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Meet Miss Sniff

Meet Miss Sniff Graphic line.


Meet Miss Sniff Graphic line.

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at the bottom of this page by clicking here.

Meet Miss Sniff Graphic line. Meow, oh my, I mean Hi.
I hope you find this site fun and informative.  

Miss Sniff is an imaginary cat who searches out collectibles, pounces on them and then offers them to you at a reasonable price.

Miss Sniff is a loyal, trustworthy super sleuth for collectors. However, she is a little on the 'wild cat' side when it comes to searching out her prey - 'that hard to find collectible'.

My name is Thelma. I am the human side of Miss Sniff. I hope you enjoy my Miss Sniff site. I love animals and thought this was a nice way of showing my love of cats and my slightly 'off center' sense of humor.

Meet Miss Sniff Graphic Magnifying Glass My hope is that in some small way I can help you with your pursuit of collecting. I too am a collector and know what it is like to search for that "special piece". If you are looking for something, even if it isn't listed on these pages, please e-mail me and let me help out from this neck of the woods. I might have it or know where you can find the piece.

You have my word I will do all I can to satisfy you as a collector, and more importantly, to have you as a new found friend from cyberspace. This is my first attempt at a web site. I should say my husband's first attempt.

Every graphic changeover it gets harder to make my selection from the truly beautiful work our graphic creators, and providers who so generously share with Miss Sniff. I want to thank them and ask that you visit their beautiful and wonderful sites. Our providers are always credited on the Credits page and if they have a graphic banner, you can see their talent on the Banners page.


Meet Miss Sniff Graphic Email Miss Sniff
Email Me
As for me, I'm just a baby in cyberspace. I still feel like when I email I am folding up a note, putting it in a bottle and throwing it in a cyberocean, and hoping it washes up on the right shore. My husband seems right at home and I think he did a great job on his first attempt at a web site

Meet Miss Sniff Graphic Cross/Fish Symbol. Meet Miss Sniff Graphic Fluttering Flag.

Please visit Miss Sniff's other pages. Meet Miss Sniff Graphic Open Book.

Remember...September 11th, graphic.

Native American graphics by

Silverhawk's Grahics