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Gun Shots 2.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Well this is my page pretty cool huh? I got pics and lot of them but for anypics i dont got try here they have normally impossible to find pics Cool Pics I will just tell you a litte about different guns.

Semi autos

The Bushmaster 2000-Awsome gun what I use now shoots extremly fast like 13-14 balls per second and the accuracy is great to. Its the poormans Angel most of the performance of an Angel at half the price. The going price is $600 and it is definetly worth it. I traded 2 of my cockers for this gun and though the guy I traded with proably got a better deal I don't regret it all this guns so awsome. It has select fire capabilitys to you got semi mode, 3 shot burst, 6 shot burst, and Full Auto. This is Definetly a 10 of 10

The Angel- sweetest gun on earth 15+shots a second Full auto chip avalable (now comes with a Select fire board) all for only 1,200 dollars. This gun is awsome but way out of my price range. 9 of 10 well worth the money if you have $1,200 to spend on a paintball gun, but its still to much considering the bushmasters half that.

Auto mag- Its a peice of shit shoots about 7 shots a second exact numbers depends on how much works been done on the gun. cost around $300 7 of 10 I had one of these it sucked it chopped paint all the time it leaked non-stop and thats just the start of the hell it put me thru. I did get it working and traded it for my 97 Cocker soon after.

*the gun pictured is a RT mag not a auto mag follow link for more info.

Rain maker- a Brass Eagle gun ok gun 14 shots a second cost around $400. I have seen this gun in action and it works good but the guy had to send it back twice cause it didn't work and a gun should work out of the box. 5 of 10

Mini mag- this should of been under the auto mag whoops oh well their the same except for size but lighters is supposedly better but is worth a extra $50? 6 of 10 answer is no its not worth a extra $50 in my opinion.

Auto Cocker- Very sweet but not as nice as a angel, unless you throw alot of money into um. Shoot around 7-10 shots a second nice tournament grade gun for a mere $350. Ive had 3 Cockers and they were all great guns still have one of um. Can be upgraded majorly to compete with Bushmasters and Angels but can cost around the 1,000 dollar range 8 of 10

Shocker 4x4, SF, ot Turbo- awsome great gun light weight. The SF works in three modes semi, three burst, or full auto. 4x4 is semi mode only. I wont even get into what Turbo is but its very very fast and I like it. Well I have seen this gun in action a lot more l8tely and its alot better then I ever thought a trigger pull thats short not as short as an Angel are Bushmaster but short, and good accuracy it's capable of 11.2 shots a second and for only $700 looks like a ok buy in my opinion go with the Bushmaster are a Shocker Turbo but turbos are a bit more expensive. Its a bit on the ugly side and is a large gun not good for smaller players. 8 of 10.

Spyder- My old gun nice for only $150 shoots standard 5-7 shots a second lot like a Raptor also for same price but its a peice of junk but if u get it working it can keep up with a Spyder. Dont do somthing stupid and pay $200 (Don't buy from Walmart are Sports Authority) for one of these you can find them alot better prices then that. 8 of 10

Stingray I or II- Its a beginners Semi if you never want to win tournaments get one of these they are the lowest priced semis available shoot at most 4 shots a second but for $100 not bad if u can keep it working, which is hard to do. I personaly hate these guns seems like im always fixing someones. 3 of 10 good price for semi

Pump guns

Sterling pump- I don't know much about these guns except their supposed to be the best pumps available which at $300 bucks it better be. I would take a pair of Spyders any day. 8-10 losses 2 for price

Tiger shark- nice for beginners if your gona start with a pump make it this one. $60 6 of 10

Talon- Ok its crap but it is good for a low money gun its how I started $35 I found it can be easily improved if you spend some time on it. 3 of 10 for good price

Comments questions email me

More stuff will be added as I fill like.


RP- best paintballs available no matter what kind just as long as its a RP ball it will fly straight and brake on contact. RP's are usually good for small bore barrels. 10 of 10

Nelson- All of Nelsons balls are good but still second best to RP balls. Larger ball for medium to large bored barrels cause problems in some tigher barrels 8 of 10

NitroDuck- This is what i shoot good quality hardly ever pop in barrels, shoot straight great for the price. Small size paint good in most barrels. Now made by Diablo thats why its a smaller ball then before. 9 of 10

Stingers- DO NOT USE THESE BALLS!!! The actual name brand of these we dont know but we call um stingers. These have a extra thick shell and or designed to hurt people and rarely bust so hits dont count anyway. If i ever get hit with one of these count on a full powered Bushmaster shooting you. 1 of 10 for being better then Brass Eagle.

Brass Eagle- You must hate your gun to use this paint it bust about 5 of 20 gunks up your gun severly and cost more then most other paints. They are coming out with new paint and i will review it once i get a chance to shoot it. News break the new paint sucks just as much as the old!!!! 0 of 10


1-3 dont buy 4-6 buy as beginers or for low cost alternative 7-10 good stuff get it.


For a barrel upgrade my advice is DYE 14" BOOMSTICK this is one of the barrels I use and is what most of the tourney players I know use. The Boomstick is also in my oppinion the best looking barrel currently avaiable. The stainless and aluminum Dyes are also great barrels and are cheaper so if you don't got money for the Boomstick check them out. All of DYES barrels are great thats why ive owned 3 of um (4 as soon as I get one for my Bushmaster). 10 of 10.

DYE 12" Stainless Ive owned 2 of these one for my old spyder and one for my cockers and they are nice a bit heavy but I don't mind the weight. One of the major selling points of this barrel is how good it looks, DYE makes great looking gear and top performers. They shoot great, very straight and have great long range acuracy. They are heavy like I said before and are very shiny since there all stainless steal and can draw attention in the woods. 9 of 10

12" 2-stage OTP- These barrels are Dyes biggest competions and seems like all the tourney guys are using them, but I didn't have the best luck with mine. It did shoot good and the spacer system they use for cocker barrels is a great idea. It shot about as good ad my Boomstick but its not as good looking and the spacer systems a pain when you know you could just screw on the Dye and get just as good of performance with most paints. This was an awsome barrel for large paints just put in larger spacer and it was ready to go. It's a large bore barrel with sleeves that make it smaller were the ball 1st enters the barrel, so balls won't roll out barrel. If you got an Angel I would use this barrel they shoot extremly good for angels from what ive seen. 9 of 10

12" PMI Ceramick- This barrel shot great for me straight and had the distance but for some reason seemed to break alot of paint no matter how good of a ball fit are quality of paint. It shot very good up till it would break a ball shot as good as my Boomstick and there bout half the price to bad it would break one out of 200 balls are so. 7 of 10

All American- very nice for accuracy and distance over all they could not have made it much better barrel. It's rumored to be a gas hog but I never noticed a diffrence between it and any of my other barrels. Its also very quiet along with accurate. Also nice can choose the wanted bore size (small medium large). The one of these I had was nice but I would take a DYE anyday. 8 of 10

Smartparts Progressive barrels- nice barrel not as good as a All American but great short distance accuracy and decent long range shooting. They are also very affordable. 7 of 10

Jacko barrel- ok scientificly designed for best accuracy and distance shooting but it was designed by your stupiditer scientist so try another barrel 1st still nice though but theres better. Ive herd great things bout these on mags but not on other guns so if you got a mag seriously look into these. Two bore sizes medium and small. They aint that great are why would Angel owners buy new barrels? 7 of 10

These are some of barrels I have used and as I test more they will be posted. All the barrels I have owned are a Dye Boomstick, Dye Stainless, OTP 2 peice with spacers, Lapco Auto Spirit, PMI ceramick, Smartparts Progressive, and a DACC. (All testing is based on how I thought the gun with that barrel shot the conditions for each test were diffrent, Diffrent balls, guns and weather conditions varied)


1. Always wear paintball designed mask.

2. Go out when your hit and expect others to do same.

3. If it comes down to you and one other guy stat firing at his bunker reapetedly so he can't move then just walk up not letting him out of his bunker to see you coming and shoot him. (Other wise no as bunkeringbut be carefull he pops out u dont want a be standing wide open)

4. Dont waste money on a paint grenade they only go off about %50 of the time and if it dose not go off chances are they will throw it back and it will.

5. This page is cool PILLES PAGE

If you want to play my team E-mail us at but you will have to make a trip to Nashville IL.

If I have dated links are you have advice or comments E-mail me at

Best Feilds

1. Paintball Pit Mt. Vernon IL

2. R&M In Texaco IL

3. My freinds Jareds feild near Nashville IL

4. Splatter Valley in Centralia IL

5. This kids place in Pickneyville IL

Read my Guestbook!
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My Fellow Paintball Players

  • Jeff age 16 gun Bushmaster 2000 (back up Upgraded 95 Cocker)
  • Mike age 16 gun Souped Spyder (dont play much anoymore, yeah he sucks)
  • Charlie age 23 gun Automag (Uses my back up Cocker usualy)
  • Jared age 16 gun Souped Titan (Getting out of the sport the basterd)
  • Dustin age 13 gun Spyder (Uses Charlies Mag usualy)

My Favorite Links

My Other Page
Spyders Owners Group
Paintball Sphere
Paintball News
Palmers Owner Group
Indian Creek Paintball
RB Games
The Paintball Store
Polecat paintball
Paintball Auction
Paintball Resource
Raven Paintball
Scott USA
Paintball Zone
