountains. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are planning to have a little picnic not far from Ash and the gang. James decides to go eat some crumpets as Jesse settles for some chinese food, while Meowth does some sit-ups. Just before they eat, a huge explosion causes the ground to shake and Team Rocket has their food flipped onto their heads. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu feel the explosion too and run towards the sound to see what's happening. The gang arrive at a narrow road that runs through the forest. There were some huge construction vehicles and trucks that were lining up on the road. The explosions were from the dynamite that was planted on the mountainside. Suddenly, the tire of one of the huge trucks fall into a hole and causes a chain reaction among the other trucks. Pretty soon, there was a huge pile of overturned trucks along the road. A worker with a funky accent jumps out of one of the trucks and starts complaining about Digletts (a weiner-looking Pokémon that lives in the ground). The worker tells Ash that some Digletts are creating havoc for the construction workers by making their trucks fall over. He says that they're going to build a dam, called the Giva Dam but it's pretty obvious that the Digletts don't like the idea of it and keep preventing the construction workers from doing their work. The worker offers Ash the reward of staying 7 days at a resort if he could get rid of the Digletts. Without warning, Gary shows up in a red convertible with some girls. With some sly talk, Gary tell Ash that he's a loser and that he'll be able to get rid of the Digletts for sure. Drooling, Brock asks who the girls are and Gary just tells him that they're just some friends of his. Brock desperately asks the girls for their phone numbers but they don't give it to him. After a while, Gary drives off. A rally is held later on by the worker to address all Pokémon trainers about the Digletts. Meanwhile, Jesse, James and Meowth are watching from above. Jesse gets an idea and plans to take all the people's Pokémons from the rally but she soon realizes that Team Rocket can't go up against them with just Ekans and Koffing. Then, Jesse and James suddenly say talk about how much they'll miss their Pokémons (Ekans and Koffing) when they evolve. Crying, they huge their Pokémons and without warning, Ekans and Koffing begin to evolve. Back at the rally, some Digletts appear and all the Pokémon trainers, including Gary and Ash, start throwing their Pokéballs, but nothing happens. None of the Pokémons jump out of their Pokéballs. Pretty soon, a huge pile of Pokéballs form, but the Digletts give them back their owners (pretty polite creatures) and the pile is soon gone. That night, Ash and company are enjoying themselves in a hot spring. Then, some Digletts appear from the rocks near them. Pikachu and the rest of them start following the Digletts as they form a huge line and head towards some place with branches and sticks on their heads. Some people are trying to hit the Digletts with some sledgehammers but they don't succeed. The worker, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu follow the Digletts to a mountainside filled with working Digletts and Dugtrios (the evolved form of a Diglett) who help plant flowers and trees. The worker finally sees that the Digletts are trying to protect their land and which is why they're trying to stall the construction of the dam. As usual, Team Rocket show up but with a surprise this time. Instead of bring out Koffing and Ekans, they have Weezing (the second stage of Koffing) and Arbock (the second stage of Ekans). It wasn't long until there was a loud rumble. The Digletts formed a huge, moving pile of dirt towards Team Rocket. Jesse and James manage to stay on the top of the moving pile and pretend that they're surfing. Without realizing it until the last moment, the huge pile of dirt, as well as Team Rocket surfing on top of it, smash into the unfinished dam. (what a mess) Pretty soon, it is over. The worker realizes that the habitants of the forest would be without a place to live if the dam was built, and that the water would be flooded over their former homes. He decides to stop the building of the dam (well, the dam is already destroyed anyway). Ash and the rest of the gang happily leave on their way to becoming great Pokémon trainers. Episode 31 - "The Ninja-Pokémon Showdown" Ash and the gang are on their way to look for Fuschia Gym. They find themselves in a deep forest...and no big surprise, they're lost. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu decides to take a break and rest near a stream. Psyduck stops to take a drink while Brock's Vulpix is being groomed. Misty is desperate to get rid of Psyduck because she thinks it's useless. she offers Unknown to them was there another person, or Pokémon, watching them from behind the trees. Soon, they're on their way again. Soon, they find a huge house. The gang enters the building and looks around. Misty decides to lean on one of the walls and the wall moves on her. She falls behind it as Brock points out that it's a secret room. They see a Venonat around the corner. They decide to chase it. As Ash is running, gets electrocuted by a Voltorb, planted on the ground. After that incident, Ash and company go up the stairs. They turn and Ash slams into another invisible wall. Ash turns around and finds himself face-to-face with another invisible wall (what a bad day for him). Desperate to get out, Ash pushes one of the wooden walls and the wall falls towards a river far below. Misty and Brock manage to rescue him. Then, the Venonat appears from the house. Ash goes in to chase it but it pinned down by some star spikes. A ninja-looking girl shows up, introducing herself as Iya. Misty and Ash are angry at her for pinning Ash with dangerous things but Brock gets this crush on her. Iya doesn't allow Ash and gang to leave until she has a battle with them. Ash agrees to her challenge. He calls upon Bulbasaur against her Venonat. The battle ends with Bulbasaur winning! Suddenly, out of nowhere, a Voltorb appears and then smoke fills the room. A man steps out of the smoke and introduces himself as Iya's brother and master, Koga. He, too, tells the gang that they can't leave until they battle him. Again, Ash agrees to the challenge. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are spying on gym, not far away. Their plan: to steal all the rare Pokémon in the gym. Back in the gym, it's Pidgeotto against Koga's must experienced, Venonat. Just as it got out, it evolves to Venomoth. After losing the first round, Ash calls upon Charmander. Right in the middle of the battle, Team Rocket shows up, dressed in some funky costumes. James complains that the costumes are much to clumsy so they take it off. Team Rocket sends out their monsters as Charmander and Venomoth fights against them. Suddenly, Jesse throw some sticky string at Pikachu which sticks to him. Misty offers to send out her Pokémon but whenever she calls their names out, they don't come out. Only Psyduck remains. Koga thinks of an idea and sends in a group of Voltorbs. Using her sticky string again, Jesse throws it at the group of Voltorbs, catching them. Without warning, the house begins to tilt and goes in a slant. Ash tries to get the string off Pikachu and Charmander but it wouldn't work. Not even Pikachu's electricity could get it off. Team Rocket shows up again while Psyduck runs around the room like crazy. He goes faster and faster, despite Misty's calls to make him stop. She tries to call him back to his Pokéball but he was running to fast for her to aim at him. Team Rocket looks at Psyduck and decides that they don't want him. Misty goes over to Psyduck to calm him down, and unexpectedly, he stops and closes his eyes. As no one would think of it, Psyduck blasts out some powerful attacks called "Disable" and "Confusion" which sends Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light again. Psyduck also manages to get rid of the string. Misty finds out that when Psyduck's migraine gets so severe, his powers are way stronger. Koga and Iya offers to trade their Pokémon for Psyduck but Misty refuses. Wanting to get his badge, Ash battles with Koga. So, it's Koga's Gobat against Ash's Charmander. After a hilarious battle (which included Brock getting fried by Charmander), Ash and Charmander are victorious. For winning the battle and saving Koga's Voltorbs, Ash receives the Soul Badge. On their quest, Ash and the others continue down their path to their future adventures.... Episode 32 - "The Flame Pokémon-athon" Our heroes walk out of the jungle and see a clearing. Soon, they hear the rumble of a herd of Tauros. Desperate to catch one, Ash calls upon Pikachu and finds him sleeping instead, so he calls upon Charmander to attack them. Charm was about to use his attack when a Growlet jumped on him. Using his Flame thrower attack, Charmander and the Growlet use the same attacks since Growlet was also a Fire-type Pokémon. Ash calls back Charmander and brings out Squirtle. As Squirtle was about to attack the Growlet, a girl on a Ponyta knocks down Ash. The girl, Laura, says that Ash and the gang are on a Pokémon reserve and it's against the law to catch any Pokémon. Laura, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu head back to Laura's ranch to talk. Laura invites them to a party tonight and if they stay for the night, they can watch the big Pokémon race tomorrow. Suddenly, they all hear a herd of Dudrios (Dudrios are fast Pokémon runners) running. At the front of the pack, a boy named Dario rides a Dudrio. He goes up to Laura and boasts that he'll win the race tomorrow. Later on, Laura and the Pikachu Clan walk through the party (it looks more like a festival to me) as Laura gets a wave of encouragement for the big race. Unexpectedly, Dario runs up to the gang and tells Laura that her Tauros are acting all crazy. Quickly, they head to the ranch to see the Tauros all excited. Laura calls upon Growlet to calm them. Without warning, a black stone (or something like that) jumps out from the bushes and startles Ponyta, which still had Laura on it. Ponyta backs up and Laura falls down, breaking her arm. Ash manages to calm Ponyta easily. Not far from there, Team Rocket and Dario are spying on them. They are making some kind of agreement in which TR will help Dario win. Later that night, Laura announces that she can't race tomorrow because of her arm then, she asks Ash to race for her. Misty, Brock, and Pikachu encourage Ash to go and he finally agrees. After a hilarious practice that night, they are ready for the race. The next day at the race, Ash joins with Ponyta, Misty with Starmie, Brock with Onix and Pikachu with Squirtle. Dario races ahead and behind, some stone hits a Tauros and manages to cause a fight between some Pokémon. It's actually Team Rocket that slingshot the rock. The first obstacle ahead is the 45 degrees hill climb. Dario is leading as Pikachu and Squirtle are left WAY behind to struggle up the hill (this part was cute). Then, the track was downhill with Dario still ahead. Without warning, a boy riding on a Electrode comes speeding down really fast and beats Dario. Then, from behind some rocks, Team Rocket are laughing at the hole that they dug for the Electrode. The Electrode falls into the hole and suddenly lets out a big electric burst that throws all the Pokémon up. Ash and Ponyta get back up and the next obstacle they see is a wide river that they have to cross by jumping on the stepping stones. Brock and Onix are left back at the riverside as Rock-type Pokémon are vulnerable to water. Back at the lead, the next obstacle is a steep rockhill with some ledges that contain Pokémon food for the Pokémon to power up. Dario's Dudrio heads fight with each other on who's going to get the first bite. Ponyta and Ash come not far behind. Unexpectedly, some smoke appears and Team Rocket appears. Soon, Ash and Misty find out that they are behind all the problems during the face. A heated fight starts between TR's Pokémon and Ash's Pokémon. In the midst of the battle, Dario and Dudrio race ahead. In a flash, Weezing lets out it's poisonous sludge right at Ponyta. Reacting fast, Ponyta covers itself in a huge flame and comes in contact with the sludge, which causes a huge explosion. Determined to win the race for Laura, Ash and Ponyta went as fast as they ever could. Now, it seems like a two-Pokémon race between Dudrio and Ponyta. When both Pokémon head into the stadium, one of Dudrio's head pecks Ponyta which makes him fall behind. Dario and Dudrio are about to win when Ponyta suddenly evolves into Rapidash (second stage evolution of Ponyta). Going at about 100/mph Rapidash manages to win the race by one inch. At the end of the race, Dario and Dudrio are mad and try to bash into Rapidash but Rapidash hits back with its hooves. As usual, it's time to say good-bye. Laura tells the gang that the Safari Zone is just right up ahead on their path. Meanwhile, Dario is found being VERY angry at Team Rocket. And so our heroes head for new adventures in the Safari Zone. Episode 33 - "The Kangaskhan Kid" Our heroes just finishes crossing the grasslands and head into the Safari Zone. Ash see so much Pokémon and are about to catch some. Ash and Misty hold him back as they think they are still in reserved lands. In the busy, Ash sees the head of a Chansey. As he was about to throw his Pokéball to catch it, he realizes that it's actually Officer Jenny (a different Jenny) wearing a hat that looks like a Chansey. She thinks they are poachers at first and takes them to a tent for questioning. Later on, they're released because they truly looked like they didn't know that it was reserved land. As they're talking, they detect a poacher. Quickly, Jenny, Ash and the gang hop onto a jeep and head towards the signal to a plain grassland where a herd of Kangaskhans grazed and relax. As usual, it's Team Rocket who is up to their evil plans again. Using a bazooka-looking weapon, they plan to catch the rare Kangaskhans. The bazooka-thing shoots a rocket upwards and scares the Kangaskhans, which sends the herd running straight towards the jeep that Ash was in. Stepping on the pedal quickly, Officer Jenny puts the Jeep into reverse and manages to dodge away from the scared herd of Kangaskhans. As the herd is running, they run into a net and are trapped. Jenny, Ash and the gang try to help the herd but find out that Jenny overheated the engine as they were trying to dodge away from the Kangaskhans. Jesse throws a Pokéball at a Kangaskhan but the Pokéball hits back at her face by a Tarzan-looking boy. The boy cuts the Kangaskhan free and shouts out some weird calls. The Kangaskhans seem to obey him and surround Team Rocket's truck with Team Rocket on it. The herd throws the truck into the air with their tails and seems like Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light again. The Boy calls out again and rides on one of the Kangaskhans. Not long after, Ash and the group sees a helicopter land near them. A woman and a man steps out and says that they're looking for their son. The whole gang decide to go back to the tent and let the woman and man explain their situation. At the tent, the boy's parents explain that 5 years ago, the man accidentally dropped his son, Tommy, into the jungle below and were unable to find him after that incident. The woman shows the picture of the son and Ash and the gang immediately recognize the boy as the Tarzan-looking kid. Jenny says that the boy's name is Tomo and that he lives on the reserve and protects the Kangaskhans. Ash and the team agree to help Tommy's parents in finding 'Tomo'. Soon, Ash and company find themselves wandering around the jungle with Tommy's parents to find Tomo. On their path, they see a hurt, baby Kangaskhan. Brock sprays some medicine on the baby Kangaskhan and it screams out from the sting. Suddenly a boomerang comes out of nowhere and heads for Brock. Brock and Misty manage to duck the boomerang but Ash isn't so lucky. Tomo appears and Misty tries to explain to him that Brock was only trying to help the baby Kangaskhan. Then, Tommy's parents try to tell Tomo that they are his real parents. Confused, Tomo doesn't remember them being his parents and only remember the Kangaskhan as his only family. Without a warning, Tommy's father hits Tomo on the head with his cane. Tomo is knocked out unconscious and then remembers his real parents. Misty tries to encourage Tomo to go with his real parents but Tomo gets confused because he wants to be with both his Kangaskhan family and his real parents. Suddenly, Officer Jenny appears in her jeep and says that the Kangaskhan are in danger again. Tomo quickly jumps through the trees to save them. Again, it's Team Rocket up to their old tricks but with a new plan. Using a fake Kangaskhan decoy that TR placed on top of their truck, Jesse imitates a injured Kangaskhan. The herd of Kangaskhan respond to the call and head towards the decoy. Then, James starts shooting tranquilizers at the Kangaskhans. Tomo appears and tries throwing his boomerang but it doesn't nothing against the metal decoy. Ash calls upon Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur uses his whips and wraps them around the decoy as Squirtle uses his head bash. Unexpectedly, Team Rocket power up the decoy and it fires some rockets at Tomo. Ash calls upon Pikachu and Charmander at the fake Kangaskhan. Tomo uses his boomerang to hit the fuel lid. Charmander's fire comes in contact with the fuel and a huge fire builds up. For some creepy reason, the Kangaskhan decoy stills continue to chase Ash and the gang. Out of nowhere, Tomo's parents appear in their helicopter and crash straight into the decoy. Soon, all there was left was a huge rubble of the helicopter and the metal Kangaskhan. Staring at the pile, Tomo begins to cry. Miraculously, Tomo's parents appear out of the rubble and agree to live with Tomo (his real name is Tommy, though) and his Kangaskhans. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu continue their journey as Tomo and his parents say good-bye. Episode 34 - "The Bridge Bike Gang" After leaving the Safari Zone, our hungry heroes continue their journey onto the next city. In the distance, they spot a huge and long bridge that leads to the town across the water, Sunny Town. Trying to cross the bridge, they learn that they can't cross the bridge because it's 10 miles long, it's not quite completed, the bridge is only for cars, but they can cross if they have a bicycle since the bicycle path is finished. They look into the bike store and realize that they don't have enough money to purchase one. The gang decide to go to the Pokémon Centre to think of some plan. Suddenly, Nurse Joy shows up and says that she's worried about a sick Pokémon in Sunny Town and needs someone to deliver the medicine. Ash and company offer to help but they don't have any bikes to cross the bridge. Nurse Joy then lends them some bikes. Soon, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu were on their way across the bridge to Sunny Town to deliver the medicine. Stopping to rest at some pop machine on the bridge, they are faced with a pack of bikers. The leader of the gang wants to have a Pokémon battle with them and Ash accepts the challenge. He calls upon Golem as Ash calls upon Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur's vines are virtually useless against Golem's hard shell and just beats him out. Then, Ash calls upon Charmander. Using his flame-thrower and fire spin attacks, Charmander manages to set Golem into a hot fireball. Charmander dodges the hot, rolling Golem as it rolls around dangerously, when the leader finally puts him back in his Pokéball. Unexpectedly, a green-hair colored girl from the gang challenges anyone to battle her Cloyster. Misty accepts that challenge since she's specializes in water Pokémon. Misty calls out Starmie but Psyduck pops out instead. Frustrated, Misty gives Psyduck a chance. Everyone starts laughing at Psyduck and he gets confused. Misty calls for his Tail Wag attack and it turns out pretty cheap as Psyduck pokes his butt against one of Cloyster's spines on its shell. Trying again, Misty calls upon for Psyduck's scratch attack. That didn't work either. She tries calling upon his special attacks but Psyduck doesn't remember them since his headache has to get more worse in order for them to work. Getting VERY angry, Misty threatens to hit Psyduck with a bicycle when Team Rocket shows up in the distance in unicycles. In admiration, we find out from the bike gang that Team Rocket had a pretty high reputation among them. Jesse was known as "Big Jesse", a wild child that swung a chain around, and James was known as "Little Jim", the only member of the gang that still needed training wheels. Being like the new, powerful leaders of the group, Team Rocket had no trouble ordering the bike gang to charge for Ash's Pokémon until they're interrupted by the police sirens of Jenny and her police force. Jenny offers to give Ash and company a ride to Sunny Town when she finds out she can't (duty calls). Now Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu have no choice but the peddle their way across the bridge in a bad storm. Being glad that they're inside, Team Rocket watch the storm through the window when their former bike gang tells Jesse and James to go out and show their courage and bicycling skills. They have no choice but to go out, of course, Meowth isn't left behind. Meanwhile, Ash and the group are trying to cross the bridge through the storm when a ship decides to go under. The bridge begins to rise to let the ship through. Determined to save the sick Pokémon, Ash heads straight towards the rising drawbridge. Misty and Brock follow right behind. As they're in midair, Team Rocket coincidentally flies through the air at the same time on their unicycles. Ash and the rest get over by bouncing on Team Rocket's heads. Jesse and James don't make it and fall into the water. After crossing the ramp, Ash and the group are faced with the bike gang. Ash explains to them that they are only trying to give medicine to a sick Pokémon. The bike gang decides to escort Ash and them there. The sick, little Shellder is finally cured as the bike gang awards Ash and Misty with nicknames like "Awesome Ash" and "Mighty Misty". The green-hair girl slaps Brock again as he tries to hit on her. Meanwhile, Jesse, Meowth and James come to shore with a unicycle as the storm begins to clear. Episode 35 - "Ditto's Mysterious Mansion" Ash & Team are faced with another storm as they're walking down a road. To escape from the storm, they see a house in the distance and they start to head towards it. They run inside and think it's abandoned. Then, Pikachu finds another Pikachu. He starts playing around with him. Finding it cute, Misty picks up the other Pikachu and to her terror, she finds out that the other Pikachu's face isn't quite right (it had a beady eyes with a weird smile). Thinking it's a new type of Pokémon, Ash decides to catch it. He sends for Pikachu's thunder and then throws his Pokéball. Out of nowhere, the Pokéball is intercepted by another Pokéball. In the shadows, they see a female-version of Ash. Introducing herself as Duplica, she reveals the duplicate Pikachu as a pink, blob-like Pokémon called a Ditto. Brock points out that Ditto's face can't change like the rest of his body. As she welcomes the gang to the Imitéhouse, Duplica explains to them that her Ditto has this problem of not being able to change it's face. Ash think it's boring to have a Ditto around, so Duplica challenges him to a battle. At the battle, it's Duplica's Ditto against Ash's Bulbasaur. The battle starts out with the Ditto transforming itself to Bulbasaur. Ash's Bulbasaur and the Ditto-Bulbasaur go through a short battle with Duplica's Ditto winning. Puzzled, Ash doesn't understand why a fake could win against the real thing. Later on, Duplica shows off her talent to imitate people such as Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. Still bugged by the battle, Ash still ponders. Brock points out that Duplica must know a lot about Pokémon in order for her to win the battle. Wearing her ordinary clothing, Duplica explains to the gang that she use to entertain guests with her acts. As part of the act, Ditto would copy other Pokémon. Too bad that Ditto couldn't copy the faces and the people stopped coming to her shows since they didn't want to see an imperfect transformation. Without a warning, Team Rocket appears on the stage and Meowth jumps on Ditto as Weezing sends out a huge cloud of green gas. As the gas clears, they all find Ditto missing. In Team Rocket's hide-out (a small house with a giant Meowth head on top of it), Jesse and James try to get Ditto to turn into the rare Dratini so they could give to the boss and be awarded. First, Jesse decides to have a little fun and tells Ditto to change into this boy in a picture, but only older. Meowth and James soon start laughing after Ditto turns to the actual picture with a funny face of the boy. Now, Jesse is mad. She screams at Ditto change into the Dratini and points it out its picture in some book. Ditto begins to transform into the book that had the picture of the Dratini in it. Jesse screams her head off in frustration. Meanwhile, ASh, the gang, and Duplica are back at the house. Ash has already send Pidgeotto and Zubat out to look for Ditto. After some serious thinking, Ash finally concludes that it's the Pokémon trainer that is important. The trainer does most of the work when training a Ditto because the trainer decides which attack to use and the Pokémon grows with the trainer, evolves and gets more powerful. Suddenly, Zubat and Pidgeotto fly through the window and Pidgeotto tells Pikachu something. They find out where Ditto is. Before they go, Duplica has an idea. Back at Team Rocket's hideout, Ash and the group appear in the same uniform that Team Rocket has. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu imitate Team Rocket's motto. This gets Team Rocket really mad as they find out that it's fun to imitate them. From behind them, Ash and the gang see two Meowths. Duplica thanks Team Rocket for finally getting Ditto to transform his face also. Team Rocket pretends that they're touched by Duplica's thanks so Ash suggest that they don't fight. Team Rocket pretends to agree so they purposely take the Ditto-Meowth instead of the real Meowth. Team Rocket's little hideout house crumbles down and reveals a huge hot air balloon. Jesse and James wave good-bye to Duplica and the rest from above. Duplica starts running after them and demands for Ditto as she throws the real Meowth at the balloon. Ditto-Meowth bites Jesse's arm and she lets go of him as he jumps down from the balloon. Then, Ditto transforms to a cannon. Pikachu jumps into the cannon and he's launched towards the balloon. Team Rocket fire a net at Pikachu but Pikachu uses his electric shock. Then, Team Rocket blasts off again. Later on, Duplica reopens the Imitéhouse. Meanwhile, Team Rocket forces Meowth to dress up as Dratini. And so the story continues.... Episode 36 - "The Battling Eevee Brothers" Ash and the gang are traveling through the forest when Pikachu senses something is up. He suddenly runs off into the bushes with Ash, Misty and Brock following after him. Behind the bushes, they see an abandoned Eevee who was tied up in the hollow of a tree. Ash wants to keep Eevee but Misty points out that he already belongs to someone because it has a tag. The tag reads: Stone Town 3-14. Brock says Stone Town is in Evolution Mountain. They decide to give back to the Eevee to its rightful owner so they go into the city, where they see a huge mansion. It seems that there is Garden Party going on in the backyard. The gang sees some Pokémon being evoluted by being touched with these special stones. Meanwhile, Team Rocket spy from not far away. They want to steal the food from the party and then steal the special Pokémon stones after. Back at the party, three brothers with funky hair see Ash and company holding Eevee. The guys call for their little brother, Mikey, and the Eevee happily jumps up to him. Saying he was irresponsible for losing the Eevee, the brothers pressure Mikey to become a great Pokémon trainer. After, Mikey asks Ash and them why they had brought Eevee back . The guys pressure him to evolve his Eevee. Each of the three brothers have their own evolved form of Eevee. One suggests that Mikey should evolve it into a Vaporean, another says that he should evolve it to a Flareon and another suggests that he evolve it to a Jolteon. The guys then ask Ash if he would like to evolve his Pikachu into a Raichu. The three Eevee brothers show off their different variety of Pokémon stones. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are spying in on the party from a cliff up above. Back at the party, the guys ask Ash to join the club and then offers Ash and Brock to evolve their Pokémon. After some thinking, Ash and Brock decide not to evolve their Pokémon. Of course, the three brothers think that evolution is what Pokémon are all about. During their talk, Misty is busy talking to little Mikey, who is troubled about telling his brothers that he doesn't want to make his Eevee evolve. After some talk, Mikey decides to tell his brothers how he feels, as Pikachu and Eevee talk to each other. It's time for the main event of the party now: Mikey is going to decide which type of evolved Eevee that he wants to evolve his Eevee to. Just as Mikey was about to explain, Team Rocket show up as usual to ruin things. They appear in a hot air balloon and then start charging for the food. James calls upon his Weezing for his gas attack. The air is filled with thick gas until Pidgeotto starts clearing it away with his wings. After the gas is gone, all the Pokémon are missing, including Pikachu, Eevee and the food, but, they didn't take Psyduck. Pidgeotto head for the hot air balloon as the balloon pop. When the thing comes tumbling down, they find it empty. Meanwhile, team Rocket are riding away in a Jeep with a trailer-ful of the caged Pokémon. In the back of the trailer, Horsea lets out a trail of ink blots on the path for someone to find them. Soon, Pidgeotto finds the blot and goes to tell the others. Back at Team Rocket, they're busy finishing up their picnic when they decide to make Eevee evolve. They fight over what to evolve it to when Jesse thinks of a plan to put all three stones at the same time so Eevee might evolve to something more powerful. Just then, Ash shows up and calls for Squirtle. Psyduck appears and attempts to blow Team Rocket away with his weak water fountain. Embarrassed, Misty calls him back as Squirtle takes charge. Jesse heads for Eevee and grabs his cage. Misty then calls Jesse an 'old hag' and this gets Jesse REALLY mad. Team Rocket call upon their Pokémon, Weezing and Arbok, to attack Ash and gang. Trying to protect their brother, the three Eevee brothers fight for their brother and send in their evolved Eevees to fight them. At first, the Eevee brothers, Ash and the rest are winning. Then, Team Rocket gets them back with a comeback. Mike see his brother's Pokémon hurt so he decides to place Eevee in its first fight. With his Rage Tackle attack, Eevee manages to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Mikey's brother are proud of Mikey and then that's when Mikey tells them he wants to be an Eevee trainer. They go back to the party and Mikey thanks Misty. Later on, they take a huge picture of the Pokémon and guests, including Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu. Meanwhile, we see Team Rocket only eating some canned food. And so the adventure continues with Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu... Episodes 37 - "Wake up Snorlax!" Our heroes continue their adventures when they come across a old hippy man sitting on a rock. He starts playing a weird-looking flute for them. After playing the song, Ash and company are impressed. The man asks them if they have any food but they don't even have food for themselves. He finally lets them go after finding out that they really don't have food. Continuing on their way, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu find themselves very hungry. Soon, they see a town in the distance. They go into the town to find that every restaurant and food stores don't have any food at all. Sitting down, they find themselves more hungry than ever when a man with a mustache asks them what's wrong. They tell him that they're very hungry so the man invites them to him home to eat. At the house, Ash and the gang are eating like crazy. They find out that there's no food because there isn't any water in the river. Without any water, nothing can grow. Ash and the team offer to help look for the water so they go upstream on the dried river. They soon see a dead end that's covered with thorny vines. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu crawl their way through the vines. Using his Razor Leaves Attack, Bulbasaur clears the way. They comes across an empty spring. Around the other side of the dried spring, they see a sleeping Snorlax. It seems like it's blocking the water from coming into the spring. Ash and the gang try desperately to wake up the Snorlax but it doesn't work. Team Rocket spies on them when they decide to show up and try to catch the Snorlax. James and Jesse pretend that they're some kind of news broadcasting people and go on with their usual motto. Team Rocket and our heroes decide to join forces to get the Snorlax out of the way. Mostly, Team Rocket only decide to join because they want to capture the Snorlax. Meowth shows up in a hot air balloon above that's attached to some cables and cuffs. Team Rocket, Ash, and company cuff the Snorlax and Meowth begins to pull the hot air balloon higher. Since Snorlax is one of the heaviest Pokémon, the cables snap, which sends Meowth flying away. Then, the balloon falls back on Team Rocket. After all this commotion, Snorlax is still sleeping! After some serious thinking, Jesse suggests that Snorlax might wake up if it gets a kiss, just like the fairy tales. Pondering to figure out which is the most noble Pokémon that they have, Psyduck jumps out and kisses Snorlax. That didn't really work. Team Rocket start dressing up Meowth as a prince and forces Meowth to kiss Snorlax. After the kiss from Meowth, Snorlax twitches a little bit and rolls over, revealing a door sign under his butt on the ground. Ash picks it up and reads out, "In case of an emergency, please use a Pokéflute to wake" Suddenly, our heroes remember about the Pokéflute that the old hippy man had earlier. Without warning, Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu take off to find the man, leaving behind Team Rocket. Ash and company find the old man and asks him to come with them to wake the Snorlax. Team Rocket also appears and fights over for the old man. Ash sends for Pidgeotto to blow away Arbok and Team Rocket in a tornado. Later on, they go up to the Snorlax with the old, hippy man. Playing his flute, Snorlax wakes up. After Snorlax stands up, the water still isn't running because it's still blocked by some thorny vines. Then, they find Snorlax eating the vines. Soon, after Snorlax eats all the vines, the water starts running again. Back at the town, the major holds a special banquet for Ash and his friends. Meanwhile, team Rocket are tired and hurt when they comes across the old man and the Snorlax. After finding out that Snorlax isn't going to wake up for a while, Team Rocket decide to give up catching Snorlax. At the end, they find themselves being squashed by the sleeping Snorlax. Episodes 38 - "Showdown at Dark City" Ash and friends enter Dark City, where Pokémon trainers are feared and hated. Kids throw stones at them and hit them with sticks. The inn keeper was kind enough to let them into his restaurant to eat while he explained what was going on. While Ash and Pikachu wrestled with the ketchup bottle, the inn keeper said that the town's two Pokémon gyms, Yas Gym and Kas Gym, are in the midst of a gang war and will recruit any trainer who enters the city. As a mysterious character in a trench coat looked on, the inn keeper continued to explain that both gyms want to be official Pokémon League Gyms but there's only room for one. As if to illustrate his point, the two gyms started a battle just outside and our heroes flee upstairs to watch in relative safety. The battle starts with Yas's Scyther (giant mantis) taking on Kas's Electrobuzz , and then erupts into an all out gang rumble. Mass destruction galore. Ash and friends head for the stairs to see what just made a crashing sound. In the restaurant, two scarf-shrouded people and one scarf-shrouded Meowth (all three from Kas Gym) have muscled their way into the establishment and ordered the lunch special for thirty and a side of onion rings. The proprietor refuses on the basis that Kas Gym hasn't paid their tab in over two years, but he doesn't want any trouble. The trainers' ears perk at the mention of trouble and they can't help but spout out the Team Rocket motto! That's right, Jesse and James have joined Kas Gym and they're going to get food even if they have to rough him up with Arbok and Weezing. Brock's Vulpix toasts Team Rocket and the villains make a break for it. A girl from Yas Gym soon enters. She's very impressed with how they handled the Kas trainers and asks if they could do something for her. Ash and Misty would love to decline, but Brock's smitten. Not wanting to tarnish their reputations with this gang war, Ash, Misty and Brock tell the girl that their names are Tom Ato (which Ash got from watching Pikachu happily lap up ketchup), Anne Chovey and Caesar Salad. She takes them to Yas Gym, where the leader wants to test their ability. His Scyther attacks Pikachu, causing his ketchup bottle to slice open and hit himself in the eyes with ketchup. Pikachu's devastated, but Scyther's literally seeing red and attacks his trainer. After returning his Scyther to its ball, the leader is impressed enough to give him a place in his gym. "Tom" declines and the three of them get attacked by Yas Gym's entire membership. They barely make it out alive. Back at the inn, Misty recalls that Scyther started acting crazy when ketchup hit his eyes. Checking his Pokédex, Ash discovers that both Scyther and Electrobuzz get enraged at the color red. This gives him an idea, and soon barrels of ketchup and lightning rods are placed on the roof. Just in time, too, because Gyms Yas and Kas are about to finish each other off once are for all! Electrobuzz blasts off the combined forces of Machoke (second-stage Machop), Mankey, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee while Scyther fends off four attackers of his own. Their attackers defeated, Scyther and Electrobuzz square off with each other and Ash puts his plan into action. Ketchup is dumped all over the gym leaders and Team Rocket, causing Scyther and Electrobuzz to attack their trainers. They beg for mercy and Ash remedies the problem by having Bulbasaur dump ketchup on the two Pokémon, who knock each other out. Now Yas and Kas stand united... to kick Ash's butt!! The forces of both gyms close in on our heroes as Pikachu summons lightning from the skies. The lightning goes down the rods, through the cables and into the gym trainers. The trench coated figure steps in and reveals herself to be the official Pokémon League Gym Inspector, with official Pokéball and everything! The ball contains a Chansey, which are often used in Pokémon Centres, meaning the inspector is none other than Nurse Joy. She won't let either gym be official unless the leaders clean up their act and act like Pokémon trainers should. And the person who can teach them that is Tom Ato! Ash's teaching methods leave something to be desired, so he has them repair the damage they've done to the city. Ash and friends leave the town better than they found it and Team Rocket gets attacked by the enraged Scyther and Electrobuzz. Episodes 39 - "The March of the Exeggutor Squad" Ash and friends arrive in town the same time as the carnival. Embarrassed by Ash and Brock's party clothes, Pikachu and Misty go out on their own. The two of them come upon Melvin the Magician just as his assistant quits on him. Melvin is devastated. How can he fulfill his dream of becoming world-famous Las Vegas magician without an assistant? He turns to Misty for help, but she'll only take the job for the day. Ash and Brock show up at the show and makes fun of Misty's outfit. For an opening act, Melvin juggles his Exeggcute, a swarm of seeds that resemble ostrich eggs. The very small audience is unimpressed, so Melvin does his fire trick. The trick fails at first, but then he remembers the magic words and columns of flame burst from his wand. Impressed with himself, Melvin does it a few more times before accidentally setting off the sprinklers. It looks like Melvin's all washed up, and if he doesn't fix up his act soon, that flushing sound you'll hear will be Melvin's dreams of Las Vegas showdom going down the drain. Ash believes it's time for Melvin to learn some new tricks. Backstage, Melvin turns his wand into a bouquet of roses, which promptly die. Ash decides to show Melvin a few tricks of his own. Swami Ash produces a box that he says will produce fire, water, and vines. He taps the center hole and Melvin is very burned and very impressed. Swami Ash taps the hole on the right and water comes out. Meanwhile, inside the box, Charmander accidentally singes Squirtle who shoves him into Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur gets burned, panics, and soon the entire box is shaking back and forth. The box smashes open and Pokémon spill out. Exeggcute is staring at Ash and Ash stares back, falling into a trance. Melvin tells them to stop and Ash obeys and plops onto the ground. Intrigued, Melvin tells Ash to turn around three times and act like a Bulbasaur. Exeggcute babbles and Ash obeys. It appears that Ash is under Exeggcute's control, and Exeggcute obeys Melvin. Then, find Ash, still entranced, towing Exeggcute and Melvin on a cart. They stop at a grove of trees where wild Exeggutors (palm trees with five heads, second-stage Exeggcute) live. Putting his plan into action, Melvin commands Ash to use Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur attack the Exeggutors. As the Exeggutors weaken, Melvin captures them in Pokéballs. He soon has an entire cart full, so he has them stand in formation so he can admire his collection. With this many Exeggcutes, Melvin can hypnotize entire towns and make them come to his show! He'll be famous! But Team Rocket has other ideas... Jesse and James make an entrance with a fantastic magic trick. James says Melvin should do tricks like that and then demands his Exeggutors. Melvin refuses and they tie him up. Sensing danger, Exeggcute draws their attention, evolves into Exeggutor and hypnotizes Team Rocket. They try to look away, but the other Exeggutors have joined in the act too. And not only are they hypnotizing Team Rocket but each other as well! Misty, Brock and Pikachu arrive just in time to see Team Rocket and a moving forest head their way. Pikachu awakens Ash with an electric jolt and everyone heads after the Exeggutors. They arrive at the carnival grounds to find the place in ruins. The carnival manager tells them to leave. The Exeggutors are coming back, and the carnival grounds are timed to explode when they return. Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Melvin have to stop them before they get blown to kingdom come. They meet the herd as it stampedes a return trip. Bulbasaur's razor leaves and Squirtle's water gun have no effect on the Exeggutor's mentality, so he tries Charmander. Each Exeggutor burned awakens, but many more are still entranced. Charmander's running out of steam, but Melvin's fire trick might work. Melvin doesn't think he can do it, but Misty convinces him he the right stuff. Charmander and Melvin team up with a mega fire blast that wakes up the whole herd. Just in time to, as the carnival grounds explode behind them. Whew, that was close. The Exeggutors head back for the forest and everything's all happy and stuff, except that Charmander begins to transform. He suddenly evolves and becomes Charmeleon, a fire Pokémon with slashing claws and a crest on his forehead. And so the journey continues... Episodes 40 - "Pikachu's Good-bye" Ash and friends decide to take a break from adventuring in a forest. While playing in the trees, Ash swings on a vine and slams into a tree. Pikachu scampers over to see if Ash is okay and sees another Pikachu hiding in the bushes. The wild Pikachu scampers off and Ash's Pikachu gives chase, followed by Ash, Brock and Misty. They eventually come across a clearing with dozens of wild Pikachu playing around. The wild ones are frightened of Pikachu at first, but eventually accept him as one of their own. Ash tries to make friends with them but ends up scarring them off. At the river, Brock explains that these were wild Pikachu that haven't had much contact with humans. A spying wild Pikachu falls off a branch and into the river which runs directly over a waterfall! Ash's Pikachu jumps in to save her, but gets swept away in the current as well. The other wild Pikachus grab hold of each other's tails to form a living chain and save the distressed Pikachus just before they go over the edge. Pikachu survives and the wild ones congradulate him for his bravery. As the Pikachus sing to the moon (you can hear their chant in the Sounds section), Brock mentions that it's good for Pikachu to be here with his own kind. Ash doesn't say anything, but he thinks Brock's right. Ash stays up all night worrying about whether or not Pikachu should stay. A high-pitched squeal pierces the night air and awakens Brock and Misty from their slumber. The three of them run to where the last say the Pikachus to find them all caught under a net. As Team Rocket points out before trapping Ash and friends with a net of their own, the net is made from all natural electricity resistant fibers which makes it impossible for Pikachu to blast his way out. Team Rocket is at the "pika" their power as they air-lift the net away with their balloon. The Pikachus have their own plans as they chew their way out of the net. Ash's Pikachu keeps Team Rocket busy as Ash and company (who just got out of their net) catches the falling Pikachus in their net. There's one Pikachu left and Team Rocket makes a grab for it. The lunge damages the balloon's controls and fills it up with hot air. Pikachu scampers onto the balloon and bites a hole in it. Team Rocket zooms off and the wild Pikachus cheer on their trained hero. Ash has come to a decision. The hardest one he ever made. He's leaving Pikachu here. It's better off this way. Pikachu doesn't understand and Ash runs off. Memories of Pikachu flood his mind as he runs. And remembers. And runs. And stops. Brock and Misty catch up to him and ask him what the heck he thinks he's doing. The sun rises and a familiar shadow reaches them. They look to the sunrise. "Pi... Pikachu?" says Ash. There stands Pikachu, with the entire tribe behind him. The wild ones cheer him on as Pikachu runs back to his friends. He leaps into Ash's sweet. Pikachu has decided to stay with Ash and his friends. 41-The Problem With Paras Ash, Misty and Brock arrive at Lost Green Village which has no gym, just a potion shop that they visit to get some supplies. Meanwhile Team Rocket is watching them as they squander the village, but alas Meowth is very sick and burning up. Jessie and James decide to go on without him when a girl stops them and scold them about leaving pokemon behind. They argue and somehow Team Rocke says that they are super heroes. The gilr treats meowth and he slowly begins to fall in love with her. Back at the potion shop the gang meets the girl and she challenges Ash to a battle. The girl brings out a Paras and says she wants it to evolve so that she can create a master potion. Ash tires to let her win by using dinky attacks on the paras but it still looses everytime. After choosing through some pokemon Ash brings out Charmeleon which is very unresponsive. Charmeleon blasts at Paras and Paras runs away. When Meowth sees that the girl lost her Paras he convinces Jessie and James to help him train it. If they get Paras to evolve then the girl will make Meowth their mascot and they can bring in the dough. They bring out the two loosers, Arbok and Weezing. Meowth them fakes Paras's victories and Paras starts thinking its the greatest Pokemon in thw world. Ash and the gang then find Paras in a tree. Now with Paras's new found courage Ash challenges the girl to another match. Pikachu then lets Paras win the match and Ash brings out Charmeleon. Since Charmeleon is disobidient and theres not much of a chance for Paras to win, Team Rocket comes out to say how they trained Paras and start to cheer it on. Paras then stabs Charmeleon and somehow knocks it out. At that moment Paras evolves into Parasect. Charmelon gets back up and tries to attack everyone, Parasect uses it's stun spore and knocks Charmeleon out. The girl then goes back to her shop and thanks Team Rocket, Meowth asks to be their mascot but she turns him down becuase she doesnt want to seperate the super heroes. The girl's grandmother comes out and says that they already have a mascot, she holds up a Persian that she found out back. Imagine how Meowth feels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42-The Song of Jigglypuff Ash, Misty and Brock start out walking through the desert. They are tired week and cant wait to reach the next town. When they finally reach Neon Town, Brock explains that the town is always open, the city that never sleeps. As Ash is walking a Monkey man bumps into him, the Monkey man and Ash quickly get into a fight when Officer Jenny arrives and breaks it up. Jenny explains how becuase no one ever gets any sleep in the town everyone is short tempered, and then she is called away for another gith. Moments later, somewhere else in town, the Monkey Man proceeds to bump into James, and yet another fight starts. They immediately start brawling when a Big Fat lady bumps into Jessie, and the rest is obvious. Ash and the gang leave the town and enter the forst. They spot a Jigglypuff and Misty proceeds to knock it out with Starmie, after Psyduck tries to get its chance. After Misty hits Jigglypuff, it begins the cry. They ask it so sing and when it cant, they find out that its lost it's voice and cant sing. Team Rocket watches from a distance and decides to capture the Jigglypuff so they can put Neon Town to sleep and steal all the Pokemon. They pop up and begin to sing a rock song [the japanese version is a lot better]. Our heroes beat them up again. Misty then tries to teach it how to sing. Pikachu tries to show off and starts to sing, Jigglypuff gets real mad and smacks Pikachu when no one is looking, no one knew what happened, not even Pikachu. Brock then find a tree with a special fruit that can cure mouth sores. Jigglypuff eats it and begins to sing, Pikachu gets so happy and starts to jump up and down, and for no reason at all Jigglypuff smacks him again. Jigglypuff sings to Ash, Misty and Brock and they all fall asleep. Team Rocket sneaks up from behind to record its voice so they dont have to capture it. When Jigglypuff finds out that they are all asleep it goes into their backpacks and steals a black marker from one of their bags. Jigglypuff begins to draw wierd faces on their faces with the black marker. When it hears Team Rocket in the distance snoaring, it beats them all up and draws on them. Our heroes try to get Pokemon to stay awake while it sings so not to hurt it's moods, and we learn Psyduck sleeps with it's eyes open. Brock decides that since Neon Town folk don't need sleep, they will stay awake while it sings. Since they are helping Team Rocket, they pretend to be a rock band and lend them their outdorr stage. Jigglypuff sings and luls the entire city to sleep. Jigglypuff is so mad that it storms the town and draws faces on everyone. But when everyone wakes up, they are all in a good mood and every apologizes for past fights. Ash and the gang walk off in the distance to their next adventure and unbeknowing to them the Jigglypuff follows in the distance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43-Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon Ash and company arrive in Beautiful Grandpa Canyon where hundreds of people are carrying pickaxes and shovels. When Ash asks whats going on Gary shows up as snotty as usual, he explains that someone found a Pokemon fossil and there are in the Great Fossil rush. Jigglypuff lurks behind a rock ready to sing, but then everyone disappears. They arrive in the cave when they see everyone digging but no one finding anything except a little fossilised Pokemon droppings. At that moment they see Meowth waiting for Jessie and James coming with dynamite. Misty and Brock go to warn the pokemon fanatics and Ash and Pikashu go to stop Team Rocket. When they do show up they light a fuse and Ash sends Squirtle to put it out. Team Rocket chases them as Squirtle chases the fuse. But alas, it is too late. All of them including Team Rocket is blown to the center of the earth, which is covered up by rocks. In the dark distance Kabuto, Kabutops, Omanyte and Omastar watch as they get ready attack their intruders. Ash brings out Charmeleon who is disobedient as usual and wont help. After being chased around for a few minutes all the prehistoric Pokemon run away. Why? Becuase an Aerodactyl is coming to eat them all. Aerodactyl kicks Charmeleon in the head, and makes him really mad. Over head on the surface people have gathered around to help open up the cave. Back beneath the surface Aerodactyl grabs Ash and Pikachu, Squirtle and Charmeleon grab Aerodactyl. They then fly out of the cave and Charmeleon, Squirtle and Pikachu let go. Charmeleon is so mad they he evolves into Charizard. Charizard goes to chase Aerodactyl who is still holding Ash. Misty sees Jigglypuff and asks her to sing. Charizard being a smart Pokemon plugs his ears as she sings. Aerodactly then falls asleep and drops Ash, Charizard hurries to catch him. They hit the ground and Ash rolls on top of an egg. Jigglypuff is so mad that everyone fell asleep, she brings out the marker of death. After everyone wakes up, Joy explains that there were no prehistoric Pokemon and it was just a dream by Jigglypuff. Ash and company are walking away, Ash shows them the egg that he found. Brock grabs the egg and says he'll raise it for him, the he and misty procede to run away as Ash chases them. But still beneath the surface, Team Rocket remain anxiously not to wake up the Pokemon, but James just has to sneeze. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44-A Chansey Operation While Ash is sleeping on a park bench, Pikachu falls out of a tree while trying to get food. Misty and Brock find Pikachu and wakes up Ash. They are forced to bring Pikachu to a human hospital becuase there are not Pokecenters for miles. When they arrive at the hostpital a reluctant Doctor decides he'll treat Misty, even when shes not the one with the problem. When Proctor [thats his name] finds out that its Pikachu who needs help, he argues with them becuase its not his speciality to treat pokemon. Eventually he gives in and discovers that Pikachu has an apple stuck in his throat, ash he begins to pull it out, Pikachu shocks him. After Doctor saves Pikachu he gives Ash the a piece of his mind. The hospital phone rings and Joy is on the phone asking for help after a freak car accident and the Pokecenter cant handle all the Pokemon involved, Team Rocket was a participant of this accident too! They all decide to help the Pokemon as they start rushing in. First they take care of a Cubone and Ash tries to it down but is acting stupid again. Misty takes care of Cubone and seems to be very good with Pokemon. The next set of Pokemon contain Team Rocket's Pokemon. The Doctor immediately asks Jessie out on a date [he's acting like Brock]. Ash refuses to help them when the Doctors says "to heal not judge". All 6 of them go around helping Pokemon but Meowth can't find his charm! And a Chansey tries to help him, by beating him senseless. As Jessie is trying to save a Weepinbell from a Voltorb the Doctor says that it can selfdestruct and Jessie runs for the hills. Doctor Proctor tries to give a Dodrio a shot it pushes him and he gets hit with some anesthetics and goes to sleep. Ash then shoots water on the Dodrio and then shocks it, and which he tries to catch but Brock stops him. After they help a lot of Pokemon, Team Rocket goes bad and tries to capture all the Pokemon. They use the stretcher cathers that they made on Ash, Misty and Brock. Chansey goes to save them and Weezing and Arbok refuse to battle them since they helped them heal. Proctor comes in and chases Team Rocket away with Medical tools. But Team Rocket still has a Voltorb and is selfdestructs on them. When they hits the ground Meowth's charm mysteriously grows back. Ash and co. say goodbye to Doctor Proctor as they continue on their journey and follow their dreams. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45-Holy Matrimony! Our gang is walking down the road when they come up to a sign with a picture of a young James and the word "Missing" on it. A gentleman's gentleman shows up in a limo asking if they new him. When they say yes he grabs them and they drive to a huge mansion. Team Rocket sees this sign and James is very reluctant to go to the mansion. When they get to the mansion they find out that James's parents have died and he must return and get married within 24 hours to get his inheritance. James remembers a time when he was young and about to die of malnutrition with his Growlithe named Growly. Jessie and Meowth drag James in when they find out his parents are alive and its a trick to get him home to his fiancée. His fiancée Jessibell looks very much like Jessie, very scary. Jessibell drags them down to a gym in the basement and begins to tame James like a lion trainer. She uses her Vileplume and puts everyone to sleep. Everyone but James is kicked out of the house, and when they hear a growlithe trying to open the door, they proceed to open the door for it. As Jessibell is about to whip James again he calls for Growly and it comes to save the day. They all round up in Growly's very big dog house and think about what to do. Right then Jessibell crashes through the door, blasting off Jessie and Meowth, and attempts to put everyone to sleep again. Pikachu and Growly attack Vileplume and Jessibell runs away. Jessie and Meowth are sad as they walk down the road, crying about how they lost James, when James shows up in the Team Rocket balloon. James grabs Jessie and pulls her up into the balloon, and how happy they are to see each other, you can tell they have feelings for each other, and Meowth chases them on the ground. At the same moment Jessibell is chasing Ash and company asking for them help to find James again, and of course, their not running right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46-So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd Our Heroes are resting on some rocks when Ash and Brock leave Misty to get some water from the pond. While they are away Misty spots a Farfetch'D and chases it through a forest. Misty bumps into a boy and he apoligizes for not watching where he was going and hands Misty her bag. Misty returns to the rocks where Ash and Brock are looking for her, she told them about the Farfetch'D and opens her bag. Her bag is full of rocks instead of her 5 pokemon. The boy also tricks Team Rocket into boarding a boat with a hole in it so that the Farfetch'D could steal their pokemon. Misty and the gang go to Officer Jenny and explain the situation and Misty brings them to the spot where he ran into the boy. Suddenly Psyduck appears out of the bushes and tries to lead them to the boy. Team Rocket appear in their baloon and retrieve a sack full of pokeballs from the boy as compensation for stealing their Pokemon. Team Rocket is mighty happy and run off with the satchel. Psyduck eventually find the boy and his Farfetch'D when Jenny decides that he should be taught a lesson in a Pokemon battle. Ash challenges him with his Bulbasaur and amazinly looses. Misty, who decides that she wants revenge challenges the boy too. She tries to call out Starmie when she remembers that it was stolen, so Psyduck runs out into the fray. Farfetch'D laughs at Psyduck and continues to whack Psyduck on the head. Psyduck's head ache grows stronger as it uses a psychic attack on Farfetch'D. Team Rocket opens all the pokeballs when they find out their all filled with Voltorb; isnt it ironic how the Voltorb always get them? The boy promises that with the Farfetch'D's new found power he will quit stealing, return all the Pokemon he has stolen and try to become a Pokemon trainer the right way. 47-Who Gets to Keep Togepi? Ash and his friends are at a Pokemon center when he gets a telegram from Professor Oak. Ash calls Professor Oak and Muk is acting insubordinate towards him. Professor Oak tells Ash how to upgrade his pokedex and Ash follows his directions. Our friends talk over a table about what Pokemon they want to hatch from that thing, naturally they pick their favorite types. Team Rocket pretends to be egg sellers and steal the egg from Brock. Meowth takes the egg and cares for it like no one else could; he slept with it, ate with it, bathed with it, and even slept with it; who would have thought that Meowth could be a mother. Our heroes follow a trail of broken eggs and show up the small shack the Team Rocket is hiding in and decide to bust in and get the egg back. As they break in Weezing uses his poison gas attack and turns the fray into a small football game under a shroud. In the end, Pikachu holds the egg. Pikachu gives the egg to Ash and it begins the hatch. As its hatching Misty pushes Ash away to get a closer look at the egg is the first thing it sees when it hatches. After they escape from Team Rocket, Ash uses his newly updated Pokedex to find out that the new species is called Togepi. They all decide to have a tournament to see who gets to keep Togepi; and Meowth declares Jessie and James illegal contestants because they never cared for the egg. Meowth is forced to battle for himself because he has no Pokemon; but it looked he was having a personality crisis. After a series of a 3 battle tournament, out of Brock, Misty, Ash and Meowth, Ash wins by beating Meowth no contest. Disgusted with Meowth, Jessie and James drag him away. But after the tournament Misty still gets to keep Togepi because it was the first person that it saw. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48-Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden Our story starts out as Ash is battling a trainer on his way to Cinnibar Gym. The trainer sends out a Rhyorn, and with enough effort, Bulbasaur manages to take care of it. At that same moment, Ash's bulbasaur starts to flash white and they bring it to Joy in the Pokemon center. Joy tells them that it's Bulbasaurs time to evolve and the legend of the Mysterious Garden. Once a year all the Bulbasaur meet in this garden too evolve, but no human has seen it before. During the night Bulbasaur makes his march to the forest when Pikachu talks to him and feels his sympathy. Suddenly a herd of Bulbasaur appear out of the forest and drag Bublasaur to the garden. Team Rocket sneak a peak at the Bulbasaur and they quickly take care of Jessie, James and Meowth. Ash and company the pollen in the air to reach the garden, but vines are blocking their pass as they barely jump through. When they arrive at the garden they keep silent as a Venasaur appears and begins to chant "Saaauuurrrr!". The other Bulbasaur also begin to chant, and Ash's is reluctant to speak. All of them evolve into Ivysaur except Ash's becuase its trying not to. The Venasaur gets mad and lashes out at him, but Ash protects its friend and steps in the way. After trying many times, Team Rocket decides to use their ballon to enter the garden. They turn on a vacuum that sucks up all the Ivysaur. Pikachu almost get sucks in but Bulbasaur saves him and then starts to collect solar energy as the sun rises. Bulbasaur uses Solarbeam, its strongest attack on the balloon and all the Ivysaur are saved. Team Rocket falls to the ground and are beat into oblivion. Venasaur, delighted at Bulbasaur's work, decides that he won't make him evolve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle in the Festival-This episode hasn't aired in America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children's Day-This episode hasn't aired in America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49-The Case of the K-9 Capers While travelling, Ash and his friends encounter a robber who they belatedly stop after some help from a Growlithe. Officer Jenny shows up and explains that the robber was actually a Police K-9 unit trainer. Jenny invites our group to the station where they start stuffing themselves with any food in site. Officer Jenny explains to Ash how they train the Growlithe and he decides that he wants Pikachu to go through the training too. They wake at at four in the morning and start their training, both Ash and Pikachu try the obstacle course and fail. Suddenly, Team Rocket in a Growlithe van come driving up and storm the training center. Jessie and James pull out Gloom gas and spray it over the pokepups so that they can't smell anything. Then they spray again with Psyduck gas, this time causing everyone's voices to raise like they just inhaled helium. Jenny tries to order the Growlithe to attack but is unsuccessful because she doesn't sound like herself anymore. Jessie and James take out megaphones that change their voice to a desired person's voice. Using Jenny's voice they command the dogs to tie her up. The Growlithe then attack Ash but he has no Pokeballs with him, so Pikachu comes in to shock them all, but gets tired out very quickly. Jessie tries to imitate Ash, but Pikachu knows in his heart who the real Ash is. Jenny manages to get out of the ropes and is promptly attacked by her beloved Growlithe. Growlithe senses that she is the real Jenny. She orders them to attack Team Rocket, and they run away. After all is well and done, Brock uses the megaphone to imitate Jenny and say how good he is, and just as easy Misty makes fun off him. The day is over, and Jigglypuff still manages to make its cameo appearance. Togepy has hatched and his trainer is Misty! More updates soon!