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This is a a page for making a website in the tools section you will find some great stuff here.
Be sure to checkout FatBills's Freewarethis guy has only freeware a ton of cool programs.
Download the Net meter this give a pretty good display of you connection on the Internet. Dump Truck is a cool URL submit tool.

My basic page help

All tags should be between the the <html></html> tags!

  • To insert image in your page
    <img src="url of adress">
  • To change the page background color
    <body bgcolor="blue">
    You can choose any color you want.
  • To use an image for a background
    <body background="http://url of image">
    This means where the image is you want to link to.You should down-load the image to your site.
  • To insert a sound in your page
    <bgsound src="http://url of sound">
    Note: must sounds come in different formats, like wav,mid,ra,ram,au,mp3. Make sure you know the format of the sound your using.
  • To add text to your page
    <font size="1 to 7">
    your words here</font> Note: 1 through 7 means size of text 1 being small an 7 largest
  • To change the color of your text
    <font color="blue">your words here</font>
    Note:here you can choose any color you want :)
  • Make your text scroll
    <marquee>your text here</marquee>
    That will give you a basic scroll when you get more advanced you will find many other options you can apply in a Marquee.
  • Make a text link
    <a href="http://of the address you want to goto">your words here 'like go to my cool page</a>
  • Make a linkable image
    <a href="http://www.url of the page you want to goto"><img src="http://www.the url of the image you want people to click"></a>
  • Let people mail you by text
    <a href="">
    Click here to E-mail me</a> Note: just replace the with your own e-mail address

This is very basic lesson to get to started their are a lot of help pages that go in great detail on page building .
You will find other languages as well like JavaScript and Dhtml for fancy stuff .
Many places that give you free space on the web have their own html editors
like or  One of the easiest ways to make make a website it will ask you the questions and you just give the info it asks it will do the html for you.
I hope this brief basic page helps you .Questions or comment email them to me.
