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Welcome to Lahan's Voyager page

Here you will find some stuff about this great series that is not even being showed on Israel yet. There are all kinds of StarTrek themes (MIDI files), Many sounds (WAVs) and ofcourse pictures.

Pictures: To enlarge a picture, click on it with the left mouse button. To download a picture click on it with the right button and choose "save link as..." and choose a location save it.

Sounds: Here are some sounds not only from the voyager series but also from other StarTrek series and movies. If you have a suitable Plug-In you can just click them and hear them, Otherwise you have to download them (with right clicking them and choosing "Save link as...") and them hear them through windows (usually just double-clicking the .WAV file). Enjoy...

People phrases

Data:"Ah, I have access"

Kes:"Computer, Activate emergency medical holographic program"

Q:"As you wish 'mon capitane'"

Doctor:"I'm a doctor, Not a database"

Q:"Oh come picard, Why do you distrust me so ?"

Data(?):"Has anyone ever told you ? You are a real freak astoris"

Doctor:"I'm a doctor, Not an historian"

Someone:"(something)...never be to hot"

Worf:"Do not hug me"

Worf:"Captain... Incoming message"

Picard:"Make it so"

Doctor:"Please state an issue of the medical emergency"


Riker(?):"Welcome aboard"

Someone:"Compter, command X J L"


Computer phrases



Computer:"Authorization denied"

Computer:"Autodestruct sequence armed"

Computer:"Warning, Outer hole breach"

Computer:"The captain is not on the ship"

Computer:"Automatic defence procedures initiated"

Computer:"Direction uncleared, Please repeat request"

Computer:"Please input command code"

Computer:"Command functions are offline"

Computer:"Please specify how would you like to proceed sir"

Computer:"Program complete"

Computer:"That program is already in use"

Computer:"Please restate a single question"

Computer:"Transfer complete"

Computer:"Unable to comply, Internal scanner relays have been damaged"

Computer:"Command codes verified"


Computer:"Zimmerman program alpha one is now complete"


No-talks sounds

Alaram sound

Cargo door sound

Combadge sound

Computer sound #1

Computer sound #2

Computer sound #3

Computer sound #4

Computer sound #5

Computer sound #6

Computer sound #7

Computer sound #8

Computer sound #9

Doorbell sound

Regaining the energy for the ship

Hail sound

Intruder sound

Regaining power

Redalert sound

Torpedo firing sound

Transporter sound #1

Transporter sound #2

Transporter sound #3


MIDIs: Here are some MIDIs from all kinds of StarTrek series and movies. If you have a suitable Plug-In you can just click them and hear them, Otherwise you have to download them (with right clicking them and choosing "Save link as...") and them hear them through windows (usually just double-clicking the .MID file). Enjoy...

The original StarTrek theme

StarTrek the next generation theme (version 1)

StarTrek the next generation theme (version 2)

Deep Space Nine theme

Voyager theme (version 1)

Voyager theme (version 2)

StarTrek 1

StarTrek 2

StarTrek 3

StarTrek 4

StarTrek 6

StarTrek generations theme

First contact theme

Main HomePage . About Myself . StarTrek:Voyager . Cats . The Simpsons . Midi Juke-Box