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Welcome to My World

Well, for all of you who have visited my page before, good for you! Yet, I'm reintroducing myself for those who haven't been here before. So let's get on with the pleasentries or whatever. My name is Merideth L. Hammitt. I'm a 16 year old kid with a love for music (all kinds except country), culture, singing ( love to play the guitar while singing too), acting, and hanging out with friends. I live in San Antonio, Texas and have been since August 1st 1997. I used to live in Japan and to all of my friends there, hello. I love good humor and I love to laugh. I guess you could say, laughing and making my friends laugh is a hoby of mine. Well, that about sums up me.

This section is where I complain about crap. I have one thing to say, DEATH TO ALL TELEMARKETERS. Why can't they just leave us alone? Who in their right mind would buy shit from them. I can't take it anymore. I might be watching TV and i have to get up, cause the phone is ringing and it's one of those bastards. They can't take a hint either. My parents tell me that if one calls to just say my parents are not "available". Yet these idiots come back with, well what time would be a better time. HELLOOOOO, TAKE A GOTDAMN HINT! THEY DON'T WANT TO SPEAK WITH YOU! IF THEY DID, THEY'D CALL YOU! THEY DON'T WANT ANY OF THE CRAP YOU'RE TRYING TO SELL. GO THE HELL AWAY!!!! That's all I have to say is DEATH TO ALL TELEMARKETERS!!!!!!!!!!

This is the section where I critique songs and artists. Today I will be doing "Angel" by Sara McLachlan and "Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls.

Again, Sarah Mclachlan outdoes other artists. Her knew song, "Angel", from the "City of Angels" soundtrack, and her album, "Surfacing", is hitting the charts hard! This wonderful song touches the hearts of all those who listen. Unlike a few past songs, "Building a Mystery", "Adia", and "Sweet Surrender" just to name a few, "Angel" just has a calming melody to it. Ms. Mclachlan's piano talents accompanied by that voice of hers that won't quit, I'm afraid I have no choice but to give this song, four stars.****

Does everyone know the Goo Goo Dolls? Of course, they're that trio of studs who wrote the song "Iris" for the "City of Angels" soundtrack. Now, they've come back with an even better song. Whereas "Iris" became old very quickly, their new song "Slide" is sure to be a smash hit. Infact, it already is! "Slide" is a beautiful song with a tune that could never be boring. It's a great song for cruisin' down the freeway, or just hangin' out. And that lead singer of theirs', well, along with looks, his voice is amazing. I give "Slide", five stars.*****

Ah, now time to critique a movie. And who is Johnny.... It's "Blade". The story of a man, but of no ordinary incantation. No, he's half human, half vampire. He's not proud of his background... oh no... infact, through the entire movie, he's out to kill every single vampire there is. Talk about racism. This movie Starring Wesley Snipes as Blade, and Stephen Dorf as Blade's adversary, was an exciting viewing experience. The movie was jamm-packed with action and non-stop thrills. Of course there was gore; it's a vampire movie for cryin' out loud! Yet, with all it's action, superb filiming, and excellent plot, I like acting. The acting was fine on Mr. Snipes part, but the rest was just... okay. I give "Blade", three stars.***

Please, if any of you have comments, send them to me. I would like your imput and I'll post a few comments. Sorry I don't have a guestbook but I'd like to know you were here.


If we have common interests, you might find these links helpful

Guitar Tabs
I'll add more later. The Guitar Tabs are on Oh, for those of you who love Monty Python, a friend of mine set up my page with one of their most famous songs. It's under my E-mail address. Just press play.
