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Cecil | Kain | Rosa | Rydia | Cid | Edward | Yang | Tellah | Palom & Parom | Edge| Fusoya | Golbez

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Cecil- A Dark Knight, later on becomes a Paladin.  Carries a sword in his right hand, and a shield in his left.  This is the main character, very powerful in offensive and defensive.  When he becomes a Paladin, he has the power to cast some white magic.  This character will stay with you through the whole game.
Kain- A Dragoon, friend of Cecil.  Has a very powerful jump, which stomps his enemies, causing massive damage on them.  Still powerful in offensive and defensive.  This character also changes from good to bad a couple a times, being under golbez's spell.  Very useful character!
Rosa- A White magic user, lover of Cecil, later getting married.  Uses white magic to revive the party and heal them of spells cast on them.  User of the bow and arrow.  Not really having a good defence compared to Cecil and Kain.  Using the "Aim" when she has arrows will cause the arrows to do more damage then normal.  She also has powers for attack.
Rydia- A Caller, and Black Magic user.  At first she can use a little black and white magic and one called monster.  After she has come back from the Land Of The Summond Monsters, she has matured and can no longer use white magic, but can only use black magic and call summond monsters.  Not good at offensive of defensive tactics, but can use very powerful magic, and can call certain monsters if found.  My favorite character.
Cid- The Airship Chief, uses tools to attack his enemy.  Poorly equiped at the beginning.  Has an average offence and defence except at the beginning, which is bad.  You can't beat the game without this guy!  He supplies the airship for the party to travel the world and underworld in thier journey.
Edward- A Bard, a musician, as he plays on his harp, it destroys monsters.  He's very deeply sorrowed from the lost of his lover, Anna.  Not really that strong of a character.  He helps Cecil find the Sandruby, and later on gets the party out of a jam near the end of the game.
Yang- A Master of Karate, also soon to be King Of Fabul, very good member.  Attacks his enemies with claws on his hands, and also attacks with the "Kick" command.  Kick is good for damaging a group of enemies at a time.  Has an average defence and offence rate.  Lost and then found again in the game.
Tellah- A Sage, used to be able to cast very powerful black and white spells, but has forgotten over time.  He's very angry at Golbez for the death of his daughter Anna, and wants revenge.  Later, he badly wounds Golbez with spell Meteo and then kills himself.  Not a good defensive or offensive user, but a good magic user.
Palom & Parom- Wizards, sent as spies.  Palom a wizard of black, and Parom a wizard of white, still learning, are very useful in magic.  These two help Cecil up to Mt. Ordeals, in search for Cecil becoming a Paladin.  The "Twin" attack used by both children is very powerful in attacking.  They don't really have a good defence or offence, as most magic users do.
Edge- A Master Of Ninja, also a Prince.  Uses swords in his hands to attack his enemies.  Has a good offence, but not as well as defence.  Can also throw darts at his enemies as well as swords.  This guy also has a crush on Rydia, from the first day he saw her.
Fusoya- A Lunar, and a black and white wizard.  Very powerful as a magic user, but not as a weapon user and defending himself.  Help's you get the whale from Mysidia that is in the ocean.  A good character of magic.
Golbez- At first thought of as the main enemy of the story, but soon found out that he has been under Zemus's control (or Zeromus).  Created the four fiends used to stop Cecil and his party from destroying his plan to obtain all the crystals.  Golbez takes control of Kain, which he is controled by Zeromus.  Near the end turns over to good.  Golbez and Fusoya try to defeat Zeromus on thier own, but are unsucessful.  Very very powerful, never used in the party, but has  a good defense and offence.

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