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cat suckling study—the results

8. If you discouraged suckling, please explain how.
Suckling Feline #1: I held his head away from my shirt sleeve and petted it. Or I just placed him on the floor.
Suckling Feline #2: At first, I discouraged suckling, for a period of 2-3 months. I did so by pushing him away from me, or blocking my ears. After 2-3 months, he was still persistently attempting whenever he had the opportunity, so I decided that if suckling made him happy (it's his favorite activity) I'd let him.
Suckling Feline #3: I let her do it sometimes, but when it gets irritating, I hold her head away from my neck while petting her. When that doesn't work, I put her off the bed.
Suckling Feline #4: No response.
Suckling Feline #5: No response.
Suckling Feline #6: N/A.

Suckling Feline #7: No response.
Suckling Feline #8: I separate them for a while and as soon as they're back together it starts again.
Suckling Feline #9: No response.
Suckling Feline #10: I put a hand under his chin whenever he started suckling, but kept petting him.
Suckling Feline #11: moving him away from the other cats.
Suckling Feline #12: I gently blow on his face or say no and his name very slowly. This stops him at the time, but he does again any time he is sleepy or cuddling.

Suckling Feline #13: I kind of discouraged her by taking her off of my hair, but she was so persistant that I gave her a teddy bear to suckle, and now whenever she gets cuddly or tired she curls up on her teddy bear and suckles. She has cut down a little but not much.
Suckling Feline #14: pulling her foot away or distracting her. Now i have given up on trying to discourage her.
Suckling Feline #15: No response.
Suckling Feline #16: N/A.
Suckling Feline #17: N/A.
Suckling Feline #18: N/A.
Suckling Feline #19: I never allowed it. He could suckle his bottle but not me. Whenever he tried I would put him down. He seemed to figure out that if he wanted attention he could not do this.
Suckling Feline #20: After a while I stopped her from suckling
my ear. I would put my hand over my ear when she came up to it or I would move her to my lap and pet her.
Suckling Feline #21: N/A.
Suckling Feline #22: We would remove her from us at first, then we started givig her a light tap on the nose when she did this. To this day she will try to suckle on your skin or hair and nestle and knead her paws in you hair and suckle your hair almost every time she comes to see you, if we give her a tap on the nose the first few times she does this when she comes to see us she will eventually stop and just be happy being petted and scratched but we have to go a few rounds with the nose tapping almost every time.
Suckling Feline #23: He was tiny, feral and very aggressive as a kitten and tried desparately to nurse on our adopted Chihuahua. We discouraged it and I am glad as he grew very large, very fast and is still very aggressive with all dogs from the Chi to the German Sheperd. It is possible if we had let him nurse he would have out grown it and left her alone, however, knowing his obsessive personality I'm glad we didn't because I think it would have been a problem. I breast fed my babies, I am aware of the need to suck and the benefits. He is a split personality, playing, wrestling aggressively with the dogs and cats and then at night he is a "little baby" with his blanket.
Suckling Feline #24: Any time she would attempt to suckle, I would put her down from wherever she was (ex: if she was laying on the couch with me, I would put her down on the carpet.)
Suckling Feline #25: N/A.
Suckling Feline #26: We tried that Bitter apple stuff on my other cats arm, it stunk so bad I felt bad for him having it on his arm. so we gave it up, and so did he, he just puts up with it.
Suckling Feline #27: I was young and she would try to suck on my pjs at night. So I would move her. I really think that this "loss" made her so mean. I am talking about "blood-drawing" mean. You could NOT pet her. Because of this, when I got another kitten years later, I let it suckle and will fill out another questionaire for that one.
Suckling Feline #28: Only when full-grown. I just sent the form re my other cat that was so mean. This cat was the sweetest thing and she lived to be 23 years old. I really think cats are taken away from their mothers much too young.
Suckling Feline #29: N/A.
Suckling Feline #30: N/A.
Suckling Feline #31: N/A.
Suckling Feline #32: Sometimes I tried to stop him by putting my hand between his mouth and my clothes or by turning him in another position, but he was very consistant.
Suckling Feline #33: N/A.
Suckling Feline #34: When she tried to suckle us, we'd put her down, or pick her mouth up. When I caught her with the dog, I'd do the same thing. Sometimes the dog would discourage her with a sharp "word", sometimes he would get up and leave, and other times he'd just let her have at it. I never bothered to try to stop her from suckling the blanket.
Suckling Feline #35: N/A.
Suckling Feline #36: Pick her up and move her to a new spot, or if she is laying on me, put something between us, like a pillow.
Suckling Feline #37: N/A.
Suckling Feline #38: I don't see any reason to discourage her. I just think it's a need she has and it's real sweet to see and HEAR her suckle. By the way, the only place she does this is on my right shoulder and it's usually when we she is ready for bed.
Suckling Feline #39: N/A.
Suckling Feline #40: N/A.
Suckling Feline #41: N/A.
Suckling Feline #42: Tapping on nose everytime he begins to suckle. He usually stops but begins the next time he returns to my lap
Suckling Feline #43: N/A.
Suckling Feline #44: N/A.
Suckling Feline #45: Pulled his tail from his mouth and tried to replace the activity with toys or cuddling.
Suckling Feline #46: N/A.
Suckling Feline #47: N/A.
Suckling Feline #48: Saying "no" in a really loud voice. It doesn't help.
Suckling Feline #49: N/A.
Suckling Feline #50: I used to remove her from my lap and offered her food but after a year of this the only result seemed to be a very bad tempered cat upon removal. Every time I removed her she would go and beat my other cats up.
Suckling Feline #51: He no longer suckles, but he nuzzles and kneads his paws, and we let him do this. When he was little, we simply pushed him off our laps or moved his head away.
Suckling Feline #52: I did at times push her away. She's persistent though.
Suckling Feline #53: keep my fingers hidden from him when he tried to suck them, or put him in the floor
Suckling Feline #54: N/A.
Suckling Feline #55: N/A.
Suckling Feline #56: N/A.
Suckling Feline #57: Apple Bitter on the area she suckles, and also I hold her head away from it, or put her in a position where she can't get to it.
Suckling Feline #58: N/A.
Suckling Feline #59: N/A.
Suckling Feline #60: Push him away and play with him or pet him and try to distract him. Neither of which made him happy.
Suckling Feline #61: N/A.
Suckling Feline #62: i would tell her no and pet her. after two years of discouraging her i gave in. but there are times that i just don't have the time for it.
Suckling Feline #63: removing said cat from skin, over and over again.
Suckling Feline #64: discouragement is futile; tried removing cat from skin.
Suckling Feline #65: pulling the tail out of his mouth.
Suckling Feline #66: We didn't discourage it. Our vet said that it caused no harm. Rusty seems to be comforted by it almost.
Suckling Feline #67: N/A.
Suckling Feline #68: N/A.
Suckling Feline #69: lift him up gently, talk to him in baby voice, change his position in lap, hold his paws in my hands, or take him off lap and place him beside me.
Suckling Feline #70: Just by removing my cat from my lap and saying "no". However, this does not last long and he's back to it in no time.
Suckling Feline #71: N/A.
Suckling Feline #72: N/A.
Suckling Feline #73: by moving him saying no,separating him from me, he then moved on to other cats which i also discouraged,then he became addicted to suckling on himself.
Suckling Feline #74: N/A.
Suckling Feline #75: N/A.
Suckling Feline #76: N/A.
Suckling Feline #77: N/A.
Suckling Feline #78: N/A.
Suckling Feline #79: The cat would suck when I was laying in bed, with her on my belly. Generally, I was petting her on the back, so I would move to scratch her below the chin so that it couldn't suck. If she moved to suck again, I would quit petting her and put her off the bed.
Suckling Feline #80: N/A.
Suckling Feline #81: Moved him from my head. He would just come back.
Suckling Feline #82: N/A.
Suckling Feline #83: N/A.
Suckling Feline #84: N/A.
Suckling Feline #85: N/A.
Suckling Feline #86: N/A.
Suckling Feline #87: N/A.
Suckling Feline #88: N/A.
Suckling Feline #89: N/A.
Suckling Feline #90: N/A.

9. Would you say that your cat, outside of the suckling, or previous suckling, is well-adjusted, or does the cat have behavior or emotional problems?