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Miss Sniff's Banner

Credits Page Graphic Cross+Fish+Heart


Giving Credit
Where Credit Is Due

Credits Page Graphic Native American Bar

Meet Miss Sniff Graphic line.

For those who want to go directly to collectibles for sale
or want a text link to other areas click here.

You can get to Miss Sniff's other pages with the table
at the bottom of this page by clicking here.

Meet Miss Sniff Graphic line.

T h a n k
y o u

Credits Page Graphic Single Digit Counter It has been with a great deal of help that the Miss Sniff page was born. A virtual r a i n b o w of people, places, and "things" helped make Miss Sniff a Place worth visiting. Thanks to ya'll.

Credits Page Graphic Crankin the counter

Credits Page Graphic Cookstove I wish to thank those who have encouraged me to move from in front of a wood burning cookstove to the front of cyberspace. Very loving encouragement has come from Pete, Jo, Virginia, Francine, Laurie Anne, Kathy, Bill, Julie, Nancy, Connie, Roxe, and my feline friends.

Credits Page Graphic delete...Delete...DELETE!!! Credits Page Graphic A quick spiner I (Pete) have been helped by a virtual treasure trove of web-site authoring references found at my local library (check it out)!

Credits Page Graphic yet another couter The following graphic artists, graphics providers, and midi providers are hyperlinked to their site here with their name. Many have designed beautiful graphic banners to showcase their talent but this page is already a 'slow loader' so I have placed their banners here.

Credits Page Graphic More counters You can get to their site from here or there. My thanks go to a whole host of graphics providers lead by Glenda Moore at CatStuff Graphics who got us rolling in this direction. Her choice of cats, and variety of expressions and presentations, and the sheer number of cat graphics has helped this site immensely. I give Glenda a special thanks for her hard work and artistry.

Credits Page Graphic Monkey Crankin a counter There are thanks to be given to Angelfire, Anne's Place, Beard Brothers Ani-Gif Collection, Carla's Halloween Pages, Dani's Delusions, Danny's Little Collection of Animated Gifs, Draac's Gifs 1-2-3!, Emma's Fun Stuff, Free Graphics 4 Webbers (Patrick's), Geri's Pages, Gifs for WebTV Users, Gifs to Go, Image-O-Rama, Jason's Animation Outpost, Jo's World, Lady Dj, Lady Nighthunter's Domain, Lady Oh!, Little Wing, Melissa's Free Gifs, Miss Pita, Nanamar's Web Wonders, Optimized for WebTV, Pat's Flat, Sam Silverhawk, Sandy's Garden of Gifs, Surf Oasis (Russ's), Top 150 Animated Gifs, V's Place, Webspresso, and WTV Friends.

Credits Page Graphic you Are Visitor Number ... As you can see, Miss Sniff takes her time to search out graphics and music that add the touches that make this site fun to visit. The pages change monthly in addition to the special holidays within a given month. Thanks also goes to Angelfire Communications where Miss Sniff resides. All work has been proof-read by two cainine helpers who alone bear responsibility and blame for whatever doesn't work the way it should.

Credits Page Graphic Native American Bar

Credits Page Graphic Another Broken Counter

Keeping a sense of humor has helped me a great deal.

(Remember what a BACK button does?)

Do you have a sense of humor?
That's great!... If you do not have a sense of humor,
please, O please do not;
let me repeat,
click here

Credits Page Graphic Native American Bar

Questions or Comments?

Email Miss Sniff
Email Graphic for Entire site.

Please visit Miss Sniff's other pages. Meet Miss Sniff Graphic Open Book.

Credits Page Graphic Made In the USA

Credits Page Graphic anudder counter ;)

All of these areas are clickable and will take you to the various pages of the Miss Sniff Collectible site. Links outside the dark red border take you to information and entertainment pages. The links within have collectibles for sale with information about that collectible only.
Miss Sniff's Favorite Links
Great stores are linked here and other collectible information sources.
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due!
Without these graphics and music providers this site would be a little bland.
Our Provider's Banners
Here you will see our providers banners which will also take you to their site.
Special Events
Meows from Thelma on different topics or holidays :)
Reference Section
Collectible resources for your collection of Boyds, Harmony Kingdom, and various other collectibles.
Native American Tradition
The first inhabitants of this great land will always have a fondness in my heart. Here I share some of their culture.
Miss Sniff's Awards Page
I'm honored to recieve these awards. Links are provided to the site furnishing the award.

Remember...September 11th, graphic.

Native American graphics by

Silverhawk's Grahics