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I got the phone call just today
that you were gone; had passed away...
And these words left me in turmoil and paralized me
grasping for something to say.
So many words left unsaid...

You'd been my friend for many years
yet through the years we drifted...
We shared our joys, triumphs, tribulations, and tears
and kept each other's spirits lifted.
So many words left unsaid...

We often take for granted
what each of our live's mean...
and on life's journey through time and space
these messages sometimes go unseen.
So many words left unsaid...

And so we live each day as it passes
walking in and out it's door...
never really knowing our future
and the challenges left in store.
So many words left unsaid...

And now my friend you walk among the Angels
and bathe in heavenly light...
knowing you're at peace with God
will help me sleep at night.
So many words left unsaid...

In this World this is nothing more precious to me
then all of my family, and friends, old and new...
and I am not going to let another day go by
without saying these words that are true.
So many words left unsaid...

I love you all with all of my heart

your friendship is what sees me thru...
and I want to wish you life's best
and may all your dreams come true!
So many words left unsaid...
Original Poem by Sunrise_d c 1998 and soul property of me
not to be copied or published elsewhere pending copyright laws.
In Loving Memory of my dear friend Linda (O'Toole) Sargis...
Born: July 10, 1963
At Rest: October 8, 1998
I will miss you my friend~
Pappa John Farron (PJ)
"PJ you were a great friend and like a father to me..."
another needless victim of Cancer.....
Gregory Andrew Marshall
Born: July 8, 1999
At Rest: October 10, 1999
My Best Friend...
"We shall and always will be forever friends Greg...
I shall miss you deeply and love you always!!"
"Your Babydoll"
This page is dedicated to all my family,
my dear friends who make me what I am,
and all of my friends in vp....I love you all~ ~*sunrise_d*~

This page is an award winning site and has won these awards:

My Favorite Links

Loving You Comes Easy
Holding On To Now
Wrapped Up In You
Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
Everything I Am
Bed Of Roses
Ocean Love
My Loving Valentine
Our Love Is Bliss

Email: sunrise_d35@hotmail.com