In April 1959 Archbishop Makarios was elected president and Kioutsouk elected vice president. The island seemed to be set for recovery.

Turkey had shown interest in Cyprus in the begining of the century but the British would not listen. Now the turkish government began to impose on Cypriot affairs. They kept causing problems by forcing the Cypriot turks into terrorist attacks.

The U.N. tried to keep the peace as Makarios was trying to establish and stabilize the government. He called for Cypriot help without foreign intrusion. The turkish terrorist attacks continued and on July 20, 1974 the turks invaded the north eastern, 37%, part of the island. Horrendous aftermaths as the international community watched. Greece attempted to send help yet American fighter jets ordered/threatened the Greek forces, as they intercepted them off the coasts of Cyprus. The United States government had a message/order/threat for the Greek forces which basically told them that if they proceeded any further they will all drown!! YES---"TURN AROUND OR WE WILL KILL YOU!!"