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Kimmy G's Page

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Hey ALL welcome to my hompage!! My name iz kim. I like to play soccer and i have been updating my page as i have been able. Im 17 female and i practically have issues with all my friends their so twisted and its getting to point that I can't trust but a few of them. What the hell is the world comming too. i have lived all my life in a tradgy setting and maybe now its having its effects on me. If what i said offends u well listen to SLIMSHADY and deal wit it. How many rappers have u known to stir peoples minds? I think not many have done that before and hes the first of his kind.. The other kind have done well too . im just wording it this way cus i dont want offend no one. Problems let me know. Cousin Courtney, if u ever see this page, i want to tell u when u introduced me to chicken soup for the teenage soul u gave me a wonderful gift. and i mena to Ty personally. Well, a few things about me are that i have icq and AIM . Icq is like aim only u have many different options. my icq number has changed you can contact me by either paging or messageing according to what it says at the bottom. And my AIM is KaG8402, for MSN use my E-mail address to message me. So how is every one? I found a few great sites i want to mention to ya all. The first being its a virtual pet site where u register and play for FREE!!! its awesome. then the second site i want to tell u about is . It has helped me vent my frustrations and U can get to know me more personally by reading my diary. Look Up CandlesfixationWebGi And urll find my diary. And Now im going to talk about the little animals at the top of my page. Their neopets. their completly virtual pets and being completly free. its great, I recommend it Completely. If u want to be on my friends page please e-mail me ur name, pic, and stuff u want along under ur name. Thanx. All my friends have access to my page to help me edit cause i'm always at a loss for how to improve my page therefor usally im doing changes or they are if it is unaccessible. WEll e-mail me if u need to get ur page noticed . Sign the guest book and also the slambook to please it has taken me awhile to find one, so please sign. It is Plus the one they give . PEACE ALL. KIM

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