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Illinois Rock Band!

Featuring Kevin Sinclair & Troy Stone

Fake Jan is a recording based band from Danville, IL. I wrote all of the music and the lyrics were written by Troy. I had people like Gary Jones from Danville and Tom Combs from Indianapolis come in to cover most of the guitar solos, and I did all the other instruments myself (including the drums ). Jim Maxwell from Farmersburg, IN played drums on Junkmail. We recorded, mixed, & mastered all of the songs here at my studio.
This is the first album I have ever produced and I am quite proud of it. I just released the song "Autumn Nights" as a single. I remastered it from the original, plus I included a remixed and re-edited version of "Run" as the B-side, it sounds alot different than the original.
We plan to start recording our second album very soon. Troy and I have already started writting material and hope to get together soon. Troy recently moved back to Nashville, but he plans on coming up to record. You can click on his name above to see what he is up to.
Here are some audio clips from our CD "Love That Feeling". Have a listen and enjoy. Some of the clips are linked to our page so if you click on them they may take you to another page first. Fake Jan would just like to thank all of those who have listened and everyone who has bought a cd.

"Love That Feeling"Wav-Lo-Fi play-MP3 Download
"Stay With Me"Wav-Lo-Fi play
"Run"Wav(chorus)- Wav(solo)- Lo-Fi play
"Fantasy Romance"Wav-Lo-Fi play-MP3 Download
"I Knew"Wav -Wav(chorus)-Lo-Fi play
"Goodbye (for now)"Wav(verse)-Wav(chorus)-Lo-Fi play
"JunkMail"Wav -Lo-Fi play-MP3 Download
"Had Enough"Lo-Fi play - MP3 download
"Autumn Nights"Wav1 - Wav2-Lo- Fi play
All songs (c) 2000

For ordering info please go to Seven D`s Records for more info, other Fake Jan releases, and other artists from Seven D`s.
To order the "Love That Feeling" cd by credit card or Internet cash click here!
Or you can purchase a copy at "Wavs" music store
in the Danville Village Mall, and Sam Goody in Champaign.

Sign our Guestbook View our Guestbook

Kevin`s personal page!
Band history, variuos pics, sound clips, etc!

Troy`s Homepage!NEW!

Troy Stone`s Whitecross page! Has various Whitecross info and Links!

Seven D`s Records
Click the MP3 logo to go to the Fake Jan Mp3 page!
Who Played on the Fake Jan CD
More Fake Jan mp3`s

Fake Jan Links page!
Links to Friends of Fake Jan