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Random thought of the moment for February 25, 2002: 

   Go Salukis Go!

First of all, this will probably be the first and only sports column I'll ever write.  However, I just got back from a good game, so here it goes!

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to "get into" a sport when the team you like is having a good season?  Most of the time (sportswise), I'm thinking stuff like "Huh, SIU has a women's rugby team?"  However, I am getting into the men's basketball this year.  When I hear people on campus talking about Jermaine Dearman, Rolan Roberts, and Kent Williams, I feel like I'm "in the know".  Before, for all I knew, Rolan Roberts could've been some semi-famous political figure who spoke at Shryock last month or the new 2nd floor janitor in Pulliam.

I'm not that much of a sports fan, but again, it's always easier to root for your team when they're good!  Maybe it's seems like something bigger at college level?  In high school, if the boys team went to state, it was a big deal.  Even if they won, they weren't nationally known or even known in other parts of the state.  SIU is approaching the NCAA March Madness thing.  It's one biggest gambling event every year in sports.  It's amazing to think that people in California could possibly be betting thousands (or even millions) of dollars, houses, cars, etc. on our very own Southern Illinois University Salukis!  Wow!  

Regardless of what happens in the end, the men's team will have had a great season!  So, for now, good luck in the Missouri Valley Conference, guys!  Go Salukis!  

DISCLAIMER:  This column has been written to share the insights, perspectives, and random thoughts of the college student's mind.  This information does not necessarily reflect the instruction methods  at Southern Illinois University - Carbondale. It posted for humor purposes only.

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