A coup d'eata by the Greek military leader Papadopoulos was the government in Greece. On July 15, 1974 the supporters of this junta in Cyprus overthrew Makarios' government. Five days later, on July 20, 1974, turkey sent 40,000 troops utilizing U.S. supplied arms in clear violation of American Law, to "protect the turkish cypriots and to restore constitutional order". Eight days later constitutional order was restored yet the turkish forces marched on until the occupation of the northern part of the island, 37%, was completed.

The results were horrific -- 6000 dead, 1619 missing, 200,000 Greek Cypriots were forced to leave their homes, and human rights were violated to extremes. 2000 Greek Cypriots were enclaved in the occupied lands after the invation. Today less than 600 still live. Human rights violations, human massacres, bloodshead, historical rape and historical genocide. Archeological evidence of Greek history was and is destroyed and sold into the black markets of Europe. Museums, churches, schools, and even cemetaries destroyed. The turks were and are attempting to change the ethnic and historical make-up of the island. To further this, they 'import' settlers as they rape, violate, kill, massacre the land. And the injustice continues on as the "powers" that re-established Kuwait, the "powers" that re-established order in the former Yugoslavia, the "power" that wants to impose democratic ways on the "unjust" world, sit back and act as if they care and want to resolve this black and white issue.