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behavior problems and creative solutions

cat won't eat hairball medicine
I have heard many a horror story about cats who won't eat their hairball medicine; however, all five of my cats lick the medicine from my fingers as if it were a wonderful treat. Often, I can dispense hairball remedy to all my cats at the exact same time, one licking from each finger. It is quite impressive.

To replicate this amazing feat in your household:

  1. When you give the cat hairball remedy, act like you are giving the cat a delicious treat, not medicine. Put some on your finger and call the cat over in a cheerful voice. Say "Look! I have a treat for you!" or whatever you usually say at treat time.
  2. Be patient; don't try to shove your finger in the cat's mouth or anything. If your cat still refuses, then try feeding your cat some canned food from your finger to get him used to the idea that yummy stuff can be licked from fingers.
  3. If that doesn't work, determine if the hairball medicine is the culprit. Perhaps it just tastes nasty. I use Petromalt Hairball Remedy, and I am five-for-five with that. It is malt flavored, which for whatever reason the cats enjoy.