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Our Ring

Hi! Welcome to Maggie, Tiger, and Diamond's Cute Kitty Ring! To join is simple, just make sure you fit the requirments:

Site is cat related. However, if you really would like to join and think I might approve your site, go ahead and give it a try!

There is no adult or hate material on your site- sites like this found will be automaticly removed.

If you site promotes animal abuse in ANY way, don't bother applying.

You must put the fragment on the page you submit and upload the graphics to your site. DO NOT LINK THE GRAPHICS TO MY SITE! Just right click, save image.

Fragment must be placed with in 2 weeks from the day you joined. Otherwise, you'll be removed from the waiting list. This does not mean you can't still join, you just have to sign up again and will get a different id number.

Sites in different languages will be added, as long as they have an English counter-part! If you don't, I would prefer auf Englisch, bitte!

That's it! Easy enough, huh? Go for it! You'll get the html fragment in your email.

Join the ring!

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Maggie, Tiger, and Diamond's Cute Kitty Ring
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Cute Kitty Ring
site owned by

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