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Meet Miss Sniff Graphic line.

Special Events Page Graphic A World of Loss

We are truly part of the whole world who lost loved one's on September 11th. To all those who lost loved ones I want you to know your thoughts and prayers are with you. For this terrorist act touched many countries, races, religions and creeds. It also touched our hearts, minds and the human spirit. We all mourn for each other.

Bringing Us To Our Knees

There are no words to exprress the feelings of emotions and loss that has touched our world.

September 11, 2001 will be a day that I hope will never fade from our memory, a date that will not fade into the background of some forgotten text in some forgotten book.

We have seen it happen with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Some, not many, but some don't even know the date or understand that it changed us forever also. That is only one example of the wars and "conflicts" that have had to be fought for our freedom. We are truely the land of the free and the home of the brave.

After Pearl Harbor life as we knew it was changed forever, just as now.

But out of all these and many other awful attacks we do come out of it stronger and yes, wiser. We learn where our values really are and that they are worth keeping.

Some of us had to go buy the American flag, some of us had to find where we put it after the last time we flew it. But we did not forget we wanted to fly the flag nor that we would protect our cherished freedom.

We are not a perfect country and we always need to improve and grow. To love more than hate; to smile more than frown; and to always take steps forward and not to fall back, even if these steps are small is how we progress.

When this awful attack happened I kept hearing "they" tried to bring us to our knees...or they have brought us to our knees.

So be it...little did "they" know that on our knees is just where we needed to be.

  • We learn on our knees.
  • On our knees is where we see our childrens first steps, the hope for our future.
  • On our knees is where we see the world from a childs view.
  • We learned at the knees of our parents the values and love for freedom we hold so dear.
  • On our knees we learned to say our prayers, to draw strength in time of need and uncertainty.
  • On our knees is where we give thanks for our many blessings.
  • On our knees we learned to love our land as we tended to our garden.
  • On our knees we learned to reach out to those that need help.
  • On our knees is where we get the determination to rise and keep our freedom.
  • It is on our knees we remember the past and where we find courage and strength to pass our freedom on to the next generation.
  • We are on our knees but not the way "they" thought we would be.

So you see, for those who wanted us on our knees...they had no idea the strength we get from bending our knees to pray, to give thanks, to help, and to love our land.

We always rise from our knees with a new peace, determination and a renewed vow to make things better.

We as Americans will never allow fear to replace truth, nor justice to be set aside. We rise as one nation that stands shoulder to shoulder with all free people.

We will not be the first generation that will have to go the "extra mile" to save what we hold dear, so that freedom could be passed on to yet another generation.

But on bent knees we can pray we will be the last generation that needs to rise from our knees to fight. We can pray that some how hate will not try to defeat love, kindness and understanding ever again.

May God Bless Us All!

Thelma and Pete

Remember...September 11th, graphic.